When that one player is turtleing on an island so you sneak a priest on their island to attack them from the inside by...

>when that one player is turtleing on an island so you sneak a priest on their island to attack them from the inside by converting their troops but they kill him

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This is why you have no wife and no kids

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The UK?

Should have packed a mangonel




Or skirms

my fucking sides

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should have used a unit that was stronger against archers

Why didn't you just bring canon galleons?

Now this is podracing

some poos brought a missionary to that island of stone age nig-nogs and he was murdered

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Funny how they got to bow and arrow tech but no wheel or fire

They didn't take the same technological advancement path as we did. Let me give you a little redpill on the North Sentinelese. There is an entrance to a cave system on the island that runs deep under the bowels of the earth. It's not the deepest in the world, but it runs under some of the Sentinelese islands and there are very spacious caverns in it. It just so happens that a large portion of the cave system is blocked off because it runs under North Sentinel Island. They hid under there during the tsunamis that flooded the island, they hid under there during many of the invasions that tried to conquer the island. The fucking freaky part is the folklore of the mainland Sentinelese people. They believe there exists a civilization underground that looks similar to us, but possess dark powers given to them by devils. I think that story has a little something to do with why such a large portion of the cave system is cutoff, not just because it runs under North Sentinel Island.

>playing straight counter instead of the glorious smush

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*click* This is going in my Jow Forums humor compilation folder


Solid contribution, OP.

delet this, those proto-pajeets aren't even in the feudal age


>the blue pill vs the red pill

Commander in Priest

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What does the law say about spying on those people with drones or using drones to cause paranoia and fear?

Anyone want to get a group and take the island? Some military experience, medical or other qualifications will help your application

We only need to don some armor to protect us from their arrows and we could take the island.

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Based age of empires veteran

larp more faggot

Why would anyone want it?

lololol niggers


You do realize that all of this would have to happen right under the Indian military's noses right?

Did they lose their ability to build boats?

Admit it

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These racist fascists with their racist bows and arrows. It's 20 freaking 18, it's time for them to open their borders and accept multiculturalism.

This does not look like a human female.

I will protect them from you guys.



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Even africans look more human

you convert a villager not their troops idiot
convert villager
villager builds ranged/barracks x10 + palaside walls
create army on his island


Hahaha. Yeah, fuck those Portuguese missionaries. Silence was a good film.

The future of the human race!

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Next step: MARS; here we come, yay humanity!

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Intergalactic Imperium of Man; Erectus boogaloo.

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One race: the great ape race

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Shit slide thread, but still one of the greatest games of all time.

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You know if someone went there with a bit of armor, few rounds of ammo, and some simple tech they could genocide them or cull the men and become a god to the rest.
They would go down in history too.