Say it with me, Jow Forums.
RAND 2024 (or if imbeachment happens, 2020)
Say it with me, Jow Forums.
RAND 2024 (or if imbeachment happens, 2020)
He was chosen
Lmao no
Rand got cucked by Trump so hard he didn’t even stand a chance
We need someone with huge white balls to lead us after Trump, not manlet Ran
Yesssss, yeessssss, I feel the powerrrr, it flows through meee
then the jews will get to him. he has family and friends that can be threatened. trust me. no matter who is in the white house it makes absolutely no fucking difference
How about Rand 2020 and Trump can fuck off
If he loses, the jews will rule America till the end of time
He's single-handedly stopping all US aid to Israel and taking on AIPAC. Are his balls big enough for you now?
Meh, Trump will just run as an independent and split the right wing vote. If that happens we just get some retard like Cortez in office.
BAH GAWD!!!!!!!!! BAH GAWD!!!
I can't wait to see CNN and Wolf Blitzer call him an antisemite. It's going to be so sweet, almost like victory.
rand the grandstander
>He's single-handedly stopping all US aid to Israel and taking on AIPAC.
How? Didn't the US already give Israel billions this year with Trump's budget?
Hitler was a manlet too, yet almost took over the fukkin world
I like Dan better.
It's NOT just because I want a president with a sweet eyepatch.
Don't know the exact mechanism but I think he either stalled the vote on 2019's budget or somehow removed the funding altogether from it
Behold, Dan, in this picture I forgot
Fuck it all if it ain't Rand Paul
I didn't even know that he was capable of doing this, but he placed a hold on it
You faggots are so predictable
RAND 2020
RANDRANRANDRANDRAND POST UP POSTERS NEAR NEAR YOUR HOUSE ON TDLEPHONE POLES: WITH A WHITE BACKGROUND WITH BLUE TEXT READING"Rand Paul Opposes sendinh $38 BILLION to Israel per year," then in RED TEXT IT SAYS : "dont wr have ENOUGH problems to solve at home?!!?" With a picture of ORANGE MAN AT THE END!!!! Subvert the normie distate of organge emperor for our purpose
Lmao at my subhuman typos. Drunk on my phone friends.. fat fingers
i thought you people were joking
How does spending on Israel stand up to even a modicum of scrutiny? Clearly they are not our ally in the region just a parasite who has used us for TRILLIONS of $$ and cost thousands of US lives.
rand the grandstander
How? Fuck all they need to do is use the Symington ammendment
Rand can't happen. He's like 5'4".
We don't have short presidents.
Ron should've made Mrs. Paul eat more vitamins while pregnant with Rand.
Rand is a disgrace.
We already know, Leaf. Then he cucked and changed his vote on Pompeo and Haspel, so what now?
What's the Symington amendment?
> he's like 5'4
lmao, Rand is 5'8
he always does this.
everyone remembers his grandstanding but forgets he always caves too
He mainly "caves" because he realizes his vote won't do anything in all of these cases.
grandstanding rand
The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 was amended by the Symington Amendment (Section 669 of the FAA) in 1976. It banned U.S. economic, and military assistance, and export credits to countries that deliver or receive, acquire or transfer nuclear enrichment technology when they do not comply with IAEA regulations and inspections. This provision, as amended, is now contained in Section 101 of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA).
The Glenn Amendment (Section 670) was later adopted in 1977, and provided the same sanctions against countries that acquire or transfer nuclear reprocessing technology or explode or transfer a nuclear device. This provision, as amended, is now contained in Section 102 of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA).
The Symington Ammendment bans U.S. economic, and military assistance, and export credits to countries that deliver or receive, acquire or transfernuclear enrichment technology when they do not comply with IAEA regulations and inspections. Isreal is the only nuclear power in the world that because they are gods chosen does not abide by the iaea
>I need someone with huge man balls for me to fantasize about dicking me tonight
Things faggots say.txt
Can you imagine how badass that presidential portrait would be?
