Last living iron cross recipients gather

Last living iron cross recipients gather.

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Why aren't they reinstate the iron cross?

Only three of them alive? I thought there would be much more. Or maybe they are those who were in a good condition enough to arrive in a gathering.

they have Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross

For what would any German in the last 60 years receive it? Better they don't, or maybe they would give them out for welcoming refugees.

It must be hell to watch their nation commit total racial suicide as they themselves are in their final days.
But that is what Hitler's expansionism brought us.

These men are living legends from an age long gone. The Germany they fought for was drastically different from the cucked, self hating, self immolating one today. Sadly, these brave men who gave their all for their people had to come together in secret. Apparently, in Germany, the antifa subhumans and the current German regime they serve are eager to attack these 90-something-year-old men.

Of course the antifa that got beaten in their youth comes slithering back to get revenge on defenceless old men, typical.

I would love to see Antifa or a Muslim kill them. Not because they deserve it, it would be very tragic, but it would be the redpill the normies need


Had the same thoughts

Didn't they gave ICs out like candy in the last days of the Reich?

That's peak sociopathy. You respect them for their idiological beliefs as well as being elderly, but you want them to be killed by their Nemesis in order to "redpill" youngsters not yet decided.

6 gorilion

That's what shrimp dick churchill brought us faggot. White genocide can't come soon enough.

Well in all fairness they deserve to be violently killed

Idc if a nazi is 90 yrs old or 20 a nazi is a nazi at the end of the day

Weak bait

>This post
The unfortunate thing about the internet is you can't tell if one is being a moron ironically or not.

you guys are mixing up the Iron Crosses 2nd and 1st class with the Knight's Cross (Ritterkreutz) of the Iron Cross. only 7300+ Knight's Crosses were awarded

>a fucking leaf in middle instead of swastika

I bet they have nerfed medals, and not the originals.

Still respect.

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Ludwig Bauer a man credited with 46 tank kills. He fought in Barbarossa. Moscow. Kursk. Normandy. Falaise Gap. Bulge. Defence of the Reich.

Hugo Broch. Luftwaffe ace with 83 confirmed kills. He told me that the me 109 was the best plane of the war.

Karl Konig. Fought in 21 panzer in North Africa against the British, New Zealanders and Americans.

>you will never be this based
feels bad man

idc if we’re on Jow Forums or not but I’m not a nazi or a “duhh jooooos” tier conspiratard that scapegoats a tiny minority because it’s easy to do

My grandfather fought and killed Nazis, how the fuck do you expect me to root for them?

>My grandfather fought and killed Nazis, how the fuck do you expect me to root for them?

Mental gymnastics and memes are what motivate most people here tbqh.. That said, those 3 wearers of the Iron Cross were just soldiers like your grandpa. They'd probably shake hand today. Soldiers are rarely the most ideologically motivated forces during any given war.

mine too, but you're being disrespectful

Nobody here has said he would have liked to kill your grandpa. My both grandfathers fought with Nazis against Soviets and I couldn´t be prouder of them.

My grandfather would have never shook hands with a nazi. Do you know how different the world would be if the Nazis had won? I’ll never forget what gramps said to me on thanksgiving a couple years back “if the Nazis has one we’d be speakin German right bout now” and we all nodded in agreement because it’s not only a powerful statement but factually correct.

Your grandfather was a faggot and a coward.

Okay so apart from your shit ethics they're irrelevant. Muslims rape and murder children and women. No one does anything

Weak bait.

I replied so it's not completely useless but still...

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Dont reply to this mongoloid, hes just looking for attention

>Do you know how different the world would be if the Nazis had won?
>no feminism
>african population contained
>pragmatism in controlling asian and african colonies
>white population increasing

I would have loved to speak German in such a world

Your grandfathet fought for kike masters and sided with commie scum. Fuck off.

and now you suck on jewish cock

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The Jews (especially the ashkenazi variety) are incredibly intelligent and excel in banking and finance (two things that make the world go round in the modern era)

So in a way we all suck jewish cock right? We also benefit from the framework they’ve created.

It's because the guys in the picture have the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, not the Iron Cross first or second class.

