Why are the majority of US state flags absolute GARBAGE?!

Where's the love in your state when you have no soul in your flag?

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Pic EXTREMELY related

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We don't need the best flag when we have the best motto

Ad astra per aspera
Through hardship to the stars

Attached: kansas_flag[1].jpg (600x355, 64K)

As nice as that is your flag is shit

do you think this is a better alternative to the WV flag?

Attached: wvflag.png (1080x720, 83K)

How can you draw that olive leaf crown?

If you removed the crown, I'd say it's perfect.

>tfw Texas is becoming less white
Lone Star State, right guys?

We just have to keep fighting man, to the last man.

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My flag is just a pelican stabbing itself.
We need a new one

best flag in the union, niggers.

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Florida_(1900–1985).svg.png (1280x854, 221K)

Virginias flag has a titty, a threat in Latin, and a murder on it fuck you.

fag flag

>State seal and words
>State seal and words

Attached: LAnew.jpg (1181x787, 83K)

Our flag is awesome.

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Yes it is, one of the few good ones

When will niggers learn to not put seals on flags?

Cause they were literally just made up instead of relying on local tradition

>Why are the majority of US state flags absolute GARBAGE?!
Freemasonry nerds designed them

Beat it losers!

Attached: Texas.png (227x222, 7K)

Ours are better, but designed over hundreds of years

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And now you drink Somalian semen as though it were the elixir of life.

>Flag thread
>Post coat of arms
Swedish education everyone

Just plaster John Denver on it and it'll look good.

>we have the best motto
Oh I think you meant to say you're from New Hampshire

Finland has some good ones too

Attached: 400px-Regions_in_Finland.svg.png (400x677, 80K)

Dumb motto. Kansas wasn't even involved in the original space race, let alone going to the stars by itself.

We're a Commonwealth, state cuck.

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Y’all caint touch this

Alabama master race reporting in. Also... holy shit at the number of blue flags with seals. Never even realized
>inb4 redneck education

It's sad most of our flags are garbage.

Yeah. At least our national flag is okay, and we can fly that anywhere.

I always liked Mississippi's flag even though it's a 3rd world state full of niggers.

Coat of arms is a banner though.

>Thinks Somalian semen is the elixir of life
You Mutts sure are stupid

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fuck outta here

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>State seal with text and blue background

neat flag nerd

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Tennessee master race reporting in.

Attached: feelsgoodman.png (505x261, 59K)

waow tejas so unique and vibrant

Attached: cl-flag-min[1].jpg (728x425, 8K)

>Why are the majority of US state flags shit?
Your 50 somali star flag looks absolutely horrendous too yank
You must be jelly evertime you see an aesthetic flag like the union jack.

>not knowing most of those people answered that way because they thought it would be funny
>european humor

Attached: 6766049.jpg (542x453, 24K)

Our national flag is beautiful and I am very proud to watch it flow in the wind.

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>dad is still mad all these years later

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Beautiful flag, beautiful land and that's about it for Maryland. Everything else about this state sucks. Baltimore city, niggers, spics, democrats, highest taxes, retarded gun laws etc. But hey, I'm getting medical cannabis certified tomorrow so I will just smoke pot and watch it go even more to shit.

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user have a real heart attack and look through random city flags for the shittiness.

wassup chile

Datamining thread to provoke discussion of personal location

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Fuck off.

You should’ve been aborted.

Virginia is unironically the only flag in the world with a boob on it. Ergo, the best :D

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god I miss alaska, am from palmer

we tried to improve our flag but boomers only care about welfare programs for somalis and illegals.

Attached: Minnesota_North_Star_Flag.svg_.png (2000x1200, 14K)

I'm the result of 3 babies that were miscarried.
I am unabortable and unkillable.

Washington State reporting. I love my state, but our flag is shit.

me in the top left

Best post I've ever made.

How bad are the Californians?

Fellow Kansas man!