Guys one of my best friends told our friend group that he's a communist and half my other friends acted sympathetic to...

Guys one of my best friends told our friend group that he's a communist and half my other friends acted sympathetic to communism too when he said it and the other half didn't care, what the fuck do I do without looking like a sperg?

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Laugh at him, that's what I always do


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This happening right now?

Communism is fake, it was only created to use as part of the wider divide and conquer strategy to destroy nations. (((They))) purposely start making capitalism shit for people, and pay communist agitators. Society gets swept up in a bloody revolution and then they start the whole cycle again, this time making communism the bad guy and funding anti communist groups etc

Dialogue with him retard. If he's smart and a real communist (not an SJW larper) he can be turned toward the light. There's little real difference between a fascist and a communist besides the nationalist/internationalist divide and questions of class relations.

Relentlessly bully him into not being a faggot. My best friend was such a loser, he dated and lost his virginity to a transgender furry otherkin. I laughed in his face and explained why he was a loser, then I took him out drinking. After that, he dumped the faggot and started lifting with me. Now I am shitposting from his computer while babysitting his newborn. People can change user.

You should join him on the far left. its where all the smart people are

This is obviously false. The far left is made of retards and the sociopaths who use them for their own gain.

You should ask him about the Hodolomor

>The far left is made of retards and the sociopaths who use them for their own gain.
thats literally the right

all the sociopath lawyers, hedge fund managers, CEOs, oil tycoons, etc. with no conscious whatsoever and all the rural country bumpkins that want to bring back segregation and capitalism induced feudalism by electing literal klansmen are on the fucking right

killem all, if it was me
but you're probably a little bitch so, you can try swaying them with your pedantic debate skills and lack of in-depth knowledge on the subject of why communism kills, and you're probably too much of a bitch to be able to discuss the JQ with them
maybe just kill yourself if you're that much of a bitch or quietly dissociate from them and get new friends if you're such a pathetic fag that you have to have friends or you feel too 'alone' or whatever, doesn't much make sense to me but again you're not me, so

larping nerd

Stop being ''friends'' with him

>Do you think the blacks are a problem

Lol retard

Ok here's what you do:
>Step 1: laugh in his face.
>Step 2: call him a faggot.
>Step 3: don't talk politics if you want to keep friends.

>what the fuck do I do
The Gradual Fade:
You slowly drift away from that friendship group and find another one. It's never overt enough that anyone notices it happening until it's complete.

Jesus, this story is so 2018 it has to be real.

It really is left. You need to drop the propaganda and read more history. The soviets called you guys "useful idiots" for good reason.
The American Right is all about diffusing power to prevent anyone entity from having too much power. Our big thing is to make sure the sociopaths never have the power and authority they want. The left is all about being a naive fool that trusts the government that grants them the power.
How do you not know this?

also known in the first world, as opposed to an abbo infested island backwoods shithole, as the irish goodbye

Also, there is a good reason that the left has historically gone for the youth vote: they are the most naive, ignorant, arrogant, and trusting among us. Because they lack the experience and knowledge that comes later in life, and are still overconfident and arrogant in their self assessments, they are incredibly easy to manipulate. Sociopaths target the hearts of the young because they haven't learned how to sniff their bullshit yet.

Offer free helicopter rides.

Ask him to borrow his books and read them and discuss communist theory become a communist with your friends

One more thing, klansmen are the left. You believe a lot of lies.

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Democrats aren’t the left. Why are burgers so uneducated

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Redpill them on the (((bourgeois)))

Get the helicopter

Commies are retarded. The dems are absolutely left, you stupid twat.

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you must release your power level

>he hasnt bullied all of his friends into unironically rejecting communism
lmao dude...

very delusional

Tell them they all deserve to be thrown out of a helicopter and get new friends. I cut all of my friends off 2 years ago since I didn't want to associate with degenerates anymore. You can do it too. In my case though they didn't care when I dropped of the face of the Earth so I never got an opportunity to tell them the reason.

Maybe you should try having an honest conversation for once.

If not with your friends, then who?

Set up a NSDAP flag and a camera and behead him ISIS style with a rusty spork.

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By what measure? The only thing they're "left" on is social issues.

If That’s the case OP should just hand his phone to the commie so we can address him directly

Debate him. If you win the debate then perhaps hell change his mind.

By every measure.

Poster child for Dunning-Kruger

NoT aN ArgUmEnT

Worker unions in the midwest supported Republicans. Democrats are arguably to the right of republicans on some shit.

your friends are clearly retarded.

The two parties are so alike it's amazing the "choice" is so exciting for the population.

One of my friends has come out in support of socialist and communist policies
I got drunk with them and explained to them why I think illegal immigration is horrible and also how we have taken in way too many legal immigrants each year and how it's unsustainable and having drastic impacts on culture. I got into an argument with a few of them but I also think I got them to start seeing why I think it and they appreciated that. As long as you know how to argue without talking explicitly about race then you're good to go

Tell them you are a fascist.

