Read For Once C. Trump FOIA Request Records Part 01 of 01/view

It's sad because a lot you wont read any of this, either too lazy, impatient, or simply retarded.

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Other urls found in this thread: Tesla Part 01 of 03/view C. Trump FOIA Request Records Part 01 of 01/view


It looks like it’s just a series of FOIA request from lots of people, what’s to see?

I’m curious OP, is it because it’s a series of denials for releases on Daddy T?

Please read. Judging by your response, you're too inept to make connections.

This is fucking irritating
+400 pages of FBI procedure with a couple of articles on Fred Trump
FFS OP, is there anything specific or are you just an attention starved bag of shit

Guess I got my answer
abandoning thread

I cannot believe you're this dumb. It took me 1 hour to read everything. Stop smoking so much weed.

You could just post one or two bread crumbs. Do you have any idea how much reading material is contained in the FBI vault you posted? Do you think you’re the only one scouring through it all? There is only so much time in the day, post a fucking topic, it’s a discussion forum you retard not a homework assignment

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Op. I have read this, please tell what part your focusing on. I believe we’re on the same page....I assume you have done research on Fred Trump...this literature is not for Jow Forums sadly...

>wow its nothing

fuck you faggot

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Le edgy deepthroats hiding in car garages, abandoning thread

It’s on page 178 of the 1st series of the Tesla release I will post link in a sec it’s a few letters

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And it’s nothing just a letter to GORSUCHS grandpa from FRED TRUMP the synchronicities are deep frens Tesla Part 01 of 03/view

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Post this on 8c-h op...much better results, you won’t get anything from pol anymore. Just use a good proxy

Actually wait it might be the other way around but it’s still correspondences between GORSUCH and TRUMP about TESLAS property when he died

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No, what's sad is you shitposting by not simply saving our time and sharing anything of any fucking value. You failed

You piece of worthless shit. You call us lazy for not reading a whole bunch of requests including at least 178 pages of one of them? Fuck you for trying to seem all high and mighty. "Noobs, get on my level." No, faggot, be of value.

No one gives a fuck enough to read.

Good. Fuck knowledge.

I didn’t say you were lazy nigger but I would bet on you bein a hook nosed kike

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> C. Trump FOIA Request Records Part 01 of 01/view


mentions of jewish tenants
trumps father undercutts a jewish cleaning service
many jewish famils in one of his many rentals
things didn't go well.

all these people have connections with the tenants

lots of media seem to be looking for dirt
many of them are trying to connect hie weath with something

lots of bisnesses and old assicates

news prints
bissiness news
455 is also interesting
and the one above

its was mostly about one appartment block and the constuction company
all of them run by kikes and all of them bought out by mr trump or his dad.

Its over 400 you didnt you lying fuck

And i know you're a lying fuck because that would've shattered the reading record by far