Why wasn't Australia ever a super power? Or at least a Naval power...

Why wasn't Australia ever a super power? Or at least a Naval power? All the things that made England strong in the 18th Century, and pushed Japan along in the 19th century should have helped the Aussies too.

>Militarily isolated
>Maritime commerce
>White/Christian population

If you were an alien or someone looking from outside at human historical trends, you would think Australia would be a regional power challenging China and all the Southeast Asian nations. But they just shitpost and throw boomerangs at kangaroos.

What happened to take the proverbial wind out of Straya's sails?

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Population was a huge factor. People assume we're bigger than what we are

Why didn't you knock up a bunch of bitches? Are Australian women hot? I always imagined them as hot in my mind. Maybe it's the accent. Anyway, why weren't you faggots pumping your Aussie sperm into every...."spunk Sheila" you came across?

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Australia just allies itself with the strongest global Naval power to protect its supply lines rather than go through the expensive process of building up a truly powerful Naval force.
That has been the overriding strategic plan of the country since federation.
If the Chinese Navy builds to a point it becomes the globally dominant Navy we'll drop the US alliance quicker than we dropped our dependence on the British Navy in WW2

Australan women are fucking awful.

Have you every had to listen to the horrid noises that come of them, they speak through their noses.
"Com'n Darren, get ya tackle out an weez can make babies"

The horror!!

we've always been someones bitch and had it too good instead of fighting hard to be a great nation

Lmao this is how I'd picture an Aussie chick. Honestly I'd rather that than a kiwi girl

"Hurry up bro, just stick it in there gee"

>Less population than fucking North Korea
Yeah I wonder why.

These days they speak more like Americans (sadly)
>omg like I sooooo can't believe it right now?!

Aussie jews best jews

Moron, have you ever thrown an eye at the numbers of inhabitation in oz? They have barly 25mio.

Thats all you need to make up for your calculation. Besides they have one of the highest living standards in the world.

Prison colony, any questions?

That's almost as funny as Jewish athletes. Silly book.

The population of Aussie was 7 million at the time of WWII. That's less than places like Sweden are today.

If Aussie had 80 million Anglo Saxons it would be a superpower.

>itt: Jimmy

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They are the ones who gave you the pyrophile trees that cause drought and allow no other plants to grow so idk about that.

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I honestly very rarely hear the bogan sheila accent. It's always margot robbie/miranda ker accents.

This is how fucked our country is though, cunts actually hate our accent and try to convince everyone to stop using our slang.
Good goy pricks to be honest.

Exactly, we're barely coping with our overpopulation crisis as it is with most of Australia looking like a construction site. Besides, we're not really interested with the rest of the world, it's pretty shit.

fuck off cunt we're on smoko


The entire continent is a desert except for the coastal areas.


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>coastal areas.
We cal it the fringe.


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My Greatgrand father cut the head of a few anzac soldiers in gallipoli(Canakkale)

No hard feelings right my friends

Because you are a penal colony.

So basically yu monkey?

>weez can make babies

A penal colony with a 58 billion dollar military budget that makes warships so good that America decided to buy some off us instead of building their own cool ship.
Largest arms dealer by 2030 ;)

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C C C c c combo breaker

I know right what a cunt

>C C C c c combo breaker

I feel bad about that.

i think u monkey
considering your greatgrandad no longer has head on his body

It's like you know when i am about to post
>look at times
Why is my post above yours?

Takes a Jew to out-Jew the zionist.
Problem with whites: We're thinking we should be doing some unifying thing when our worst enemies are our own. It'll take another brother war to stop this degeneracy.
To deal with our own that have sided with the corporate sector for cheap labour via immigration.

>Why didn't you knock up a bunch of bitches?
Western nations have a number of 'cuck points' they put into various sectors. Europe put a lot of them into diversity, we put most of ours into womeme and femicism. There's a reason MGTOW is big down-under

>Why wasn't Australia ever a super power?

Yeah, nah you just stay away it will be alright...

2 reasons:

small population and cucked by Britain, and then the US after WWII.

Hes got faster internet

Who do you think convinced the Jews they were good in the first place?

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Australian (women) accents are literally the sexiest on the planet though, they're so fucking adorable.

>australian women are awful
I want you to imagine the stereotypical british woman and then give her the personality / vanity / entitlement complex of a South California girl. That's the average Australian female.

Honestly it's on par with using migrants to out-breed a population.
Sit back and let nature do it's thing.

I guess men hate their females native accents, I am the same way.

Just wait until they have black saturday levels of shit to burn.
Think they would see the sky turning orange as an ill omen?

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They'll probably just use DEW to carve fire-breaks

I find non-white women with Australian accents sexy

I wouldn't say I "hate" the females' accent where I'm from (midwest), and I'd definitely prefer it to a Boston/New York chick's accent for example, but yeah it's nothing special and I think you've got a point.

