Try defending this

Try defending this

Attached: Screenshot 2018-11-20 at 14.07.27.png (755x546, 481K)

Other urls found in this thread: for dummies&dpPl=1&dpID=51Mr-osEAQL&ref=plSrch

It's not a mystery if you know the basics of economy but I wouldn't expect a commie to.

>What is sophomore level economics lesson 1


Supply and demand. I've never taken an econ class and I know this. Is this bait?

mylittleponytards BTFO

supply and demand somehow preventing access to life saving drugs

>Supply is low
>Demand is still high
>Prices rise
What a mystery.

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The value of a limited item isnt going to magically get lower just because you wanna cry about it. Best thing you can hope for is for the companies to increase production, or receive subsidies to make the drugs cheaper, but in your mind that would be feeding the govt feeding capitalist pigs.

>and just like that the low IQ right wing turds will fall for this obvious bait by trying to explain that its "baSiK ekomOnIcS"

Lmao at brainlets

It's prioritizing access to those with capital in a scenario where supply is scarce not preventing access.

Obama removed regulations governing drug prices. What you see now are the results.


people like you are the reason so many liberals are going to have to die

so ww should let a slide thread just hang.. no, not any more. youre going to get btfo every fukimg slide thread, dipshit

>commie can't understand basic economics
wowee, i never expected that one

and this is supposed to be shocking why exactly ?


What is supply and demand?

Obviously if there isn’t enough supply some people won’t have access to them

Isn't this taught in fourth grade?

>Libshits accidentally discover supply and demand
>Passes it off as revolutionary economic theory

Every time.

Attached: 1538857150483.jpg (470x470, 31K)


This is a real article, from a real magazine. Retard,

>competition goes down
>prices go up
Yet people still think socialist programs are a good plan.

Jesus christ, have you ever opened a textbook. Even if you've ever had a job you'd know this.

He wouldnt do that. People like him.

>commies have never heard of supply and demand affecting prices
Sorry your AZT costs more, faggot.

>apples and apples are preventing oranges from being sweet
Remember these retarded marxist faggots unironically believes they are some wise intellectuals

I hope you European countries with socialist medicine enjoy your death panels in the near future, as the government is forced to select who deserves the ever dwindling supply of medicine and doctor/surgeon manpower, and who dies .

Kinda have this problem with my thyroid meds. The one synthetic is dirt cheap and the natural pig-derived stuff is crazy expensive and (((mysteriously))) always low in stock. It's worth paying .85$/pill though as opposed to .04$ a pill.

Supply and demand for dummies&dpPl=1&dpID=51Mr-osEAQL&ref=plSrch