Why hasn't there ever been any Black Friday attacks?

Black Friday provides huge crowds and chaos.
It would be a direct attack on capitalism.
What are the terrorists thinking?

Attached: soft target.jpg (750x501, 183K)

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kikes aren't going to false flag on the day they make most of their profits.

I'm calling the police




Hello Mr FBI. Please enjoy your stay here


do it faggot

Attached: do_it_faggot.jpg (271x277, 13K)

It's just like why isn't the Super Bowl bombed? Why no mass shootings in the NBA Finals?

Money, user.

Would it seem less threatening to you if I were to come on here to larp and say, "Beware false flag coming soon - Black Friday sales events to be targeted in Mossad False Flag Attacks" ?



Pretty sure blacks attack people on every day of the week and not just on Fridays, OP.

a right wing terrorist shot up a mall in alabama today

>Why hasn't there ever been any Black Friday attacks?

Because terrorism isn't real.

ISIS is fake. An Qaeda is made up. There are no right-wing domestic terrorists waiting in the bushes to shoot up schools. Sand niggers are worried about sand-nigger problems. Incels are busy playing video games and fapping. None of these "terror" groups gains anything through attacks or gives a shit about causing havoc in the general population.

Foreign terrorism is Globalist propaganda used to keep the plebs in line. Domestic terrorism is Globalist propaganda used to keep the plebs in line.

There are no attacks on Black Friday because it would not benefit the Globalist agenda.


Attacking shoppers on black Friday would be antisemitic, so terrorrists don't do anything

provide link or you're lying.

Imagine unironically believing this



>Imagine unironically believing this

Imagine unironically being a redneck Trumptard tool of the Globalists.

Attached: 4fe046bda1fc466c47f7f1dc1abb9eb4.jpg (567x800, 76K)


You forgot your pic.

Attached: 1.jpg (1152x2048, 200K)

Love this broads face and tits. Fking mommy

They only shoot up white schools, they aren’t going to attack a pack of niggers fighting over a tv