>no more stupid jokes
>no more stupid interruptions
>no more shitty soundboard
>no more faggoty, wispy, passive-agressive takes
>no more low iq takes


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Your anus bleeding doesn't mean you're on your "man period" and you get to be a bitch: it just means your boyfriend Daykwan is hung like a horse.

Based Sven, glad he is around.

Hi Mike. Be nice, and stop drinking. I'm sick of hearing you slur on every show you do.

mm no

ps sven is smarter than people give him credit for
he can often condense difficult takes into easy to understand, straightforward language

I've never liked Sven desu

>I've never liked Sven desu
but if he was gone I now I'd miss him

Sven is funny and it's funny when Mike spergs at him. U gay

proud paycuck until the bitter end. Not like I have anything better to do or spend my hard earned shekels on.
No really, tell me what else can be done? I've got my life under control (career, lifting, house, car, diet). I red pill those that i can, I run stuff for my local pool party, I network with other people IRL yet this place would have me do nothing and just OD on blackpills, based-tranny pics and other D&C topics.
I listen to TRS/TDS cause it is the new hurt box and a balanced one at that. which is more than I can say for nu/pol/ these days. I really hope hiroshimoot nukes this place altogether and forces all of you fags off this place and somewhere else.
We all know how much that worked last time(gamergate) and spilling weaponised autism FURTHER would likely get shit done for a change. Go listen to the third rail and really have salt rubbed in your wounds until the pain becomes unbearable and you want to do something.
Screw your shitposting, I am going OUTSIDE.

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agreed. he needs to recede into the back ground and just work SFX like Fred norris.

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What? There are Aussie parties? I'm pregnant too old but are there any in Melbourne?

erm i think so. come swing by the unofficial 504um or head to the dingoes room on ordovangelistarum.

>imagine being this low IQ
Sven us a retarded and a 44 year old Boomer conservative Republican. His takes are ice cold and he is extremely poorly educated and Ill-informed on a wide range of subjects.


He's been better, recently. And Mike has started doing it, too - in the Philly Strike and Mike, and with the recent show with Vasily whatsisname. They've got to stretch the show out, and so fill it with dirty puns and uselessnesses. It's insulting, the things they think are 'entertainment'.

> Sven smart
Yeah, wasn't Mike saying he was 115 or 118 or some such, recently? Smarter than me, and I sure couldn't keep up the patter like he does. Not that, overall, I like Sven's interruptions - I don't - but, again, he's either getting better or I've gotten used to it. It's Mike that's bugged me more, recently.
> drunk and slurring at the Philly thing
> interrupting /Striker/, for God's sake

Mike should get a scholarship to law school - you know he'd be good at it. He could self-destruct if he tries to do a talk show his whole life.

Couldn't agree more. Annoying uppity twat.

They should probably condense the amount of content they produce. William Pierce for example would only broadcast American Dissident Voices once per week and spent the rest of his time managing the National Alliance or reading books and watching the news.


this song is prettty impressive though

STFU Mike. The way you yelled at Alex on Friday was a dick move too

Why would you want to take out the only good things about the show. Just listen to strike and mike if you want big brained takes and no fun

>Watching the TRSodomites

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Cunty Sven is intolerable, but he only comes out when Autistic Mike is spilling his spaghetti more than usual.

Alex McNabb? What happened?


>Implying the daily shoah, fash the nation etc, aren't the biggest how do you do, in history

are you sure they arent just funny people making the edgy jokes that have been banned from society

Isn’t he the only one of the 4 death panel regulars to finish college?

44 is Xer dude

This so much. Do one, or two two-hour shows a week, there'll be so much they want to cover that they'll be impatient with the filler crap they do.

Does Sven still have his hardware store? I hope he didn't sell it, I don't hear him talk about it anymore. You want something to tie you to normalcy.

Perhaps, but anyone who looks for political guidance from these clowns is literally retarded.

Shut up Sven. It takes more skill than you have to make what you do, 'fun'. It's annoying, shitty distraction.

youre probably just misjudging the audience

Really, I would like a half hour of Morrakiu. Clean, well structured script.

that's how i've felt about sven from day one. but he is the one who runs the show. he's valuable. he's the opie of the relationship; shitty on air but overall too valuable to tell to fuck off.

bring back bulbasaur

stryker is a leftist cunt

Merchant Minute is gay as fuck now

He is like an obnoxious Opie.

the juden is breaking, get them in a pincer manouver

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Agreed. Let me just say you've reminded me how much I miss Artie Lange

They should have two scheduled shows one pay walled and one free and a third one if there are breaking news. They also need more guests on and stop with anoying filler BS from Sven and Alex. Also they need To do more show prep.

