80% of Polish electricity comes from burning coal

Private coal burning in cities is so massive that in Krakow it’s like smoking 3000 cigarettes a year if you live there and don’t use high-end breathing masks.

Why are rich countries like Poland so opposed to clean air?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>poles love burning coal
not big surprise, have you seen polish sluts?

The prevailing winds carry the smoke towards the bloc so what do they care?
>based poles

They hate Russia so much they don't want to by our natural gas.

Be serious

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Also, this is getting close

>have to live in Karków for 3 months
>looking forward to shooting goblin baby batter in slav slags
>maybe knock up one and wife it back to USA
>see this post
>realize I'm not going to get laid and I'm going to get lung cancer

>boo hoo some poolish idiots got brainwashed by amerisharters and germonies to buy coal instead of russian gas

don't care

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you do know that these subhumans have also been burning landfills for the past year, because the EU tax on trash went up?

Are we talking about ethnic Polish women or the trash in the UK? The latter doesn’t count. Meanwhile Austrian girls are coal burners both domestically and locally.

No, your gas is just shit. They already secured deals with America and Nigeria.

>looking forward to shooting goblin baby batter in slav slags

The UK is the other way, user. In Poland you would get beat up by chads.

You do know your country is so cucked they refused a portrait from Poland regarding the Battle of Vienna? All because you didn’t want to offend fucking Turks.

>Why are rich countries like Poland


I would literally kill you with my bare hands if you said this to me in real life

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I burn coal as well because all I have that stops me from freezing into an ice block are two old ass inefficient masonry heaters

We're both mutt nations, so that isn't much of an argument.

The rest of the coal goes into their rocket ship no?

Whiter than you Jose

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>still imposing sanctions and embargoes on Russia

God Dammit Trump promised better relations with Russia and this is what we get. No matter who we vote for they always become a neocon due to lobbying.

No one cares about your specific, stupid genes or mine. On an aggregate scale, Russia as a nation has been plagued by Turkic/Mongol people for a very long time. We've experienced a similar Mexican problem over the years. We're both Mutts of a different type, Ivan.

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Those in glass houses...

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Ameritards still believe the mongol meme. Yes, we are not wh*te, but we got our MONGOL BULL genes from Finland.

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кaк ты этo cдeлaл? вceгдa хoтeл cдeлaть ceбe днa тecт нo нe мoгy нaйти кoтopoмy мoгy дoвepять

we have a lot of coal in Polish Śląsk
we use what we have, problem?

The fucking hypocrisy of Germans. Germany is the biggest polluter in Europe both overall and per capita. Also whole nation needs a treatment for that absolute obsession with Poland. Just fuck off, everyone hates you here.

>Hambacher Rodung
>Moorbrand Emsland

Eastern Russia is filled with Churkas and their admixture, user. It's not much different from the American South if one considers a mutt meme standpoint.

>Polish electricity comes from burning coal
H-have they paid the toll?

We have good air. What the absolute fuck are you on about? Our coal is clean and isn’t burned in little ovens all over cities like in Poland.

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Ancestry DNA. There’s also 23andme but it’s founder is a kike whore.

>replies to obvious chinkoid permavirgin
>tries telling him about other chinkoids

Look who's talking lmao

squarehead ladogan type

>Germany is the biggest polluter in Europe both overall and per capita.

What a fucking lie. Poland is grand central of pollution on Europe.

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that;s what you faggots get for making so many threads about canadian groceries, smogpilled retards.

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>b-but churkas and gypsies!

Yes, like all niggers, they're somewhat numerous. The difference compared to muttistan is that slavs don't feed the nigger elements - churkas and gypsies are left alone in their ghettos and thats it. Moreover, slav thots generally know better than to attempt race mixing with them as there is no propaganda machine enticing to do so.

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You realize Russia is 80% ethnic Russian right? And the rest are mostly Slavs, Caucasians, Finns, etc. And Slavs are literally the closest living relatives of "Aryans".

Meanwhile America is less than 56% white more like 52% at this point and we are getting flooded with literal niggers and spics every day.

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check it out user
quick rundown:
>germany destroys their old forest, comparable with Białowieża to make place for yet another coal mine
>it is all ok because in Germany ecoterrorists are paid by germans so they can just make 2500 protesters go away
>there wont be debate in jewroparliament about it
>they wont get to pay 1000- euro fine for every day of logging

Attached: whats left of Bavarian forest.jpg (640x480, 102K)

тyт зa тaкиe тecты дoхyя нaдo плaтить. и oтпpaвлять пo пoчтe вpoдe тoжe. a кaк y вac c этим?

