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Other urls found in this thread:


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So they intend to stop Israel from a preemptive strike?

But how can this happen?

When will Israel false flag us so we can go in?

Oh oh. Iran is in need of a good old fashioned waaarh.


And nothing happens. We never have happening anymore.

Reminder that Iran would fucking destroy the US in a war
US is a Jewish puppet nation of mutts and women

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Ya know its funny, I don't see Iran a major threat to my life or people....

Attached: DerJude.png (651x802, 944K)

You must be 18+ to post here.


I'd actually feel much safer if Iran had nukes pointed at Israel.

Honestly posts like this prove that most of Jow Forums is anti-Israel just to be contrarian.

Israel offers a lot to the US, we share information all the time, support each other in economic and technological development. They are our hub in the Middle East.

JIDF plz go

jews are war mongering psychopaths with insatiable blood lust and everyone knows it

Is Israel going to attack American bases now?

Attached: USS Liberty.png (721x497, 112K)

Nice reddit response kike lover
Go die for Israel now while your women get blacked

>US puts military bases next to the borders of Iran
>"yes our missiles have a long enough reach to strike the bases just outside our border"
t. Mr. Iran
t. Media

>they are our hub in the middle east


Let's see your flag, faggot.

Kek go back faggot kike loving nigger

>Reminder that Iran would fucking destroy the US in a war
Do you know why America has been shit at war for 70 years?
Because we don't have any good damn objectives.
What was the goal in Korean or Vietnam?
Or more recently in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Deposing Sadaam was easy, but it didn't end there.
This shit just goes on and on and on.

>rolling for Christmas nuke NY

>mutt is too stupid to figure out something witty to say unless it sees a flag
Not surprising given your nigger genetics

If I'm JIDF, then so is Donald Trump - arguably the most pro-Israel president in American history.

Don't forget, Israel was the only other country besides Russia that preferred a Trump victory over Hillary. Don't forget Netanyahu was the first foreign leader to congratulate President Trump, and praised his border policy.

>aircraft carriers laugh in nuke

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Ooooooooook ooooook eeeeeeeeeek eeeeeeeek

*throws banana*

*waves arms in air*

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you're a mad little somali, ain't ya?

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Maybe we should cut off the Saudi's and make good with Iran or Venezuela for oil. Neither of those countries have really attacked us, but the House of Saud has.

wtf is going on in this pic? are those Taliban? is that captain America?

btw OP
>jerusalem post
>believing jews

You dipshits who are pro-Iran in this situation are beyond help. They would gladly behead 90% of us. They are the actual enemy.

Not Somali you dumb nigger
It must be really hard to figure out which buzzwords to use without a little box to tell you where I’m from huh?
Keep trying though

>I'd actually feel much safer if Iran had nukes pointed at Israel.
Me too user. Israel is a far greater danger to the US than Iran could ever be. If not for Israel we would just buy oil from Iran. Shit, we could even play Iran off the Saudi's and get our oil cheaper!! Thanks a lot Israel.


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Security for somebody paying off tribal leaders, biz as usual.

wherever you're from, the best part dripped down your mom's leg.

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>being this new.

>we share information all the time,
Are you retarded? They constantly spy on us. And those nukes Israel has (illegally) were stolen from us. They also sell our military tech to the Chinese. With an ally like Israel, who needs enemies?

Nothing ever happens.

why tho

Getting better
Did you have a jew write that while you sucked him off

Bullshit. Israel has had a hard-on for Iran forever. Pussies want us to do their dirty work for them once again. It's not about being pro-Iran. It's about not fighting another war for the goddamn kikes.

>They are the actual enemy.
Arthur Millspaugh set up the "100 year plan" with Iran (Persia) in 1922, it's got a few years before it comes full course.

Read a book.
We been playing "good cop, bad cop" with them forever.

And yet they haven't attacked us. Sure they fund Hezbollah and militant Shiite groups. But Saudi Arabia's little pet projects attack and kill everything in their path. The Sunni are a scourge, and so are their financiers in Israel and Saudi Arabia.

> Being this retarded.

They're a man in a burning building, trying to warn us, the people in the floor above them, that there's a fire and we need to help put it out.

Israel cannot restrain Iran/radical Islam on its own. We need to all unite to wipe those fuckers out.

>The Jerusalem Post

Seems legit.

Are you an real Nazi, or did grandma just buy you a Screwdriver t-shirt at Hot Topic?

>If I'm JIDF, then so is Donald Trump - arguably the most pro-Israel president in American history.
I love how you point this out, as if we ever had any idea he is not a Zionist dick sucking cuck. Trumps major failings can be blamed either ON jews directly blocking what he wants to do here in the united states or HIS love of jews and continued support of them and their terrorist state.

