>How did western civilization come to make this man who cut off his genitals and dedicate himself to being a SJW on Youtube a reality?
jews and christianity.
Kayden Price
dude a threeway with them would be my one and only wish.
Cameron Harris
Relax your obsession a bit, we all know you want to fuck her
Daniel Smith
I wonder how much the hormones the mother takes affects the child. It has to be considerable, they advise women don't drink much caffeine while pregnant, couldn't imagine what this asshole is injecting into her is doing to that fetus.
how is this not child abuse/endangerment?
Levi Carter
its because its socially unacceptable to call transgenderism what it actually is, a disorder. instead of it being treated by psychiatrists it is encouraged and now the mentally ill are running amok.
and who made it socially unacceptable to call it a mental disorder? i think you can figure that one out for yourself.
Went to HS with contrapoints aka Nick Parrot. Laughed for weeks when I saw his videos years later. Will answer any questions
Grayson Johnson
Welp, I'm gonna go suck start a pistol.
Bentley Thompson
All I want is a crazy nazi gf like your pic related :(
Jaxon Hernandez
He's still got his dick.
Matthew Green
Did you hit that?
Lucas Scott
gfycat com/IllFailingCaribou cute feet!
Gabriel Powell
The virgin camwhores vs the chad chrischan
Lincoln Gonzalez
Was he a good student?
Josiah Cooper
Jow Forums, why does the female (male) look better than the female (female)?
Christian Russell
You have to go back.
Oliver Nguyen
No, not into guys, even with a wig on. He was a dorky orchestra kid with bad acne. Big time teachers pet
Jason Davis
The only reason people like him is because of his ability to articulate and produce entertaining content. The arguments made in his videos are mediocre at best when ignoring his talent in writing and screenplay. I bet if he went out of politics into hollywood he'd make it in easy. Being a token tranny would help with that more.
Christian Sanders
why did he change his last name?
Sebastian Howard
Big time.Good grades, AP classes...very socially awkward and unathletic though. Got messed with a lot. No signs of being feminine that i could tell
Jacob Murphy
How did his ass taste?
Carson Sanchez
No idea, maybe to hide identity? I dont even know what his new last name is. Watched a few of his videos and that was about it. Last saw him in HS
Did he have any friends? Any embarrassing/funny stories you can share? Have you ever talked to him?
Ryder Rogers
Was he the catcher, or were you?
Jaxson Rivera
Not positive where he started but i know he ended up at Berkeley. He was real book smart, but that was about it. hung out with the orchestra kids and book worms. Pokemon, anime, etc.
Not sure if his parents moved but he lived about a mile from the HS. Dont remember ever seeing him drive to school. Think he always walked or got a ride
Parker Evans
There is not only a gay pride month, but also a LGBT history month. I want to die
10x's more likely to be gay if you're a BPD male 6x's more likely to be gay if you're a BPD female
Chase Hernandez
Yeah I had a few classes with him. He had a group of about 4 or 5 friends and that was all i ever saw him with. Some of my friends went to the same elementary and middle school as him, said how they werent surprised at all when they saw his videos.
This one guy would always fuck with him, loved yelling "nickkkky parrrrrot" like an actual parrot was yelling at him. One time guy asked if he wanted some crackers and shoved them in his face. Nick said something like get the fuck off me and pushed him, guy hit him in the gut and walked away. Dont remember too many stories about the guy, would have to ask the people that grew up with him though, i was only at the same HS as him for 3 of the 4 years