Get systematically replaced by your own government through the mass importation of low-IQ subhumans from third world...

>get systematically replaced by your own government through the mass importation of low-IQ subhumans from third world countries
>don't bat an eye
>fuel prices rise a little bit
>set the whole country on fire
Seriously, what the FUCK is wrong with Europeans?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cowardly. Too scared to kill bankers because stockholm syndrome or something to that effect. Also. no comdradery anymore.

bankrolling another one of your stupid civil wars is exactly what we need to keep our economy strong.

thanks europe.

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>Stockholm syndrome

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The day of rope will come from French people.

Don't forget we killed our King.

Don't forget we found the USA.

You should fear the frogs, first you see us like lazy, smelly and arrogant bastards. But when it's enough, IT'S ENOUGH.

Antisemit speeches are becoming more and more accepted, everyone know (((who))) owns the media and (((who))) truly govern us.

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>Antisemit speeches are becoming more and more accepted
Yeah, proportionally to the increase in the Muslim population.

i hope that you get genocided by niggers and arabs

Becuase normies/NPCs/lemming/proles whatever you want to call them, only care about materiel stuff. Ethnic conflicts only happen when ethnicities are competing over a resource such as food. If there is plenty of cheap food and trashy tv people get along peacefully

Attached: normies_explained_for_altright_idiots.png (1024x5104, 2.29M)

t. kike mooching off the west

t.circumcised kike slave

Mpre precisely, the social contract that legitimizes government has been thrown away, and people are done being civil if there is the slightest problem.

stepped on snek

Revolts always start over something you wouldn't expect, often a tax. The Eighty Years' War started after years of brutal persecution and plunder by Spanish soldiers, but that wasn't the cause of the revolt - it was a 10% capital gains tax that pushed people over the edge.

Looks like this one is pretty much over, though.

You're the same Italian kike who is always on here crying for the goys to be nicer

Spotted the JIDF

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The decline of testosterone levels

no,i simply hate french faggots

France, Germany, the USA, they all need to fall
Or the european people vanish forever

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you got me desu

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america will never die you retarded little faggot

nobody will ever give a fuck what some dumb slav thinks, stay irrelevant and mad lol

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*clears throat*

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>worrying about skydaddies

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slavs are just inside-out niggers

like the irish

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I swear there must be hundreds of millions of safety yellow vests in Europe. Where do they all come from?

Anyone watching the stream? It's lit as fuck boi

>fuel prices rise a little bit

I thought it was taxes as well

all they care about is money

What do swedes care about? Their cultural identity? Hypocrite

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le pen wouldn't have had this problem

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Oh what the fuck? That symbol is in End of Evangelion. Now you're telling me the Jews stole that too?

they sell them in every gas station in europe
Alot of the continent require you to have them in your car
Over here you dont

>We killed our king
Yeah that helped a lot

>We found the USA
And subsequently held just a tiny piece of it which you then sold

If you still think the Reign of Terror is something to be proud of, you got a lot of redpills to go, Monsieur

Show me your blue eyes and blond hair, you true Arian kiddo.

>another inside out nigger
why are you retards so easily upset

it has less to do with your appearance and more to do with your behavior anyway, even other nationalities agree slavs are sub-human, don't be mad i don't make the rules that's just how it is

Ivan whatever our differences I want you to know youre still my blood brother in the fight againts the westerncucks, also fuck poland

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"boiling the frog" has made everyone hypersensitive to any kind of change in the status quo

why not just blame the prices on the niggers?

>ivan thank yous very for this aid i will now proceed to suck of your dick
wow faggot

u mad, Juan?

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Makes it really easy to be mistaken for a police officer I guess

I'm still awaiting blue eyes and blond hair proofs. Otherwise, you are a nog shill. Or a kike. No difference 4 me.

No he just feels your ID

why would bankers be first on your list?

U may bro, bro

based big uncle with nukes

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unions are pretty strong in France and they riot over economic things

also funny how press is spinning the same bullshit that its all rightwing extremists
fucking shills controlled by banks

>having this much of a hard on for blonde haired blue eyed men
knew you were a faggot but damn

Russians are merely what is left of the ancient vikings, mutt de los americas


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Godspeed, frogs!

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>mutt talking about genes

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>kill all niggers
>kikes bring in more

Quick Rundown on Yellow Vests here:

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