The American south is full of niggers and spics and increasingly mongoloids. Meanwhile Slav land looks like this


We don’t have a concept of (((white)))
Any Russian you see who larps about muh whites is indoctrinated by American culture. (((Whiteness))) is an American thing, because that’s the only identity Americans with European ancestry have.
Here you’re either Russian or you’re not.

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Я дeлaл в UK, пapy лeт нaзaд, вышлo oкoлo £100.

All bullshit reflecting from the actual story, that Poland has disastrous air quality levels and Polish leaders don’t change it because “muhhhh old people love their coal ovens” and “muhhhh clean coal is expensive”.

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LMFAO shut the fuck up chinkoid

Aaaaaaand another map showing the deep shit Polish cities are in.

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Ok shlomo

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yes, central and eastern europe is bad for respiratory system, you wouldn't want to send poor rapefugess into such war zone would you?

next time you try talking about based russians not "caring" about whiteness, try not to expose yourself as a chinkoid permavirgin by spamming pics of pretty girls the likes of which will never be your gf LOL

>rich countries like Poland
u wot


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fuck off nigger, pay reparations or shut up, you dont have right to talk to anybody until you make things right

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Also I guarantee you that Eastern Europe does not remotely have the problems that the American South has.

There are areas that are 99%+ Mestizo or 90%+ black that doesn't exist in Eastern EUrope.

I certainly hope you don't accept Mongoloids or Niggers

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This is an air pollution and environmental thread. Nobody said that illegal “refugees” make any sense in Europe. Doesn’t change the fact that I don’t get why some Eastern European countries are as bad as China on air quality. It’s hurting people.

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Putin has literally said that Russia is going to use natural gas as "economical weapon". Poles noped the fuck out.

wasted quads
you are just mad that we dont buy muh german air filters and buy into your stupid green energy meme because you still delude yourself that you will reclaim Śląsk to germany and this is why you dont want us to use our coal - you want it for yourself

Attached: (((shultz))).jpg (881x528, 99K)

chinkoid you posted the wrong meme, the "man" in it is white


Poland is very rich, yes.

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Burn the coal.....

>We don’t have a concept of (((white)))
Excellent, the acceptance of that BS is solely for idiots that are keen on being led into strategically stupid "marches" by dicky spencer, cia-plant or not.

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I think you should start with the old people’s ovens. Put some money in your hand and give them gas ovens or e-ovens or biomass ovens. Anything to reduce the open burning of coal in cities.

Then, how about some nice trees in your cities and forests surrounding cities? Even Burgers understood 200yrs ago that trees in a city make sense.

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>r-russians think of me equal, we're all white AND russian!!

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>And he turns pro-EU as soon as he hears a EUrocrat trying to justify taking from a nation and using it for the EU's perverted products.
Shouldn't have killed only jews back then to be honest.

nice quads, we are maintaining unfavorable conditions to adapt for our people who will be more likely to survive aftermath of upcoming race wars, why do you think Czechia has highest usage of cigs/ alcohol and other drugs? Healthy things hurt us at this point.

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I’m 100% European, unlike you, Chaim.

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you're 100% churka

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I think I should oven old germans
that would help the world
yep, you should kill germans if you wanted to save europe

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>Germany can sell you the most efficient oven
Call me surprised!

sounds like they need some CLEAN COAL!

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Except for ukr everyone there is white.

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this was going on for a while

this fucking churkazoid lmao
what do you think happens when russians don't care about 100 year old commie propaganda about "brother nations" anymore and just fuck you up?
what do you actually think will happen? LOL

race wars are coming to both the US and Russia because it's becoming increasingly obvious that NON-WHITES are literal SHIT and a pest on this planet
if we don't remove you, the whole planet goes to shit
and since you could never fight and got genocided ez-pz it will be ez wars

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>no official statement from anyone

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UK and AUS threatened to Nuke America and blane it on NK.

There is some currency exchange rate shit in there. In reality, Poland is massively rich and growing fast.

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And now, perfected. My fighting Amerimutt.

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Who said anything about brother nations nigger. Churkas are treated like shit here.

I call fake on this.

why does Germany? 45% of electricity from coal and 26% from lignite which is dirty as fuck. Germany dumps billions of Euros into meme renewable but returns to coal when they figure out it isn't sunny in Germany.

kek but yeah sadly it's true for most of the county.

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stop letting your wife fucking niggers just to power your nintendo switch

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there was no official statement until Crimea was annexed. Poles just not that retarded

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Oh and there is a race war coming. When Putin leaves kikes like you will hang on the Red Square.

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Whats that kraut?

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Go to Poland in the winter to experience China tier air quality.

Germans are waaaaaay too stupid to understand what real environmental problems look like, it seems.

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90% of European industry is in Germany, they need a lot of energy.