Wonder who it'll be

wonder who it'll be..

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This is captivating

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gb2 reddit nigger


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>checks country

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You're really channeling that epic nu/pol/ meming

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My nipples are pink and I can prove it

nigger here, what i miss



shut up leaf

no doubt youll just post your BWC bulls nips and claim them your own, nigger

Post them... and feet too

Now show yours

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Holy fucking shit it’s EFG guy and he’s based and redpilled now

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oh no im getting vomitted on lol

You're hurting my feelings

been waitin to use that. nailed it.

Combo break

Best thread I've seen in months tbqh.

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Ok now this is an epic win. We need a janny in here to clean this boy up he got puke on him

this now a BLUAARFFFFGGHH thread

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Glad to see you didn't jump ship to 4channel. I missed your unfortunate ass.

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El Homo MexicANO

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I lost