
Happening in France, riots lasting for 1 week already, the movement "gilets jaunes" are converging in Paris

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the french can't even riot properly...
>we wear safety vests because we're fucking faggots

Not riots, we are a movement of peace. Call them protests.

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you can see people taking bricks from the ground, destroying public proprety

frogs stink and are faggots. Why should I care what happens in neo-africa
I went to Marseilles once like 8 years ago and there was more niggers there than Ive ever seen in my entire life.
beautiful weather though
frogs ruined France because they love that BBC and dont have a culture
Frogs should die out
Fuck off Frogs


Can someone fill me in? Why are all these crossing guards pissed?

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I was hoping do more arm bands


Holy fuck. It looks like a construction site safety inspector's convention.

>t. Xi Jinping

where are all the young people?

Quick rundown?

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>"La police avec nous" (police with us)

Bunch of statist cucks who can't revolt without the oppressive force of the... State.


What's with all the fucking high vis Shit

Mainly for :

Gvt money spent poorly
loss of power
Centralised governement
ghost little town
Loss of mayors power
Loss of retirement (it won't exist probably soon)
Loss of consumption power
Loss of jobs

And the list goes on

>everybody wearing matching reflective vests
Literally glowing evidence of behind-the-scenes funding.

Sounds like voting for macron over Le Pen wasn't a good idea

Government made it illegal not to having one when you own a car.

They litterally forced the people to buy one

tanks in 30 minutes

ahhh yes, no doubt supplied by soros, the only man capable of obtaining the rare and complex yellow hi vis vest.

Thanks for your clarification - that's hilarious. No wonder French are clashing with police.

I assume people are wearing them in protest of that law?


Everyone has one in their car because it's mandatory since 2014.

are they protesting immigration policy at all?

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Jesus Christ the amount of ignorance in Jow Forums
>wow why are they wearing yellow jackets???

If you spent less time discussing BLACKED or if meds are white, you'd be more focused on actual political news over the world.

I don't hink they can, it's probably illegal so this protest is probably implicit. waiting for French anons to clarify.

Does Jewish trickery know no bounds

Why do people speak when they don't know shit?

I find it strange that it isn't being talked about by American news media, no way to spin it I guess. Keep the goyim in the dark about world events.

They are protesting because gas prices spiked (even though the cost of oil is low) and are getting ludicrous. We don't mind having to buu a vest, but the diesel price is just ridiculous.

where are all the young people?

meanwhile not a peep about this in the BBC or UK press apart from one little thing about a guy being naughty during "fuel protests"

>We don't mind having to buy a vest

Well, there's your problem.

i saw it faggot, i was highlighting (get it) how fucking retarded your position is. jesus fuck boy are you dumb? so people who can organize a mass protest of that size from across the country can't organize an identifer as common as a hi vis vest without the assistance of the deep state intel community? people capable of organizing that many people, with a common point of view, wouldn't think to identify their common protest with a commonly found and cheap piece of clothing? THAT TAKES SO MUCH EFFORT IT MUST BE THE CIA HOW FUCKING RETARDED ARE YOU SHITHEAD.

fuck, you should feel ashamed of yourself.


It's a boomer movement, they protest because gas is taking 2 cents and they won't be able to take 5 vacations a year but only 4.
So they're asking gas doesn't increase and instead the government taxes younger people more.

hmmm nefarious indeed

Why are the French workers always do massive protests like this?

Don’t mind ridiculous government policies like buying a vest or building ansocialist country and then importing the 3rd world on the French mans dime. Hmmm

Yea this makes sense. Typical boomers all about the shekels

Or you could cut some of your welfare programs but then it would planet of the apes in paris

because they're french?

Except this vest is actually important and might save your life. It's just like the triangle you put in your car so that you can warn people in advance in case of a car crash or a breakdown. There's absolutely no reason not to have at least one in your car at all times, it's not just Jewish trickery and paranoia.

no news outlets are covering this lol
>it's like the Iceland Revolution all over again.

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How long until guillotines come back?

Yellow jackets are mandatory for drivers, you've got to have one in case your car breaks at night, so you can be seen from far away and people don't kill you accidentally.

That's why all the drivers have one. Cohencidently, it was François Hollande's good friend making these kits that were made mandatory under Hollande.

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>t. Urbanite

Cost of gas is just unacceptable. Other taxes skyrocketed as well.

Highway network

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>The government must force you to buy one

and bam, a fucking german appears.

and look what he's doing, he's telling people about ze rules

damn, how many protesters are there?

all the young people are muslims.

Cops are jew puppets...

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how much is your gas?

>The government must force you to NOT drive too fast

This is why you need guns

Did Macron really say nationalists are traitors?

I've asked french anons opinion

I live in the countryside, I have a car. Still, it's mostly boomers protesting.

Cut welfare ? Ah ah, you're speaking about France.

