Where were you when free speech lost?

Where were you when free speech lost?

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Its back up retard


Attached: FUCKNAZIS.gif (490x360, 441K)

>muh nazi twitter

>Muh national socialist worker party that hasn't existed for years boogyman

Not posting on that shitty site.

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>free speech
>bans lolicon

I don't believe in freedom for hate speech

>being retarded and thinking it fools anyone
c'mon bruh

me: uhh sweetie,,, everything is political, there's no such thing as "apolitical" (lol)

also me: wtf get this Jow Forums shit off /v/

You don't believe in freedom of speech then. What you consider to be hate speech is whatever you want it to be, which gives you a blank check to censor anything you don't like which is the antithesis of free speech.

Free speech never existed.

You're right, I don't believe in absolute freedom of speech. Only children do.

>I should be able to go up to people and say I am going to kill them. IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO!

Upsetting the established order always required a fight.

Look up what a gabbai is.

OP is a dumb shill

On Jow Forums seeing 4channel threads get deleted.

>Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences
yes it fucking does you dumbass, if you have to fear any consequence over what you say then you aren't free to say whatever you want. Do you want to know whats the worst part? retards like you keep spouting these vitriols like it's some sort of undeniable truth.

You disagree with the concept altogether. You can't say you support free speech and also support censorship. These are mutually exclusive. You would prefer to live in a world where other people dictate what you see and hear. You prefer to live in a world where tyrannies are allowed to exist unchecked.


>You're right, I don't believe in absolute freedom of speech. Only children do.
That's fine. I don't want you in my country though.

Jow ForumsED

>Where were you when the faggot blue boards got kicked off Jow Forums for good?

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>A gabbai, also known as shamash or warden is a beadle or sexton, a person who assists in the running of synagogue services in some way.

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>when did free speech die?
When Jow Forums was sold to a gook jew.

OKAY, this is epic

>Gabbai (pl. gabbaim) is an Aramaic word that means tax collector, but today a gabbai is someone who assists with the reading of the Torah.

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Freedom of speech applies to the government's inability to restrict your speech. It does not apply to businesses which reserve to right to refuse service or employment to you for any reason. If you call your boss a cocksucker your boss has every right to fire you. Welcome to the real world, snowflake.

The concept of freedom of speech is not a constitutional idea. In the constitution it's stated that the government shall not infringe on someone's right to free speech. It does not control what the concept itself is; it only limits what the government can do.

What we're talking about is the concept, not the constitutional American context.

You goddamn fucking idiot, freedom of speech isn't just and amendment, it's a concept.

See you at the firing squad.

Boys this is a serious problem. The concept of radical freedom of speech, just like radical freedom of information, are being systematically eliminated from the public consciousness. Both movements are genuinely relatively new and with the conglomorate direction that the internet is headed in today supporters of these ideas must make a concerted effort to sustain these movements as credible alternatives to the status quo. If we don't they WILL become extinct fodder for history textbooks like the hippies' free consciousness and the pioneer's personal sovereignty.

If the old internet was a model which proved the applicability of these ideas in modern society then in a web 2.0 world they must be transformed into a poitical principle of inherent rights that restricts the institutions which now control our system of communication as the bill of rights was meant to preserve the liberty of the anarchic colonial society in America once it was placed under the supervision of consolidated state.

We will lose the assumptions of a right to access information and a right to express any sentiments we want through the digital medium.

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>It does not apply to businesses which reserve to right to refuse service or employment to you for any reason
So if I provide you with a service in which the ToS says that I reserve the right to sew you face to the ass of a paki and you sign it, can I do it? can I revoke your freedom, and eventually your life, because I provide a service to you? Can I go against the law and morality because I'm a private business?

>Where were you when free speech lost?

No one is preventing you from calling your boss a cocksucker, not even your boss. The concept of free speech isn't being attacked here. What prevents you from calling your boss a cocksucker is the desire to not be fired for it. That's entirely different from the concept of free speech being attacked.

Yes, Acosta is a member of the free press. Barring his access to the White House is restricting the freedom of the press. If CNN fired him, he would no longer be a member of the press and thus the restriction would be fine.

Cool strawman, fag.

No but you can make it so someone becomes homeless and denied every service on earth if they say the wrong thing. Wrong speech will get you exiled from civilization.

>Yes, Acosta is a member of the free press. Barring his access to the White House is restricting the freedom of the press. If CNN fired him, he would no longer be a member of the press and thus the restriction would be fine.
So why doesn't alex jones have a pass? What defines "free press". Can i be a "free press" if i have a blog? How many people do they have to admit to the white house and is there nothing that any "free press" can do to be denied access? Can i bring a gun?

>No one is preventing you from calling your boss a cocksucker, not even your boss. The concept of free speech isn't being attacked here. What prevents you from calling your boss a cocksucker is the desire to not be fired for it
Yeah no that's not the case at all, on the US for example, phone lines are protected by the US gov as a common carrier, because in the past their utility was essential for the individual's ability to exercise free speech.

Same thing for ISPs and Social Media, they are virtual public squares and every time something is banned for being "offensive" not because it broke any law, freedom of speech is at high risk.