One of my friends sent me this screenshot from texting with his gf. What did she mean by this?

One of my friends sent me this screenshot from texting with his gf. What did she mean by this?

Attached: whatdidshemeanbythis.png (304x259, 17K)

She ate lunch and a bartender flirted with her. Why'd your friend share this with you?

Sounds like a pretty standard account of something that might happen during someone's day

She wants him to know that she has other options.


It also probably made her feel good that someone was interested in her and she wanted to share that with her bf.

Now if she did this multiple times that would be more of a warning flag. But honestly it just sounds like she had something positive happen to hr and she wanted to tell her bf about it.

I could see both perspectives, on one hand if she usually tells really boring stories about her day like this then it's probably nothing

but if this kind of thing is uncommon, she might be trying to say something without saying it (as women love to do), because it's a really dull story that wouldn't be worth sharing except for the flirting part

>she might be trying to say something without saying it
Yes, hence, "What did she mean by this?"

Ding ding ding!!!

This is the answer.

That she found it funny a bartender offered to buy her a drink considering she's under 21. Your "friend" is reading too much into it. And the rest of Jow Forums will too.

How about reading the rest of my post, you braindead faggot? The point is that context matters. Does she usually tell you stupid stories, or does this one seem important to her?

She usually doesn't tell him random or pointless stories.

She was thinking about fucking that bartender, and is guilty of that. Most people draw attention to their wrongdoing when they are guilty, especially women. They’ll try to say something they know will upset you as benignly and as hidden as possible.

I’m not saying she’s gonna cheat, or that women or whores or anything. But she had thoughts of “what if”, and by making it into some “benign” “funny story”, she’s basically confessing her guilt so she can feel better when he doesn’t react with anger or jealousy.

If I were your friend, I would just let it drop. If he gets insecure every time some bartender makes a pass, she’ll drop him quick. Women hate insecurity.

>she was thinking about fucking that bartender
>but women hate insecurity!

Thoughts are thoughts, user. You’re telling me you don’t see some nice tits and ass on a strange woman, and think “what if?”. Have you never had an attractive girl flirt with you, despite knowing you had a girlfriend?

Now, let’s say your girlfriend would flip out on you if you ever said something like “the cashier at the store was flirting with me.” Would that be annoying? Would her insecurity turn you on, make you feel more special? Because I’ve been on the opposite side, and I know how retarded it is to assume your partner doesn’t have thoughts/urges they can’t control concerning the opposite sex.

So yeah, women hate insecurity. What’s your point?

Shit test.

Thanks for your input, user. I'd like you to clarify something because I'm confused.
I understand why it would be annoying if your SO flipped out if you told them about someone flirting with you. What confuses me is why she would go out of her way to tell her boyfriend this at all. If some cashier flirted with me, I wouldn't tell my girlfriend about it because it's not notable. It means nothing and has no consequence. So why did she go out of her way to tell her boyfriend? Why is it notable?

If it's a shit test, how do you pass it?

Or you could just tell your friend to ask her what she meant instead of being on Jow Forums fishing for (You)'s with confirmation bias.
Nothing that anyone says about this topic is but speculation which may or may not be coincidentally true with her true intentions, which in my opinion are probably just telling her boyfriend about something out of the ordinary that happened that day.

>Tl;dr: Communication instead of speculation.

Not OP or anyone else on this thread. I once had a boyfriend who I had been going out with for a while. I had gotten all niced up for a date, wearing a skirt and heels, which was out of my comfort zone but I wanted to look especially good.

When we were driving over to the theater, he started telling me this story of the previous day, when he had been out with his two retarded friends at a Weinerschnitzel where a cute girl was working the register. His retard friends egged him on to flirt with her, and he told me how he complimented her on her glasses and she was getting all blushy and flirty with him.

The whole time, my previously confident mood just was crashing down, and I began quietly seething. I couldn't believe he was taking the time to tell me this story about how he'd flirted with some cute girl, on a night when I purposefully got all dressed up and attractive for him.

He probably sensed this by the end, and finished with a nervous "I...guess I've still got it..! Hehe..."

That was the first time I ever lost my shit with him. Not saying I'm proud of my behavior, but the point of me saying all this is that you really should gauge the situation. There is definitely a time and a place for those kind of stories (honestly for me, though, that time is probably never).

Legit interested.
I would reply with something like "oh wow i had something very similar happen to me except i took his number"

>implying OP would get an honest answer

Probably just make a joke about something odd she said. That or, if you're okay with lying, tell her about the time a gay bartender hit on you and how it always makes you laugh when they go out of business mode into "fucky fucky" mode.

Basically just don't look jealous or unsettled.

I'm only 21 though so maybe an older, more veteran guy could come up with a better one.

OP, you should have replied with "That's nice" and never talked about it again.

One can infer more from a dishonest answer than from a bunch of people speculating over something they know little to nothing about and whose OP doesn't know enough to answer it himself.


jesus christ you kids really are mentally retarded. she told a pretty innocuous story about something amusing that happened throughout her day. she obviously wasn't 21 and thought it was amusing that she was offered a drink by a bartender. the extent at which you're reading into this says so much more about your dysfunction than hers. the internet has made you so autistic that you aren't even capable of recognizing normal conversation anymore.

>What confuses me is why she would go out of her way to tell her boyfriend this at all.

Because she actually wants to be honest with him about how she's feeling. She's doing it in a subtle manner, but that's what it is.

She could have been doing it to suss out what kind of partner she had. If he had reacted the way you reacted she might have taken it as a note that she wasn't for him. It might have subconsciously been what your boyfriend of the time was doing as well.

Well, it was also a way for me to realize bf was a lameo that gives in to peer pressure to get a girl's number, which wasn't the type of guy I wanted to date, either.


This is some horrible bait Jow Forums, bravo

>Girl alone.
>Gets hit on by bartender

Holy shit. Really... that is completely out of this world and can only mean she gave him signals of her availability. No bartender would ever do that unless invited to.

That girl's a slut... no a fucking hooker... yeah she probably works from that bar stool and he wants a freebie.

Fucking women. Can't trust 'em.

>oh shit, just realised this isn't Jow Forums

She went on a dinner date it didnt go well so she fucked the bartender, sorry to say m8 your friends a cuck

This is very true. I don't understand why OP's friend would even share this.

no, she's conveying the story as a bid for affection. she want's a bit of jealousy.

yeah, he should have read you better, and not shared when you were emotionally vulnerable. (re-read your story-- yeah, i agree he was crossing a line, when he's kind of bragging that he flirted with her, but i think your story's quite a bit more crass than OPs) but i don't really think there's something so insidious about these little stories like OPs. people need validation from their partners, and these stories, when benign, are just attempts to trigger this.

a bit of playful jealousy is the right move imo. fretting over it, and sending texts to your friends, being "unsettled", as here, is definitely not the way to go.