The fact that he is standing up to AIPAC at all is enough. Eventually he'll cave because this is wrapped up in the spending bill. Symbolically it's a huge deal
Rand Paul, /b/
he'll be like his father who was there for 30 but no one can name 1 accomplishment
oh wait
The problem with the Pauls is there faith in the gold standard. Debt-based fiat is just jewry 2.0, old-school kike usury was always the gold standard. We need fiat backed by labor like the Third Reich, or at least a silver standard. The jews own most of the gold so backing the dollar with it won’t solve the JQ.
>r who was there for 30 years*
35 years
That's because his accomplishment was exactly that, doing nothing, you fantastically retarded faggot. He voted against stupid shit, which is 95% of the shit. If congress stopped passing bills and just enforced the laws already in place, we'd be 1000x better off than we are now. Beyond that, his legacy is waking up millions of people to the concept of liberty and non-interventionism.
Jews originally controlled silver too. A shekel was a Tyrian silver coin after all.
Trump is Israel ally
rand does the same thing his father did
That's what being a libertarian means.
Just sit on the fence all day bc you can't decide which side to come down on
Wanna shoot heroin?
No problemo.
how the fuck are you supposed to have a conversation on this board if captcha won't allow you to post for 10 or 20 minutes at a time?
this is fucking retarded
skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next skip skip skip next
then fuck you, try again later
That’s true but silver is pretty common nowadays, the biggest problem you’d run into with a silver standard now would be inflation. I don’t think the Jews are equipped to control silver anymore
Captcha has prevented me from posting for days at a time.
Just a few minutes ago I had to copy and paste some code.
Don't know if it's Google or gookmoot.
bet rand changes his mind within the week and votes for the money for israel
Hell yeah fuck trump desu. He hasnt done shit against the kikes lately. He baited and dropped that shit
Perhaps he could accomplish things if more people like him would be elected. Instead you have RINOs that don't really stand for anything and thus winds up blocking everything he would like to do. He's one senator out of 100.
This. No tru pol bro would argue against this
Trump has no balls. 38 billion for Israel and Jewish influence on US politics continues unabated? Give me a fucking break.
Rand has the balls to stand up to it. Fucking RAND PAUL 2020
yeah and Perhaps santa is real
except you forget FDR cruised around in a wheelchair
Rand should primary Trump in 2020, I'm tired of that fucking retard cuck dotard.
Rand was who I wanted in 2016 anyway.
According to JNS “However, in this case, Majority Leader and fellow Kentucky Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell does not have to abide by Paul’s request.”
We’ll see if he cucks. People need to be calling this guy, not Rand. No way he doesnt cuck. Question is why Ran Paul wants to die. Maybe suicidal? Want to use it for the greater good?
>Leaf has bad argument
>Starts saying random shit to compensate
manlet got fucking annihilated by a senile reality TV star that called him short
who gives a fuck about this failson
He's been my guy since Ron retired.
same but trump would run as an independent and split the vote tho
nobody is going to vote for trump in 2020 and especially not if he is an independent
I honestly feel like the vast majority of Trump supporters would support Rand if he won the primary fair and square. I don't even think Trump would run as an independent anyway, he probably hates his job.
All those boomers would suddenly stop liking him? Even if Trump got 10% of the vote in 2020 it would ensure victory to whatever idiot the left runs.
>almost took over the fukkin world
lol, not even close.
remember when rand was against drones flying around american cities until a week later when he wasn't?
>Captcha has prevented me from posting for days at a time.
no offense but are you dyslexic?
notice how that box doesn't say FISH anywhere?
>He baited and dropped that shit
and you lot fell for it
>mfw came here to post BAH GAWD IT'S KANE!!!!!
>mfw he's the mayor of my county
Hey, he's 5'8. Great leaders can be manlets too.
No. Sometimes it just won't let me solve it or says it's unavailable, try again later.
>Jewish tricker 101
Trump has designated him as the Republican 2024 Candidate. He might VP 2020 at this rate?
you must be getting your internet from shady as fuck ISP then.
have you checked if your IP is blacklisted?
idk that sucks dude. maybe you should just stop posting and leave this site forever. try going to a better suited community for someone like you, say, reddit for example! best of luck!
will it happen?
buy Jow Forums pass you poor faggot it's $20 for a year