My girlfriend agreed to paint me a picture of Hitler (she's an artist)...

My girlfriend agreed to paint me a picture of Hitler (she's an artist). Please send some suggestions what photographs would be good. Also, Rare Hitler thread, I guess

Attached: 9.jpg (596x708, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Thought you'd never ask

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Here you go
now that's a rare one

Attached: b9f35b014dc8962de2da71fa6f87c497.jpg (658x960, 100K)

rare one, forgot the context

Attached: tumblr_p7g3vqIAdc1toqeyzo2_1280.jpg (1280x861, 204K)

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Blue eyes
Don't forget

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he cute CUTE!

Attached: hitler mad.jpg (431x650, 40K)

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Attached: hitlerchicks.jpg (964x643, 103K)

Attached: nice kid, but I ordered chinese.jpg (404x600, 38K)

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rarest of them all, what the allies didnt want you to know

Attached: 1513297283409.jpg (480x360, 27K)

I like this one

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I need more wholesome fuhrer interacting with his people

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Definitely this one

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He's never coming back is he??

Attached: 1538839197643.png (224x216, 94K)

cute, CUTE

The lads

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I'll meet him in Valhalla when the time comes. Now you have something to look forward to after death.

He's just waiting for the right moment to come out of his cryogenic chamber in his antarctic base

Attached: 1444540642197.jpg (750x725, 365K)

The second coming is soon young lads, and this time with the power to destroy cities

Attached: 9DC7F905-8F5E-4A3E-ACD7-4606A7AA0A9A.jpg (513x510, 42K)

I fucking hope so.

His legacy with us. We must finish his great work.

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>record screeches
>oh hi, I didn't see you there
>my name isn't....
>Eva Braun off camera "Hitler?"

these don't have the fuhrer but i just find them cool af, it's at his mountain house though

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Just wait user, just wait

Attached: tumblr_nzf2sxcrMn1r3eyedo2_400.gif (350x155, 2M)

This was always my favorite pic

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If you want, put bleach in an empty urinal of a Jewish synagogue. Once the Jews piss in it they shall be gassed

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Why would you call your god a man?

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I like this one because you can see that by this stage he was just looking forward to retiring to his brand new 'Holy Land' - 'Israel'.



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M'Lord Rothschild

was he a real nazi or wasn't he?

Attached: ahns.jpg (720x522, 209K)

hitler was a fucking moron all i can do is ask why?

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Colourized - To make his jewish eyes blue.
They naturally went over the top. As you would expect.

And gay!

Attached: 1540016575379.jpg (516x1024, 69K)

Inside a photography studio.
Notice the difference between foreground pose and rear artificial picture scenery.
And the fake lighting.

(((Fake Hitler)))

Attached: 1540017627835.jpg (2060x1354, 699K)

How about this one?

Attached: 1483465875820.jpg (585x782, 74K)

Based and redpilled

With the daughter-in-law of crypto jew Richard Wagner

Attached: 1518219327309.jpg (608x648, 60K)

His supposedly randomly having his picture taken with some rustic volk.

fourth post best post

Seriously guys?

When she has finished post in on Jow Forums

Williamsburg, 1942.

Very Sephardic looking


might be the best gif i've ever seen

Attached: cute.gif (390x241, 1.99M)


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