Bring back goul. He was my favourite.

It is annoying but it is often quick witted as fuck. People with quick wit are rare, so we shouldn't discourage it.

He’s the only decent part of that show. Anyone who’s a fan of Mike Enoch at this point is a fucking retard.
>wow long story short it’s the Jews
Just use that drop whenever Mike has a hot take and the show would be massively improved.

i believe this is all correct

It’s Pittsburgh ya dumb hillbilly.

Ghoul was a literal fag

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You're retarded. Ghoul was the worst

The only successful thing he did was starting the Edgey Memes for Fashy Goys (Smuggies) Facebook page outside of his short-lived YouTube channel BoneZone. I was fucking surprised he wasn't an obese neckbeard.

If anyone were to come back, I would prefer Bulby. His tales were top-notch. That lampshades episode with Heimbach and him going back and forth was interesting, and I'm not even a christcuck

Spotted the jew.

I miss when MM was shilled hard here in summer 2014.

Imagine being fucking Mike. You have to hang out with this fucking retard like four days out of the week, he never shuts up, his sole purpose on the show now is ruining your takes and he doesn't even use any of the good drops anymore.

Frankly I'd just kill him. I would not have been able to constrain myself as long as Enoch has which I guess is a time preference thing but I would actually have shot the son of the bitch at the first Giardia joke. Behind the Paywall video, me turning around and blowing the fucker's head off of his shoulders. Don't lie and say you wouldn't pay $88 a month just to be able to watch that clip on loop.

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Stranger. If you go to his mother's fb account you can see pictures of him with his gf.

what happened to le chateau autiste that was the funniest shit

Bulbasaur wasn't just funny, he was also right like 90% of the time, he was like a weird southern Eric Striker. The episode that got me started on TDS was when Bulby was breaking down the Jewish prediliction for blood cannibalism and I actually spat out my drink because I had been researching that shit for like ten years and he was the one who bumped into the fact that most treatments for Tay-Sachs is blood infusion.

Jews are vampires, Bulby figured it out first.

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Yup, outsource the pain. The black pills are hard to take down but Jesus they are motivating.

Bisexuals aren't fags now? Multiple people that have left TRS that were part of the "inner circle" at that time have confirmed Ghoul's faggotry and the infighting it caused. There were multiple faggots in TRS, they had a raging gay pagan as a forum mod for a while. It's probably been deleted from YT by this point but look for a recording called the Third Jimpact. Everything was brought to light. This isn't out of character for TRS, they have embraced multiple faggots.

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I learned you can't get cucked from a tentacle and that tentacle rape is right-wing because it's an abstraction.

sven is working as intended--to keep Mike from getting in good content.
>HURRRRR tHe AuDiEnCe lUvS iT wHeN i InTeRrUpT

Just found it.

Never let them forget how they supported Greg Johnson and Jack Donavan and threw good people under the bus.

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these people sound so fucking autistic what the hell is this garbage
gay people being gross doesnt preclude them from being intelligent or insightful

Once a week is too seldom if you're going to do takes on current affair. If something huge happens on Saturday and you're going to give your ''hot takes'' the next Friday, that's way too long time.

Doing once a week show would be probably as much effort as three episodes along the week.

Why do libtards try to pretend that a far-righter would attack far-right podcasts without reasons? Go away.

Idk about all that. Hes slightly above average IQ, funny about 87% of the time, but he takes the derailing way to far at least once a week to the point of it being obnoxious. He's good for what he does. Sound engineering, parodies, angry outbursts, and banter. Hes a good entertainer, that's it. When he tries to go beyond that it falls short. I remember when he got all butthurt when his attempt to meme "you need us" after the first it's ok to be white campaign. Even his orbiters called that fake and gay.

I want /nu-pol/ to fuck the fuck off

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>We need muh based faggots that try to sleep with young vulnerable white men in the group goy, we need cuckold defending pro abortion faggots that drop so many redpills amirite?