No, that's the "Knights' Cross". I may superficially look like the Iron Cross, but isn't. The Iron Cross was pretty much awarded to anybody with a bit of grit and guts in him. My grandgrandfathers both had one. Knight's Cross was something special.

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The Germans in Africa under Rommel were respected by Monty's men. Fucking deserts.

That's the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross user. You can tell because its worn around the neck whereas normal varieties would tend to be in buttonholes.

>if only you knew how bad things really are

Speaking german > getting buttfucked by jews
Es ist nicht so schlecht

You tell me Fritz

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bet they're all wearing the cucked version with the oak leaves

They did. It's now called the "Federal Merits Cross". Both my grandfather and my grandgrandfather had one for defusing RAF WW2 bombs after the war. Btw. that was before you showed us the air raid fotographs, i.e. when you used to dig for foundations of a new house and got a surprise 1.2 ton air mine lying there.

>My grandfather would have never shook hands with a nazi.
Maybe, but doubtful. As a matter of fact, he probably has..
>Do you know how different the world would be if the Nazis had won?
It'd be different, but it's a stretch to say anyone knows what it would have been like. More Russian, I'd imagine..
>I’ll never forget what gramps said to me on thanksgiving a couple years back “if the Nazis has one we’d be speakin German right bout now” and we all nodded in agreement because it’s not only a powerful statement but factually correct.

Russian. We would be speaking Russian.

>Russian. We would be speaking Russian.


Because the first one who would receive it would be a refugee, knowing Cuckmany

He's saying if the US didn't join the war the Soviets would eventually have beaten the Germans. At least that's what the implication is.

>fought in Barbarossa. Moscow. Kursk. Normandy. Falaise Gap. Bulge. Defence of the Reich
how is it even possible to survive not one but all of the major battles? wtf is he bulletproof or something or did he have a Brotherhood of NOD stealth tank?

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You're grandfather murdered people for a banking cartel.
The kikes tricked your ancestor into murder.
Never forget.

Not really, the premise is that the Nazis would've won. He wrote "if the Nazis has one" but it was a mistake

Doubtful. Without the Americans, there wouldn't have been English air raids for lack of bomb materials, there wouldn't have been a D-Day invasion. Hitler would have reconsolidated the eastern front in Poland and moved men from the western front there to back them up.

But that's all "IF" and we know it didn't happen that way.

they also betrayed their ally, fingolian

Not saying I agree with him, but that's just what he seems to be implying.

There was not really another option if we wanted to stay independent.

We really should have put some extra booby traps on those things


Sorry, should have been more clear: My point was that the Nazis were never going to win.. The US stopped the sovet advance at Berlin. Without the US it would likely not have stopped there.

Also by 'we' I obviously meant the European allies, not so much the US.

Yes. Maybe the idea was that postwar Europe wouldn't have had a NATO and the Warsaw Pact would have stretched to the Atlantic?

Anyway, even then they wouldn't all have spoken Russian like claimed. I visited the GDR in its last year in school, and I spoke better Russian after buying a 6.80DM pocketbook "Russian in 20 easy lectures" than they did after two years of three times weekly classes in school.

>inb4 commie
I was interested in a lot of languages. I didn't follow through with a lot of them, but got at least an insight how they worked. There was crazy stuff among them like Irish Gaelic, Old Englisch .... and Russian.

They didn't even go off when they were supposed to. But what are you going to do with pre-electronic ignitors. I still have a brass ignition needle mechanism here on my desk.

suprised they werent thrown in jail IMMEDIATELY.

Shut your trap anglo faggot

There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING worse on this planet, nothing more destructive, than "muh greatest generation" and "boomers" from jewmerica, those dumb, short sighted, retarded, ugly wife having, degenerate, subservient, obedient, circumcised mercenaries of ZOG.

I hope your grandfather is burning in hell. And I hope you'll join him too, faggot jewmerican bastard.

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>I’ll never forget what gramps said to me on thanksgiving a couple years back “if the Nazis has one we’d be speakin German right bout now” and we all nodded in agreement because it’s not only a powerful statement but factually correct.
Obvious bait is obvious. Take your (You) and fuck off.

