Reddit in one image

Only thing it’s missing is a Nintendo switch

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I am a race mixing shithead, so I can't really bitch about it.

This guy looks decent, how did this happen?

Coal diggers get the rope too

jungle fever

Jungle fever means wanting to fuck black girls, not sasquatch.

> black girls
> sasquatch.
user, I....

Attached: funwblacks773-sheboon-lays-on-veggies-in-store.webm (406x720, 2.2M)

I am happy for the couple but every time a black person does something normal, it is flooded with upvotes.

I black person can change their tire and it will shoot to the front page of reddit.

Couldn’t get a white woman. Hell, he couldn’t even get an East Asian woman.

>"come home, white man"

Lmao you incels are so jealous
Have fun while your bloodline dies off cause no one will have sex with you sad virgin freaks

Mix all races to a point no one trace their ancestry
Thats how tou achieve global peace
Y'all can thank me later

Her reaction is literally "AYOO HOL UP"

Black women are weird. Either raging thundercunts or total kittens. Very little middle ground

They literally upvote niggers for existing, and for increasing in number.

Attached: nig.png (883x612, 718K)

What exactly can a black woman cook that warrants this?

in her native habitat no less.

Attached: abdool.jpg (1072x804, 297K)

nothing of value was lost

so THATS The source of the romaine lettuce infection

She literally looks like a racist caricature of a black person. How does a man see that and want to talk to it? Let alone have sex with it, spend time with it, and marry it?

Like does he not see her? She’s objectively disgusting. This faggot is so far out of her league. Imagine having to spend Christmas with her family. Imagine being a son-in-law to her assuredly obese mother. Raising black kids with Afros. Imagine smelling her fucking disgusting hair in the morning when you wake up.

But it’s an interracial couple on so it’s gonna get 40,000 upvotes.

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