There's definitely something special about the Sheilas though wouldn't you say? Most guys I know (Americans obviously) would say it's one of the hotter ones.

ew, why?

They don't stop shit, you think there were no fire breaks on black saturday?
Israel has never had a fire in the tree tops.

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bar mitzvah

Australian women do have the sexiest accents.

Actually that belongs to southern girls or scots

City faggots just can't handle a real woman.
Any time you see someone crying about the Australian accent, Australian slang or bogans it is some fuckwit from Melbourne

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Ergh, this. Most Aussie women are shit cunts, it's a lot of work to get one, and she's liable to go and fuck Chad just to piss you off, and she'll often expect you to keep working for her and read in her mind that she doesn't really take Chad seriously.

You've got to somehow slip your dick in and be there at the right place and right time.

see this guy, city fuckwit.
Real aussie girl rides motorbikes, likes fishing, camping and sucking your dick.

Outjewing the Jew.

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>fuck off cunt we're on smoko
This is mostly why we aren't a powerful country. The average Aussie is a white nigger.

We've got the brains for the engineering but the labour is too unionist, self entitled and retarded. So when Asia started making everything, and the US put it's military everywhere, we probably just said fuck it.

Nah mate.
We are a superpower while half arsing shit, that is a fucking accomplishment and a point of national pride for me.

Yeah if you want a 6/10 or below it's probably as easy as going through the maccas drive through to pick up an angus burger meal.

Indigenous niggerish population and crossbreeding.......................ffs

M8 it's too fucking hot in this country to function properly as a white man. The heat induces chronic laziness.

>Australian Military

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This is why you are a virgin.
a 6 out of 10 is only 3 off perfect considering a 10 is a 9 that will marry you.

We're not a superpower, we probably have adequate defences, if some 100+million population gook country decided to attack us.

True, also our rich whites are more Brit Tory, rather than American capitalist. Bunch of thieving girlyman fags.

17th while half arsing it, id call that a super power mate.

Yeah 6s are usually the coolest girls. 7s are usually pissed because they're not 8s or 9s, 8s-10s are power drunk tyrants.

You're a beautiful country Australia

If we had nukes, maybe, but then indo and shit would get nukes.

Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps was a First World War army corps of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. It was formed in Egypt in December 1914, and operated during the Battle of Gallipoli
Another suicide offering to Baal from Churchhill

>a 6 out of 10 is only 3 off perfect considering a 10 is a 9 that will marry you.
this is actually really good way of putting it

checked, have another song

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Because we aren't interested in fighting Israel's wars. No thanks.

wait how did i miss two 88 in a row?

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I know this, but I was showing my frustration of the book only calling it the Australian Army when they implied ANZACs due to over 10% of our population fighting in the ANZACs

You'd fuck an abbo, you sick fuck.

Beastiality is illegal in Australia

This. Fucking Mc Donald's/ retail employee maybe a 3-7/10 still South California complex.
Anything below a 3 is a drugged up welfare trash.

Well that post alone made me gay again. Thanks cunt.

Seriously the city is terrible and so are the people.
Move to the country, buy a property, Then get an Australian shazza to give you white kids, they are more than happy to be actual mothers and raise children.

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same problem as canada

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Is nunavut called that because none of it is inhabitable?

It’s funny how people always have to put White “ Christian” society into things. As if any other moral White ( or Asian ) society would not also be prosperous.

Australia is an Atheist society, the largest demographic is no religion and religion is not taught in public schools.

Based inuits live there, eat raw seals and catch full sized whales in canoes.

The ones who arent huffing gas and living in a welfare trailer that is. (Im sure youre familiar with the latter style of aboroginal)

They didn't really have time, by the time they had established a democracy (a real one, not those Jewish kinds) it was already 1901. Thirteen years later and WWI started, then 30 years later WWII started, and no white country has been the same since.
So we'll never get to see what Australia was capable of thanks, in no small part, as ever, to the Jew.

Glad to see some real Aussies still survive down under. I remember as a young child in the late 80’s early 90’s we thought you were the most bad assed people on earth.

So if a Chimp kills you he becomes a human and you become a Chimp?

Irish my dude.

It’s called that because Only Eskimos are willing to live there. So basically yes.

What? I am a blonde haired, blue eyed aryian looking guy. I think you have the wrong post.

Sorry, im phoneposting like a nigger. I thought you were the autraliam guy above your post.
Sorry fellow countryman.
What province?

descendents of convicts.

>Real aussie girl rides motorbikes, likes fishing, camping and sucking your dick.
Purely for instagram likes.

I bet you're a """country boy""" whose family have an half-acre on the outskirt of some metropolitan capital

Who you hate is the Yeehaw that drives pic related not me.
He is who you are talking about.

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I know you did, Bro. I was merely trying to edify Jow Forums

pls give a like, i wanna destroy the jew drake