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Lol ancap
I bet you understand history and economics :^)

you should sperg out fuck it bro no balls

ask him about the Holodomor in the Ukraine

make fun of him

>what the fuck do I do
probably leave this board, because anyone who hangs out with people who are crypto-commies is definitely weird as hell

Lol nazis killing more white people.

Well op if i were you, i would hold them to their communist standards. Make them gibs you that. Or just rob the one blind.

It was a famine that killed less people than famines in capitalist countries. Now please explain the holocaust

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is this your friend group?

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Lol you're either a boomer or dont have many friends

Über based and red pilled.

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just say you're a fascist?

Can always count on commies to prove they’re retarded.

Pic related wasn't "White people", they were asiatic moslems and got precisely what they deserved.

Holy shit, you’re as dumb as the memeflags.

I have yet to hear an argument lmao. Tell me what the Democrats are left on other than social issues. Prove to me how dumb I am :^)

Only to the smug faux-intellectual types that don’t know anything or care about anything.

>what the fuck do I do without looking like a sperg?
Grow some balls and be your true self. Your friend obviously was, and had the balls to say what he believed in. What's the difference?

Chad communist BUTTFUCKS virgin fash

go back to 9fag, felcher.

The two parties are exactly alike on all the issues I care about, actually.

You sound like the protagonist from a young adult novel oml grow the fuck up take a political science class. Research somewhere other than on Jow Forums.

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steal half of his shit

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Shoot him, and declare yourself a capitalist.

nobody is going to let you have sex with children user

kek. I'm talking about the wars for Israel, m8.

Tell him: True revolutionaries kill cosmopolitans

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Funny that commies, fashies and lolberts alike can agree that Israel is shit but the Democrats and Republicans gobble their clock harder every election cycle. "Keep arguing goy"

The dems are actively pushing towards socialism via Fabianism. They have openly embraced socialists within the party and you’re actually trying to say that’s not left on the spectrum. You’re fucking dumb.
Lol, what an arrogant twat. You sound like the average retarded commie. Go read more history.

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Jews/Israel control(s) the US government. Is this your first day here? You should leave now.

fuck off shill, take your honeypot and shove it up your ass

PoliSci is a total joke of a class by the way.

Just say you support socialism, with a nationalistic angle.

I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad

Lmao if you read history you would understand that the two parties only differ in election strategies since the civil rights act. But I'm glad you still dont have an argument in this regard. The "socialists" in the democratic party are arguing for incrementalist policy that makes Europe look like fucking Cuba and if you paid attention in 2015 youd have noticed they did everything they could to keep them from having any sway in the party which they still really dont. But the spoopy socialists have like 10 seats in Congress and want to give you the healthcare system nazi fucking Germany had oh noooo!

Do it, edgy boy

I usually just upfront drop bombs about its historical failures the millions it killed/displaced etc, people need to drop the notion that communism or socialism could be good under any format, its always went fucking bad and its a practice of moral nihilism that destroys, race, culture and family.

You're so autistic it hurts. You're restating my exact points that I merely wanted to explain to the dullards on this thread who think theres a difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. I'm sorry if im moving to fast for you or the rest of the super secret people in your super secret club. Maybe you should go wank it to pictures of children before you give yourself a headache trying to keep up.

Like I said: you’re dumb and arrogant. You have a lot more reading to do. It’s unarguably left on the spectrum, put predictably, you’re thr “move the goalpost” type and say it’s not left enough.

have him read this

Find out if he is a real communist or a liberal being edgy. If the latter you should avoid them all, if the former you should stop being a stupid boomer and ignore the red scare propaganda long enough to learn about socialism and inevitably become one.

You're delusional. Keep on believing things would be better if "your" party were always on top though, what do I care? For all I know you fucking love the wars for Israel.

Not recognizing there is a difference only proves you to be the ignorant one here. Being smug and condescending never changes that.

>he's a communist
Show your compassion to someone who gets brain damage. This shit is radically toxic

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You havent made an argument yet and I never moved the goalposts. The Democrats aren't left by any measure. They're identicle to Reagan on everything but social issues. Meanwhile you havent made a single argument, you've just straw manned and said read more. Exactly what have you read newfriend?

>There's little real difference between a fascist and a communist besides

Besides realizing class struggle is what causes most of our problems. Once you analyze history with this in mind you realize Marx was right and you can't unsee it

"I might be too dumb to argue but you dont have to be such a big meanie!"

Good guy. Let the cognitive dissonance consume you.

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>I repeat propaganda that anyone who knows enough about communism to be able to consider themselves a communist has already looked into and debunked.
The obvious lies about these things repeated as fact to and by the general public are often what gives people the final push to become a communist.