Why won't just give up? You definitely wanted to mixrace with someone or do anything that (You) why won't you do it right now? Don't you think it's about time to stop throwing your tantrums and finally face reality? The future of this world is multiethnic, queer, and open. This is history's inevitable course, and while your actions may slow down it's march or even temporarily set it back, it is in the end inevitably going to happen whether you like it or not. You just slow down procces . You know this deep down, and yet you still choose to delude yourself and continue your futile resistance against progress itself. You're so obsessed with your dying "cause" that you're probably wasting your entire youth "fighting" for it. You most likely spend hours on this site, delusionally believing that you're actually making a difference in the world by making posts that nobody even responds to. How do you think you're gonna feel when you're in your 60s and you look back on your youth? Won't you regret that you spent your entire life for nothing? Why won't do whatever your heart want? Just give up on this all, you can't control millions people anyway

Attached: tribal dance.webm (480x480, 1.56M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Even her ass cheeks are sassy

If she used blue paint would that be appropriation?

better with sound

Listen you stupid fuck i definitely want to fuck but i'm not touching a fucking thot that let's people of another race fuck her pussy or even lay a fuckikng finger on her

I don't think anyone here is falling on any swords not fucking taint. It's more about making smart sexual choices than becoming a hermit.

Great pasta though, lose "the future is queer" part and it's easily 6/10

Attached: 289fc73f422cffc073fdcc8e06e442234a3a3af1f780ba247b575e3d849be7f0.jpg (475x640, 170K)

Ill fuck anyone.
Except for OP, he's a faggot.

I already gave up, I still don't know why I have this flag.
I'm currently trying to find a black gf to procreate.

you got a purrty mouf op that's why

Attached: me you.jpg (819x315, 69K)

Why do they wear horse hair? Don't they like their fur?

Because you haven't logged into your VPN tunnel yet.

You're free to leave this board and never come back, shill.
Just do it jew, your kind won't be missed.

Attached: OP.jpg (680x471, 65K)

The only reason that nigger women keep a white guy on the side is for his beta ass to pay her bills. Why do you think that there are so many cash apps on the App Store and Google Play? Those bitches are finessing these idiots.

POF has plenty of them

No Kazakh bro, why say such things? Unless your not Kazakh at all. If you really support race mixing then its okay for me to get a harem of Kazakh horse riding she-warriors to loot and pillage the steppes for me

I've fucked all sorts of women but middle eastern. Hapas were great. Married a native American that never ages. My son has my IQ, golden hair and green eyes. Has his mother's high height, however. I have no regrets.

fuck off kike

Attached: OP.jpg (680x709, 58K)

I shall ensemble a Kazakh host entirely made up of busty Rus and Mongoloid Kazakh women to rain terror upon your linege and clan.

Attached: 6A7070AD-708D-4895-86B5-3C06F32517F7.jpg (413x480, 31K)

>better with sound

I would but only as a conqueror, but I'd make sure I have enough children with my own race first
VPN, right?

Criollo here with Incan blood.

Anyone else love watching big black Sub-Saharan guys fuck Mestizas?

Attached: 1535320249261.jpg (544x795, 25K)

Hypergamy has made it such that most guys don't even get laid once in their life.

>most guys
Oh, come on now. A very tiny minority remain a virgin for life and it's pretty easy to have casual sex, these days.

The future is..

Sure is I only oppose them all living in the same land I want us all to be happy living with people who share common history and values. I am free to choose this.

High rates of stds and mental health issues among the queer population. No amount of narcisistic virtue signalling and "solidarity" on social media and in public will make the emptiness of never being able to have a real family go away.

You will wish we won when 3rd world Isis migrants begin to throw the lgptqp's off buildings to the cheers of a bloodthirsty crowd.

And no I'll have no regrets that I stood for something pure.

Attached: 14111111.png (760x749, 494K)

Niggers literally stink

No one wants to fuck sheboons shitskin, not even niggers.

You'd be surprised.

Aww, babbys first time on Jow Forums?

>And no I'll have no regrets that I stood for something pure.
>he said while being too much of a coward to show his actual flag on a anonymous taiwanese carpet weaving forum

Attached: pathetic.jpg (672x787, 34K)


Get a load of this faggot.

Attached: 61C36E9F-DF56-45F2-A865-F5FF4C34028F.jpg (640x698, 59K)

>VPN, right?

Why are you on your phone, faggot?

