Tulsi Gabbard btfo. Then proceeds to btfo Trump Supporter

Tulsi Gabbard btfo. Then proceeds to btfo Trump Supporter.

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Oh the “absolutely sweetie” rebuttal who could’ve seen that coming

The face of Jow Forums

KEK. in all seriousness, Tulsi Gabbard is usually pretty good. She met with Assad and btfo's neocons on a regular basis

hilarious how she responded


LOL who does this? fucking false flag account, pathetic.

troll level is over 9000

>i. e. your mommy
Wash my mouth out mommy Tulsi

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Never underestimate just how retarded most Trump voters are.

Me want Tulsies Milkies!!!

>KEK. in all seriousness, Tulsi Gabbard is usually pretty good. She met with Assad and btfo's neocons on a regular basis
this. we're just watching bread and circus

she browses pol. have my jewish babies tulsi

Reminds me of this

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too bad shes fucked on guns

And now the left has a perfect mockery of the MAGA type to put on display

Good job with buying into Trump's stupid trucker hat simpleton marketing

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>I'm a tough-talking former military woman (lol)
>supports gun control

And everything else except for Syria

time to go back my pede friend

Based and redpilled to be completely upfront about all this with you my man.

Beware of the crypto-kike mossad agent.

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I don't understand why you would vote for someone on their Syrian policy when the reality is, it's not as if we're going to walk back a profitable decades-long alliance with the Saudis because Iran is a more moral country or something.

Because Trump voters are responsible for every obnoxious tweet. Gotcha.
What political position can you identify that's free from obnoxious tweeters? Or are you just a bloviating leftist?

That's an obvious false flag.
Almost as obvious as Meg Lanker Simons.