Aus/pol/ - JUST Edition

Current seats
Labor: 59
LNP: 20
Green: 1
Independent: 2
Undecided: 7

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Green rapists btfo


First for labor



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Respect my authority, cunts.

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>calls real police

Where are you from and what's for dinner lads

>trans link

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Imagine how tilting it would be to be a senior conny or below, having to turn up and take over from me while I get paid more than them to literally hand off issues.

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>you could be a member of parliament right now if you joined the labor party on a whim 2 months ago and stood in Brighton

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I saw Bill in real life once. He was jogging around Sydney.

It's okay lads, no matter how bad the election goes, at least Trudeau won't be in charge

What does this mean for gibs?

>not playing more chili exclusively
Yeah alright cunt whatever you sy

That actually makes me feel better.
Thank you based leaf.

Is Labour in Australia similar to Labour here in the U.K.?
Who are /our guys/?

Picked up the 2 sticks of sushi at Flinders Street station while I was on my way home from the pub. Had the munchies big time

Greens have gone from 5 Legislative Council seats to 1.


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Yeah they're similar to your labour party

What if you don't have enough for the extra credit for the 4-game feature?

Our labour are nothing more than union puppets
When the day of the rope comes CFMEU will be first to hang

Any of the Right wing meme parties

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They're similar. Australian Labor is probably more centrist and less obsessed with boycotting Israel.

>Forget I have to vote until the electoral commission sends me a text
>Go to a school
>Write 'No thank you' on both cards, hand them in
>Despite the (apparently) enormous labour swing my seat is still Liberal by 20%
>same as it has been for the last 20-30 years because it's rich white boomer territory


your vote really matters guise hur hur

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There are no /ourguys/

then go home cunt you aren't welcome at the pokies

i voted for the Victorian Socialists just to piss you retards off

>havent jerked off in 2 weeks
>first few days were a little rough but after that have been fine
>mfw now have a massive urge jerk it

reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee make it stop

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So this guy, almost as a joke it seems, hangs out in the labor office, sucks up to some faggots, got enough of those faggots to sign for him to run 2 months ago and now through doing nothing and just having Labor next to his name he's about to get a $170k job representing the interests of a tens of thousands of people?
Fuck this state.

The problem with Melbourne/Victoria is that the politicians on both sides are fucking worthless and have been for almost a life time.
I went back to Melbourne in 2015 for a couple weeks.
>Old school I used to go to in Dovetone, closed down crack shack
>Technical college, closed down crack shack
>old mall I used to go to as a kid in the 80's in Dandenong, closed saved for some Arab muslim shops.
>Shops in areas I remember around Cranbourne, all run down shit holes with graffiti everywhere.
>Buildings closed down everywhere I look
Its a fucking dystopian shithole with rivers of kool-aid, because when you talk to the locals they think it would be heaven if only there were more Africans.

>your vote really matters guise hur hur
Well it depends on your electorate faggot, but your vote always counts in the senate

that girl's head middle right is fucked.

Greens are currently ahead in the seat of Melbourne by 73 votes.

Why would you want ALP over Greens? ALP is a corporatism party controlled by identity politics. They represent the worst aspects of the left and right wing parties.

Im moving to Australia, ive heard its super UN-Full and needs to be fulled.

>Its a fucking dystopian shithole with rivers of kool-aid, because when you talk to the locals they think it would be heaven if only there were more Africans.
Fucking spot on. I'm about to move away from Melbourne, I got gasps from my co-workers when I said I was glad to be leaving. They really do think it's the best place on earth for some reason

fucks sake.
that's my taxes.

Whites r welcome, always.

Bang that throbber till your load blasts out, user.
Just think of those girls who want your pulsing meat writing inside of them while they scream in joy.

Nah cunt we're only full of non whites

You're from Europe so come on over

I made a box for [chinese overlords], couldn't lose either way.

State doesn't gibs to Neets.
>was promising free Tafe for new job skills, so you might have to pretend to go to school so Canbera doesn't cut your gibs.

Bill Shorten even looks, walks and talks like Jeremy Corbyn.

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oh i was quite distracted

Anna Palaszczuk for PM !!!

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You've obviously never been in one of these threads

It makes you just want to drop out of the system altogether. Why contribute to something like this?


So, they import as many immigrants as they can to get votes and represent the working class by being as distant as possible to them?

Throw some thanks to the absolute dickhead who lost the seat

100% the guy did fuck all campaigning because it was safe

yay someone finally used my OC

To be honest, I have never understood this line of thinking. I either want to vote for someone in the Senate or I don't, I don't have a preference

What is the benefit of doing such a thing?