I hope Broch releases a memoir. Would love to read about his exploits in the Luftwaffe,

Arrest these evil men NOW!
They LITERALLY gassed me 17 times and killed over 200'000 Jews in 10 minutes EVERY DAY

Sounds like a sensational accomplishment. Shouldn't they receive the Nobel Peace Prize instead? I mean Obongo got his for waterboarding, drone killings, collateral victims and murdering an old, sick, unarmed man.

sí señor

I hope those nazi fucks die soon.

Based gramps

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Agreed. By the way not long ago Brits gave him a Spitfire ride.

Yes but Obama didn't kill Jews so its all good

brainwashed fag detected

After the war, the burgers had the German soldiers reclassified from "Prisoners of War" to "Disarmed Enemy Forces", because they didn't feel like abiding by the Geneva convention, since according to the Geneva Convention, they were obligated to give PoWs food and water.

So in short, the burgers just rounded up German soldiers, put them in massive camps, stopped feeding them and just waited for hundreds of thousands of soldiers to die.
On the other end, the Soviets marched them east and either outright killed them or sent them to Gulags.

That part rarely makes it into history class in the West, though.

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Probably more. The jew has made it his mission to hunt down any and all white nationalists. national socialists are easy targets

couple hundred thousand more dead krauts?

Normies wouldn't get redpilled from that you fucking ((((((idiot))))))

> the burgers just rounded up German soldiers, put them in massive camps, stopped feeding them and just waited for hundreds of thousands of soldiers to die
That would have been bad enough. However, they went a lot further. There are reports of german civilians being used for target practice (source: The Journal of Historical Review, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 161-166), POWs being driven over with bulldozers or buried alive when they became sick (can't find the source for that right now) and family members and close friends of POWs being held hostage in order to get them to confess to taking part in war crimes (E.v.Salomon, Der Fragebogen).
>On the other end, the Soviets marched them east and either outright killed them or sent them to Gulags.
The soviets didn't kill quite as many as is commonly claimed. the total deaths of germans in soviet imprisonment number ~200k, vs ~1 million in american imprisonment (difference versus number of prisoners and number of survivors - officially, only 15k were recognized). From what I heard from people who lived through the war, the soviets were the only ones generally treating germsn prisoners humanely and immediately punishing their own soldiers if they committed crimes against germans. I guess the modern image of the soviet army was influenced by american cold war propaganda quite a bit.

i reiterate: i hope we slaughtered as many good for nothing germans as possible, and im only regretful that there are still survivors.

Forgetting who got your incompetent space agency to the moon?

Not to mention the roughly ~190,000 rapes committed by US troops during the invasion and the occupation of West Germany. And the Soviets made those numbers look like child's play in comparison.

That part also rarely makes it into history books.

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You are the scum of the earth.

>56% man proud of killing the people who tried to prevent him from becoming a 56% man

Le eternal mutt strikes again.

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We know Paco.

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You have discovered the electronic epitaph of a fallen hero.

Heinrich stopped ~12,000kg of incendiary bombs from dropping on this sortie.

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Are you trolling? This has to be bait. Let me guess you're from reddit and you've been here a whole week.

You fucking noob. GTFO and back to your reddit hole. You are obviously brand new here now fuck off you useless piece of shit.

Those are Knight's crosses of the Iron Cross and that picture is years old, they are all dead now.

Kys nigger

Damn that's sad. They fought for a good cause. The last true cause.


>The Journal of Historical Review
The JHR has no credible sources for its claim.

>The soviets didn't kill quite as many as is commonly claimed. the total deaths of germans in soviet imprisonment number ~200k, vs ~1 million in american imprisonment
Oh, never mind. You're a Soviet propaganda-pushing kike.


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Where do you think the US would be right now without paper clip? You would’ve lost the Cold War without the “good for nothing” Germans.

Thread theme

Why respond to lazy b8?

Youre thinking of Jews and blacks. Never relax.


>Time magazine issue of Oct. 15, 1945
>Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, The German Expellees: Victims in War and Peace (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993)
>Giles MacDonogh, After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation (New York: Basic Books, 2007)
>R. Keeling, Gruesome Harvest (1992)
>A.-M. de Zayas, The German Expellees (1993)

Or even better, just watch The Greatest Story Never Told. It tells the story from the German point of view, and even lists every single fucking source at the end.

For the lurkers who actually share his opinion.

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We really are the enemy aren’t we?