Do you still support President Donald Trump?

Do you still support President Donald Trump?

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I never supported the man, I supported MAGA

Nope... 6 short


Fuck yeah! MAGA all day!

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Yes, but he better get his shit together. Also


I'd probably vote for him only because it benefits white families slightly. I'm European NatSoc and going back in a year.


Bruh are you a faggot? A kike? Fuck outta here if you don’t support this man.

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Yes he really loves America and cares about us.


is this real?
also why is the other person replying to bezos as well


Yes...better than other choices still


Yes. Best president in living memory.

I chose the lesser of two evils during the election. If it turns out that way again in 2020 I'll vote for him again.

Less enthusiasticly but yes. Looking forward to the second half of the game. Hope he gets real creative in deal making with the House Dems.

I support John McAfee

Trump's OK

Hackers replace Trump's Wikipedia headshot with picture of a PENIS

Yes. Until the fiery end if need be.

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He hasn't done anything but whatever. I'll for him again in 2020 because no better choices. Hopefully we'll get a vocally pro-white candidate in 2024.

Not if he doesn't do something to reverse this demographic shift.

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No orange man bad!

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>John McAfee
Can't tell if this is bait. That guy is fucking weird. Obsessed with shitting on central americ-oh I get it now.

This is an important distinction.
Eventually, trumps gonna be out in 2024. The movement needs to live on beyond him.

you are aware of how fuckin weird this guy is aren't you?

never did

>Until the furry end if need be.
fixed it


Yes but the unredacted FISA report needs to become public soon


He let me down big league when he teased the FISA declass and either chickened out or was simply bluffing. Dunno if he will ever recover desu



Yes, without a doubt.
But ultimately we need to be looking ahead to 2024 and beyond.


Any actual oldfags here who remember Donald Trump from his old real estate days? Damn, this nigga got old quick.

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I mean he was always a best of a bad situation candidate and if he wasn't you're either a boomer or retarded (oxymoron i know).

More than the day he was elected. Economy, wall and trade are all amazing. He surpassed my expectations and he hasn't been in office a full two years yet.

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Monthly shareblue probe to see wether or not their shilling is paying out.

I like him, but I just think if maybe he was 10 years younger he'd be a lot sharper in the brain and able to get more done. I love his ability to troll and bully and be entertaining, but I want more real accomplishments too.

Trump is your last chance to ever earn money again....

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Don't let sharia blue and msm convince you he has been idle. I notice that's been their new tactic.
"Where's the wall?"
"Why do you still have immigration?"
"Why isn't everyone trillionaires?"
"Why hasn't Chine collapsed?"
"Why is the US giving Israel money through a bill written into law by Obama?"
"Why did the normal thing happen and Republicans lose the house?"
It goes on forever.


thanks i'm feeling a little better now