Is it morally acceptable to date multiple women? Like in the very early stages, such as in the first two or three dates? Assuming there is no sexual intimacy/sex yet.
I am studying a technical subject with very few female students and hardly have the chance to get to know single women other than going to dates.
If you have enough time to date more than a single woman, you aren't using your time wisely.
Jack Young
Give it the genders reversed test.
What's more wrong in the modern world: a woman who dates multiple men at the same time, or a man who criticizes this? Just apply gender equality and grant yourself the same permissions a woman would have.
Chase Phillips
just say you are casually dating so she can assume other women are in the mix. I always assume if I am dating or even at the beginning of a relationship, if she isn't right in front of me she is seeing someone else. I found out several even text or spoke to me when they were on dates with other guys but I didn't know and why I now assume there is no such thing as exclusivity to a woman.
Carter Thomas
Well, the question is just whether I could arrange a first date with one other girl.
This would not be too much time investment. Also I have quite much spare time right now (college) and already pursuing hobbies.
Brody Lopez
Many people will tell you yes, and in all honesty, it's probably fine. On a personal level, I don't like doing it, because I think that if you're unsure about someone enough to go date someone else, you're probably not that into them in the first place.
But I have a tendency to get too wrapped up in specific girls, so you might be doing it better.
Camden Murphy
It's fine as long as you're not dishonest about it. Lots of people do this. But you're running the risk that some of the best women might not trust you or take you seriously, especially if you're sleeping around a lot. Contrary to popular opinion the "double standard" isn't really a thing, male sluts are viewed the same way as female sluts
Wyatt Brown
>especially if you're sleeping around a lot Actually, I am a virgin (but especially since I started lifting many women find me attractive), and as I said, I don't plan to sleep with multiple women at the same time.
John Wood
nah, it just shows that you're not seriously interested in any of them, which is a terrible basis for a functioning relationship but even if you don't want that, it is not morally acceptable, though it's definetely less bad