What scares you the most?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Awkward moments with women

The Holocaust

drinking a spider from my sips

Existential dread of the growing yet another day older with no wife to bear my children. Knowing that it will never happen and I'll pass into oblivion having left nothing of myself behind. Choking out my last surrounded by strange underpaid minorities.

the death of human culture, when all races become one ugly brown low IQ mutt while the jews are still "light skinned" and living away from the mutt hordes

not fucking Chloe Grace-Moretz

A gay rapist.

Attached: Wallahi.png (960x886, 74K)

Put penis in donut most scared

top fucking kek let me take care of right, and i guarantee that after i'm done it will be the same as left. i am a master at dilating tight assholes

Bad engineering.

I'm afraid of letting the fear of success/failure keep me from "going all in" and going forth with my all of my goals. I want to pursue becoming a physical therapist/personal trainer and it's been a long road with quitting smoking and bodybuilding but baby steps count too I tell myself.

Sharing my political beliefs with leftist

White people being a minority in a Western country.

"hahahaha ur scared"
Yeah I don't want to get raped, thanks, tolerant liberal.

Oh and I want to add this: that my generation as well as future ones will be immersed in social media that well forget how to communicate effectively. More people are pursuing hedonistic lives versus pursuing a life furthering humanity. Everything is instant gratification this, instant gratification that. What happened to putting the nose to grindstone and working your ass off for things you want? Bunch of lazy entitled shits running around thinking a socialist society will provide everything for them. Nah, fuck that. Thoughts become things.

Dying without anything major happening in the world.

I feel like all the major modern human development and achievements happened in the 20th century and the 21st is mainly about getting newer smartphones that can handle more social media apps that spread weird post-truth ideologies.

I hope for cure for cancer, nanotechnology, alien contact, quantum physics leading to numerous scifi-level breakthroughs, whatever, but at that point I would prefer the world to commit to Cold War 2 and getting the nukes to fly just to witness something epic rather than just having 5 more years of new iPhones and debating on race and gender.

the idea God doesn't care, or is merely dragging things out for his own sick enjoyment.

living another day.

The African population boom and demographic imbalances in the West.

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Learn to embrace the acausal and leave your mark in the dream realm

TLDR pls

When she cums and calls her piss ejaculate. ITS NOT

need to photoshop fridge moretz with an eclair instead

Bachelorette/Bachelor parties are weird and gross. I'm not entirely sure how they became common tradition, but I have my suspicions as to (((who))) encourages that kind of hedonism. Good on that guy for leaving

Jeez man.

Losing that which I have acquired over the course of my existence.

Take the ones you love
And hold them close because there is little time

And don't let it break your heart
I know it feels hopeless sometimes

But they're never really gone
As long as there's a memory in you mind

So now go do the best things in life
Take a bite of this world while you can

Make the most of the rest of your life
Make a ride of this world while you can

Dont worry user, the human race is doomed anyways. Having children is futile. The heat death of the universe will kill all life. There is no escape.

OP's all-consuming faggotry.

>tfw you randomly replay awkward moments from the past and experience PTSD level emotional pain

That's a smart lad. I wish I hadn't been blinded by pussy in past relationships and gotten the fuck out at the first major red flag like that

Every major metropolis in the US being infested with homeless junkies and the political establishment not having the will to crack down on them.

Fuck junky hobos, they should all OD on Fentenel.


That I'm stuck in this situation for years until I become completely nuts in this low budget version of Groundhog Day.

4 Years of Trump followed by 4 years of Hillary.

Forgetting about all of my redpills or much of everything that i know and becoming a husk like normies


This hits to close to home

Being governed.

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this, and being ordinary