is it gay that I sometimes dream of sucking my own dick?
Is it gay that I sometimes dream of sucking my own dick?
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yes, no homo
no wonder there's stains on my train seat
I dont know, I am jacking off (in the dream) and its just what I do next
kinda like the gif of the small dog mouth fucking himself, it just happens
This isn't a question belonging on Jow Forums you absolute k*kes. Get the heck out of here.
i used to be able to suck my dick when i was 14-16 but now i have back problems because of it
If it isnyour own ita juat masturbation
So no homo bro
Name please? Only found her on reddits RandomSexiness board.
still more relevant than most stuff nowadays on Jow Forums
>Dandenong train
>i used to be able to suck my dick when i was 14-16 but now i have back problems because of it
>Jow Forums is for talking about sucking dicks
(Yes, I am strawmanning you for defending this shit.)
You are getting a premium rosa Winkel.
If you legit have no homosexual fantasies you've been watching too much blowjob porn. Masturbation a few times a week is healthy and normal, watching porn a few times a week is NOT mentally healthy its extremely unhealthy and you should quit permanently.
thats good to know
If i hang out at Frankston long enough will i find this chick? I think I saw her last week but she was with a boyfriend.
Whats his name?
She wouldnt survive the westside
10/10 trap.
That's a Melbourne train but I can't see my Frankston on the seat cover PLEASE FIX NOW
no porn = better fap
also sucking your own dick isn't nearly as good as people imagine it to be.
Pretty sure that's just standard male horniness bruh.
Its completely normal if you are faggot
i dream the same thing sometimes
You're sucking his dick too? Is this one of those Inception deals?
I have that exact outfit. My gf swore she got it from the men's section though. I'm starting to get suspicious though
Is it gay if you suck my dick but pretend it's your own?
Check her wallet for train tickets. Deep down you know where she got the outfit. Go ahead and admit it to yourself.
stick your own dick in your ass
I liked women before they got all slutty and painted on fake eyebrows.
you're supposed to suck a woman's dick in your dreams, everyone on the 4channel knows that
If your getting the blowjob: no, but if you're on your knees sucking your own dick: yes.
Idk, but one thing's for sure, that outfit is an attention grabber. Women really like it, they can't stop giggling when I wear it
This is how you build a mana pool. Angels are hemaphrodites for a reason. Ouroboros
Yes, make sure you're the top in your homosexual OOBE
It depends. If you take pleasure in sucking then you are gay. If you enjoy being sucked then you are not gay.
was it dark? surprised you noticed him
Truth mate, I don't know when this 90 degree squared off eyebrows shit started but it seems like EVERY SINGLE WOMAN has to do it nowadays - not just the makeup clad tramps but even normal "nice" looking girls.
I just shake my head when I see a normal girl wearing normal clothes with normal hair and subtle makeup (or none) and then she's got these big, obviously fake, squared off eyebrows often shaped to curve upwards so she looks like she's always got this surprised look on her face.
Fucken stupid.
Somalian wog socket.
Do you wear the same undergarments as OPs pic? Do you recommend the outfit to us anons? Do you have to dry clean it?
Is that her? She is an actual nigger whore? I thought those only existed in pornos in america. I am shocked and disgusted.
Why am I not surprised her room is in need of a good cleaning?
It really is the dumbest fucking thing. A lot of down to earth country girls live where I do so I don't have to put up with it much. It freaks me out every time I see it. First thought is that she is in chemo.
are scots niggers?
it's her
i get it now.
this new Jow Forums/4channel division really means that there's a free pass to shitpost whatever you wanna shitpost here
I wouldn't be surprised that the non-sfw boards in the Jow Forums domain are now exclusively owned by some powerful organization with a lot of shekels, no idea if under the direction of some governmental organization of some country or under some really powerful private organization
Her father is not proud. She let him down,
Honestly user same thing here and I
Believe it is our mind explaining the absolute absurdness of over indulging in self pleasure...
Whats the full story? I've seen here pics before and know she is in Melbourne and looks like a slut.
It looks like she's going commando. Obviously you can't wear boxers since they're too long and it's just wrong to show your underwear in public. My gf got me some new underwear to wear with it. She called them boyshorts. They're shorts, for boys.
And yes I definitely recommend it. Dry cleaning it is smart. I'm just still confused why a woman is wearing it...
i dont know her but id say she doesnt jsut look like it
>50 fucking replies
>still up
what's the point of even having moderation at all?
go back to 4channel fag
Based and redpilled
No perfectly ok. Autofellatio is the final redpill
Yeah, it doesn't make a lot of sense that a woman would be wearing it. Maybe it's a tranny? That makes more sense.
Since your a leaf maybe you should wear thermals underneath (pic related)? Bet it would look good. Might want to paint new eyebrows on too.
Thanks for the cleaning tips!!
Unfortunately we do have some of these. Almost all white women in the states hate niggers as much as the men, but like around 5% of white women like them. Most all are fatties and uglies, but once in a while a cute one likes them. But they are always ghetto trash such as this one. Notice her pout lip duck face in almsot all photos. This is characteristic of ghetto trash. I can't wait till the whore is in her 30s, has a couple niggletts and white men won't touch her. Can you imagine what these mudsharks are going to do when someone finally does make a nigger fucker website and puts these roasties on it? LOL
Notice the kids puckering for the camera. Take after mom much kiddo?
Hey that's a good idea. I complained about how cold it was wearing that outfit so my gf got me some thermal socks, kinda like pic related, so my legs are good. But my body still gets a bit cold. The material of those socks is kinda thin though, so she makes sure I keep my legs shaved, which is a bit weird, but it makes sense.
>I keep my legs shaved
Helps you swim faster. You sound pretty based user. Those socks may seem thin, but are great for ice skating on a cold lake. Helps keep the feet warm.
t. Guy who wore nylons playing lake hockey
>bare ass on seat
>face a different tone to body
Her body is a 10/10. She was made for BBC.
Oh yeah my swimming game's really improved now between shaving and the new swim trunks she got me. They're made to cut down drag. It's a two piece, so you can cover your nips too for increased speed. It's got these strings so you can tie them tighter if you need to, pretty smart.
She wasn't it's absolutly horrible that she fucked a nigger. When it is over in the usa it is so distant its just a porn genre. But to know a young attractive girl would defile herself in such a slutty way. I can't believe what a slut she is. Its like i'm back in highschool again, the virgin and terrified of females matured sexuality.
Are you missing your legs and arms? It's okay if you do. Don't the strings cause drag? Asking for a friend.
Uh, that's not me user. Sorry. I have all my limbs. Yeah I feel like the strings might cause some drag but my gf said they were performance trunks, so who am I to argue? She hasn't steered me wrong with her fashion advice so far.
Hahaha hell yeah
"Forgive them for they know not what they do"
Just look at her face bruh, she's obviously got issues.
You know how the public schooling system fucked you up and turned you into a Jow Forums browsing nerd faggot?
Well that same system fucked her up too and turned her into a coalburning slut.
We both get fucked up, men and women, but we get herded in different directions.
Take care of that girl. She can make a man look like the woman she wants to be. That is an art.
Haha, woman? What are you even talking about? You mean just because that girl is wearing the same outfit I have? Your digits are hard to argue against though