Only another week till November is over cunt.

or theyve acquired the australian shitposting virus, and are now one of us

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A big mac

Both major parties do that, except the Liberals pretended to represent small business.

your mum doesn't count

I fucken hate that place. I just get a new zealand ice-cream and laugh at the suckers trying to sell those dumb Mexican donuts.

Were his tits bouncin?

honourary poaster, no surprises this is an Aussie board after all

>live within a stone's throw of the city
>don't live in working class filth territory
>have no issues whatsoever except for a lot of chinks splashing money around like it's nothing

why don't you blokes try traralgon, maybe you'll get that authentic country vibe you crave

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>tfw probably going to lose $500 tonight

taralgon is shithole, might as well get over with it and live in moe

That's what your mum told me.

kek didn't you lose $500 on the races too?

Based QLDer here. Happy to see the Greens got BTFO, but what sort of future do Victorians hope for with electing so many Labor candidates? Labor fucked Victoria well and truly under John Cain, Joan Kirner and John Brumby.
The Vic Libs must truly be cancerous, incompetent fucks if they have been beaten so soundly by Labor this election. Either that or Melbourne is just a pozzed shithole the deserves what they chose.
Federally, the Libs are also fucked up - but I can't really imagine what life will be like under Bullshit Bill...
As long as you cunts get out and vote in Australian Conservatives in the senate and get rid of the Green cancer, we should at least have a pressure valve to head off the worst of Labor's retarded policies...but if they get control of the house AND the senate next election then we are well and truly fucked. Think I might have to head overseas for another decade if that's on the cards.

>I either want to vote for someone in the Senate or I don't, I don't have a preference
What? Wanting to do something or not is literally a preference.
>What's the benefit
Having what little influence you can have, it's better than not voting altogether

>As long as you cunts get out and vote in Australian Conservatives in the senate


You actually bet against Melbourne remaining the socialist hellhole? Foolish.

>QLDer here

Make sure you have a ticket on public transport m8

you won't do shit bitch nigger

that's the joke my dude, Melbourne is fucking great provided you don't live in the outer suburbs like impoverished scum

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Gonna run for council in a couple of years. Kinda gives me hope desu senpai

I live in Northcote, the suburb is fine, but going into the CBD is fucking depressing. Overcrowded, no sense of community. I hate it.

Nah that was a different guy I'm not THAT stupid.

I bet on the Greens for one of their seats.

I meant to say 'I want to vote for one party'. Maybe I could do 2 at the best. I don't care about 12 senators or their parties or ordering them appropriately.

the entirety of Australian democracy is a joke. every time we vote for one party only to have them fuck up and we then vote for the other only to have them do the exact same shit. this cycle will never end until we wake up and choose the Socialists.

>our guys?
Liberty Alliance are anti Islam law and order Zionist party

Sustainable Australia Party is the fuck off we're full party but polite and PC about it.

LDP is guns and drugs and self defense but pozzd on migration and too libertarian for neetsocs.

One Nation is dumb populism without a vision.

KAP is redneck economic nationalism guns and civic nationalism, dog whistles about the yellow menace

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As someone born in Moe, can confirm that both towns are fucking shit.
This guy rolls up does your landscaping (and manscaping) fucks your daughter and wife with his 7" noodle what do?

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lmao looks like in my local seat the guy who the nats had to kick out of their party because he essentially stole off other party members to fund his gambling addiction will be reelected as an independent

based fucking democracy

Then just tick the party you like above the line and let them decide who to preference, if you're that disinterested

We're going full commie, nignogs ahoy, girbil warming, you name it. I can't wait to see us get the anal reaming we deserve.

circa November 2018

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I am shocked at how little votes the Sustainable Australia Party got. Autstralians just don't care at all. It's so demoralising.

Id live in Traralgon south if i had work at one of the power stations that is a nice town.
Or walhalla/rawson

why is this lmao? explain yourself cunt. Go read some policies and then come back and tell me why its funny.

if you want the gippsland life go further east or south

t. Sale lad

Australian Conservatives are the white man's choice

I'm so glad the Greens got completely fucked. Deserved it after their "BUT DEMOCRACY IS UNFAIR" shit with their candidate fuckups.

Help guys I've gone full boomer

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Sustainable Australia won an upper house seat

>Id live in Traralgon south if i had work at one of the power stations that is a nice town.

kek no

enjoy living in a shithole town with a dead end job that will likely dry up within the next decade due to muh green policy