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Nothing bad. Mike blasted him for basically being Alex Mcnab while he was trying to make a point. Same as usual.

Wait for the part where they start telling the truth about Ghoul. How he preyed on young vulnerable white men that attended pool parties.

>gay people being gross doesnt preclude them from being intelligent or insightful
It does preclude them from being a legitimate part of a movement to preserve western civilisation. Homosexuality directly leads to the destruction of the fabric holding our civilisation together. They spread plagues, they prey on the young and vulnerable, they promote their deviancy in every fucking movement they're in. Any group that tolerates them will be met with the destruction and betrayal they deserve.

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Common spic is long gone but some of his fan boys are still around I see.

THe appeal of TDS is that it's a "racist friend simulator" - they're like a group of buddies you would have around to talk shit, banter and discuss random memes and politics. The problem is that my IRL friends are blue pilled cucks who I can't have these interactions with.

It's ok svenpai I still loev u

It's a good intro to fringe politics. I started listening three years ago and moved on. It's a place to get your feet wet.

It's because he can't get too mad at Sven in one episode, so he had to get mad at someone at ear gauges was the only other one present.

I really like McNabb, except that he plays Tau.

I want to like Mike but his bitchy outbursts aren't pleasant.

wtf man

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Good to kno I'm not alone in hating what 'content' this cuck brings. I could listen to Mike breaking things down forever since thats what I listen to them for but this irrelevant low iq hack is really bringing down their podcast's enjoyment for the listeners. All the good stories come from Mike or those other two(ambulance guy and the one whos like 6'4).

ok great youve convinced me not to vote for mike enoch for president

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Poopy pee pee butthole ghoul...why? All he did was stutter and get talked over by everyone else.

poast your best mike enoch's

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I like The Daily Shoah. This thread is retarded.

you have no regard for god.

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yea this is exactly it
i just wanna unwind and make some offcolor jokes
but you cant say them out loud irl anymore so this will have to do as an inferior substitute to normal patriarchal society

Mcnab is the only one I dont really like. I remember when mcnab got hired full time, right after ghoul and bulbasaur left. He practically said nothing for like two months while sven and Mike had to force him to do show prep. He's better now but he can get really obnoxious and lazy.

I *do* wonder about people who are loudly obsessed with talking about how much they hate faggots
dude, they're faggots, and they're disgusting. shove them all back in the closet like the good old days and move on. (that last part being most important)

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They're sort of funny but they do get annoying. Especially with how high pitched his voice gets when he's mad.

Fuck off kike

the only thing about mikes act that needs work is when he pretends to be talking to a person that isnt listening to him
that whole category of bit should probably just be removed

>hating homos means you are one
Spoken like a true bathhouse nationalist.

>shove them all back in the closet like the good old days and move on
Except TRS didn't do that did they, they promoted Greg Johnson, they promoted Jack Donovan, they covered up for Ghoul when we was chasing after pool party goers, they covered for Thorne Lockerson when he was fostering a gay cadre on the forums. They defended Milo and Woes. They've promoted muh based faggots time and time again. But it's people that have a problem with that that are gay right? You utter faggot.

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I appreciate his medical knowledge and some of his stories, but he's just sort of the straight man and that makes him a bit boring in isolation. I remember when I was first starting out I couldn't figure out which one he was because his accent was so neutral.


lmao, what alternative do you have, based nazi?

I see this complaint a lot but I love Sven. Does he derail the show all the time? does he say stupid shit every episode? yeah, sure, but I've also heard some of the best takes from him. Kind of a throw shit at the wall strategy with him

He was really good as a guest back in the day. He would always come with a Dr Narcan bit, and he didn't seem pressed for stuff to say. He used to write good articles back when TRS did that also.

Alternative to what?

alternative to the altright

You can't get more alternative than the alt-right

Hello fellow user.

There are no mass movements to join at the movement, the alt right has lost momentum and is leaderless and directionless. It needs to be viewed as a stepping stone. I have my criticisms of the alt right but that wasn't part of any point I raised, TRS harboured a lot of faggots and threw good people under the bus for having an issue with it. Then Mike goes on to give speeches about how we need to be loyal to each other and how we can't betray /ourguys/ at the Pittsburgh gathering, it's incredibly two faced .

so you have no alternative then, ok, carry on