>Nothing suspicious about hundreds of masked rioters in identical vests.
Why can't you be civil like all of the French posters, you meme?
I didn't say it's not a good idea. I even have one, myself. The fact that it's mandatory is what's laughable.

Thanks for the background info.

>Keep the goyim in the dark about world events.

A lot of news here : democratieparticipative.biz/la-marche-des-gilets-jaunes-sur-paris-live-live-live/

This is the greatest protest in the last 30 years IMO

I somehow believe in a Jewish psyops around this but let's dream and believe

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If only the armed forces would for once not lick the government's boots.

1.45 euro per liter.
5.4 euros per gallon.
6 dollars per gallon.

>Speeding and not having a reflective vest are the same thing


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protests at the toll booths to slow things down.

They're just a lower tier wage slave

Euros are so fuckin brainwashed.
You want to guess what's in the trunk of my car?? It's also "something that might save your life".
Want a hint? Or can you guess.

>>Nothing suspicious about hundreds of masked rioters in identical vests.

so a bunch of people protesting a common cause wouldn't adopt a common identifier unless zog told them to. especially when they're organzed enough to travel across the country. hmmm, truly you have the insight of the ancients.

your entire existance is a fucking meme.

I wanna be this guy when I grow up. The saftiest of the safety squad

Soon hopefully.

Nobody knows, tv says something like 5000 but that's obsviously BS.

Shit you're lucky.

Around 1.56 per liter here in the South.

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It's a bundle
People don't have a precise motive to protest but it's mainly white people against taxes with a latent racism
They would have voted Trump


>"Yellow vests" : indignation after homophobic, islamophobic and anti-blacks agressions
>In the margins of demonstrations this Saturday, local press and social networks brought up discriminatory acts, one of whom made the government react
>"Go back to your country", "Get out", "Bitch" to a black woman", "I recognize them, he is a faggot, "On the side, there is a lady parked for one hour ... they made her take off her veil."


>"Yellow vests" in the Somme: investigation open for "insult with racial motive" against migrants

>Go back to your home
>We are in France
>Go back to your country

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yeah yeah, we know, big gun to compensate for your tiny little penis.

>over $2/liter in leaf money
jesus christ

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Yeah, I'd be pretty pissed too. It costs me like $35 roughly just to fill up my GTI every other week at $3 and some change. The people driving these big trucks and SUVs (most Americans) are actually fucking retards.

It's exactly the same thing. You can drive fast but it's at the cost of your life and everyone else's so the government is forcing you to respect speed limits or you get a fine.
You can decide not to wear a yellow jacket whenever there's an incident, but it might cost you your life, especially if people are not respecting speed limits.

Stop being obtuse.

A gun can't do much against a car speeding in your direction at 130 km/h

When we say it's bad, then it's bad. 2/3 of gas price is taxes.


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Taxes, gas, CSG (name of a tax), migrants
French people have no more money

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>If only the armed forces would for once not lick the government's boots.

yeah, fuck the military taking orders from the civilian government. they should make their own orders. HOW COULD THAT EVER FUCKING GO WRONG. NEVER WENT WRONG IN GERMANY OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT FUCK NO SORRY KAISER CAN'T STOP THE MOBILIZATION

jesus fuck do you try to be a stereotype or does it just come naturally?

Why do frogs always protest? Bunch of commies who are used to too good.

Conceal carry is unfortunately forbidden.

Wtf? And people mock us for the tv license?

more like white flags in 30 minutes

there seems to be at least some trickery if what is true. But since it sounds like a reasonable rule you Germans fucking love it. I recently went home from having a beer with a few friends and came to a crossroads with traffic lights I saw some faggot standing there while it was red even though there was no traffic since it was 3am, so I stood next to him and asked "So where from Germany are you, friend?" He was very surprised I knew this and asked me how I guessed it without even knowing, I just went on while having a few keks. Why are you all like that?

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>People don't have a precise motive to protest but it's mainly white people against taxes with a latent racism
>They would have voted Trump

so good people then

mdr, c'est Ryssen ?

In France, the last time it happened, a king and several other people got shortened by 20 cm.
Guess it's not the same thing for every country.

yeah yeah, we know, learn english to compensate for your tiny little country

Oui, the far right lead by ryssen, it's an antisémit movement...

damn son CHECKED
yeah we need to quit that shit

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>Delay until you have full approval goy

Things are weird now.
Police have advanced on the barricade in the middle of the Chhamps-Elysées.
But protesters are still coming from everywhere.
There's layers of cops and Gilets-Jaunes, what a mess.

I ask this every protest but why don't they rush the cops instead of well... making a shitty wall

Tiens moi au courant. Je suis pas l'actu.

Lats time was in 1848 actually. And we just expelled him. Then vote for Napoleon III 3 years later...

I'd like to see them flip the high-visibility jacket as a symbol of hate. Can't really ban those can you.

sounds like a perfect Saturday out down town to me. kek


what the are you even talking about about you dumb nigger.