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>Israel cannot restrain Iran/radical Islam on its own.
What about muh six-day war? Israel never in our conflicts in the middle east. Where were they in Iraq and Afghanistan? They only care about their own security. They don't give two shits about us.
And radical islam is not really a threat to the U.S. Especially if we disavow Israel.

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>this is what turbogoys actually believe

nigga, you just went full Bibi

they did nothing wrong

>Goebels quote

This is not news, lol.

Implying that the people currently controlling Iran have any desire to follow a 100 year plan and aren't just trying to construct nuclear weapons to kill us all.

108 Iranian migrants came into the UK over the last month. They swam across the fucking channel. These people are barbarous to the same extents as the Saudi's, if not more, it's just they haven't been given the chances to do damage in the West yet. Based on what they've done in the ME, what they've done to Israel, we know what they'll do to us.

Don't get me wrong, the Saudi's are next after Iran is glassed.

> What about muh six-day war?

Israel only won that war with Western help. If the US hadn't intervened, nukes would have gone off.

> And radical islam is not really a threat to the U.S. Especially if we disavow Israel.

I'm in Britain fucktard so this is a serious issue and try using that logic to explain why India is still relentlessly attacked by the Muslims.

>the people currently controlling Iran
You mean The Agency?

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*steals your nuke triggers* xD

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Before 2019 100%.
Economic collapse plus war with Iran = perfect depop strategy

They have before and will again, OP is a faggot.

>memeflaggot subhuman scared to show his flag

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The jews did this

>hot topic jokes
American (((humor))) everybody
I didn’t realize losing your foreskin meant also being unfunny

>proving my point
Time to try to using your brain amerinigger

Good bye schlomo Israel is a parasite, they produce nothing of value.

this nigga knows what's up

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>thinking about my dick
You do that often, huh?

>this tweet is 3 days old already

Somebody has to tell a nation of retards too stupid to figure out why it’s bad to be circumcised

That's certainly one end of it, but a bigger problem is that we're completely handicapping ourselves because our enemies call us mean if we don't.
When we went to war with Germany in WW2 we bombed everything, civilians be damned because they were still the enemy.
When we went to war with Japan we nuked a city full of civilians killing them instantly and ruining the genetic lineage of any survivors for decades cuz fuck them they're the enemy. Hell we even imprisoned Japanese-Americans cuz fuck them they COULD be enemies.
But nowadays we can't even engage known and identified enemy combatants until they engage us first. Any civilian casualties are cried about in our own country, and to the world.
If the RoE were dropped the only countries in the world that would survive more than 10 minutes against the US are Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, France, England, and Germany and only because they have nukes to launch if they start to lose.
We are also the only reason RoE exist. Were it not for the US military enforcing the RoE China would begin exterminating Africa in preparation for their expansion Russia wouldn't have stopped at the Crimean peninsula and any non Russians encountered would be gang raped then butchered just like they were for thousands of years. Hell even Japan would possibly be a military power if it weren't for the US's hegemony. And the things their victims would have to endure are horrific even compared to the Russians and Chinese.
That's not to say the US is some altruistic golden boy heroes that are always on the side of righteousness but the world would be a hell of a lot worse if we couldn't/didn't force everyone else to play nice.

>Bibi has deposited 1shekel into your account
JIDF fuck off!

So, when you think about dicks all day, does it make your food taste different?

>They are our hub in the Middle East.

What does this mean, exactly?

>americans are war mongering psychopaths with insatiable blood lust and everyone knows it


Attached: 911.jpg (960x799, 121K)

Ask your fathers wife

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Based and warpilled

fuck off kushner shill

>I'm in Britain fucktard
You have your own military, so have at it. Trust the Jews.

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Go Iran!

Put me in the screencap

>support each other in economic and technological development

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Holy fuck let’s go

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What's going on? I have dial up in my asst living residence and my AOL account has been hacked by that Jow Forums guy. Help help

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You've got to go back.

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nice try :)

The degenerate Mutt fears the based Persian.

Attached: Qassem_Soleimani.jpg (1023x575, 72K)


The assblasted Jew cries as his tricks are exposed.

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If the USA goes to war with Iran on behalf of those fucking kikes again I'm going to actually leave the basement and have some very terse words with someone, I'm not sure who but they're going to know that I'm very unhappy with my neetbux getting wasted on securing a future for those giant fucking rats when all they do is stab us in the back. I swear I'm going to write a bunch of letters and I'm actually going to do it this time.

No you wont amigo