Attached: 1526182345017.jpg (1080x1132, 63K)

Prove it.

Tell me how, and I will do it

Show us something only someone from Kazakhstan would have. Timestamped of course

post more niggers you nigger

Attached: 1504344165369.jpg (375x500, 91K)

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I'll keep doing it because it pisses faggots like you off.
And I'll keep fucking your shit up until the day I die.
>why would you kill yourself when you can stay alive out of spite

>"why won't you just listen to us?"
>elitist globalist luciferian cultist abloo bloos that they're behind schedule in their plans

Pic related is money

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Attached: 084.gif (400x324, 146K)

Bro, why? Are you ethnic Kazakh? Or are you a Jew, German, Rus colonialist

Dated last year, mongolnigger.

You know that your views are not tolerated in traditional Kazakh culture

glow in the dark harder

Иди нa хyй oтcюдa, кaзaх eбaный.

>Aww, babbys first time on Jow Forums?
Nigresses are universally the lowest tier women, by any metric you want to use.

Attached: Welcome.png (858x687, 378K)

I have literally never met a non-white woman in my life lmao, only ever interacted with the few non-white men who come to my town for work

Astana has been referred to as the NWO capital.

Ive already decided I wanted to race mix. the only problem now is what do i want to mix with... would be hot to ruin a pure blood line, also fun to breed with some mutt so our kids come out a little bit of everything. which ethnic group is most open to having a large family ? (3+) which ethnic group would be eaisest to too hook up with?

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I'm more of a tits guy


That doesn't stop losers from trying to fuck them

shit floor
tin walls
metal ash stand
fuck up mismatched doors
>only a dumb fucking nigger would want to

Why aren’t you? Phoneposting in bed is comfy. Stop being squirrelly and pointing out shit for the sake of a dead meme.

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that physique is nasty

Attached: amazing little ass.jpg (695x1024, 153K)


Oof. That thigh gap.

fuck id bury my cock so deep in her ass

Heard about that, but that has nothing to do with the local Kazakh people, its more about international global banks and corrupt politicans.

I want to hunt it and skin it to hang on my mantle.

Keep your aids monkey

Attached: Perfection.jpg (235x330, 13K)

The kikes have now reached the bargaining phase.

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Because I have a laptop, broke nigger.

This. Nasty ass black chick. I'll bet her ass is super nasty. All that focus on her ass, and it's nasty. I only like to sniff cute assholes.

Wow so much text and I haven't read a single line

Also OP posts this EVERY DAY. This is a demoralization thread.

Most nigger women can't even wipe their asses right.

girls like this have to be skinny to hide their terrible fat storing genetics which signifies their low fertility

That was painful to read.

>This is the future.

Attached: DeNiro and Son.jpg (1500x1897, 785K)

a french surrender to THIS

Attached: Capture.png (495x457, 372K)

that physique is unslapped....YET

Attached: amazing little ass.png (695x1024, 1.18M)

negroes say the most outlandish things in a piss-poor bid to convince us they actually find their own women attractive

i get it, racial pride and all that, but reality check: your girls are ugly, STD-ridden whores

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This doesn't matter to their men. Where do you think they get it from?

>Just walk away, the post

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giving up is possible, also possible to keep doing something else. like typing here

>Why won't you racemix
Because I don't want to make more kazakhs


fuck off ugly sand nigger

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You going to kidnap your neighbor and force her into marriage? How progressive.

Take a photo of some random citizen
No wonder he has these antiquated views
ITS 2018!

Now why you acting like all white women look like that and that you can even get a woman like her? Get fucking real, white women are just as ugly and just as fat and std-ridden.

Attached: Lol.jpg (297x195, 32K)

HIt em ninja of Jow Forums

I'm fucking a nigger and Jow Forums isn't going to stop me.

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when the stupid is just right

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>nah nah whyte boi you do wanna fuk ah womaan
as a loser myself i can say niggers are ugly

mmmmmmm choco bunnies

Attached: 20005333.gif (494x264, 1.75M)

Negroids have the opposite type of magic to aryans and mixing these two bloods creates a mundane with no connection to the spiritual world. now if you where to find me a central asian I will breed her for days.

Attached: 1541135550470.jpg (719x1024, 206K)

Whatever, queer

nigger sows are statistically fatter and more riddled with AIDS

Attached: nigger sow ruining america.png (657x705, 316K)

Is there an unedited version of this? Words and circle are completely unnecessary.