Appeal to Normies: Linking Jews to The 1%

1. Out them. Name them. Invoke the name of the Jew to the point where normies start to recognize them. Destroy their camouflage.

2. Normalize terms like "Jewish Privilege" and "The Kosher 1%". Call awareness to (((nepotism))) wherever it rears its ugly head.

3. Whenever somebody mentions the holocaust, in any context whatsoever, bring up Stalin's purges and Mao's mass executions. Don't deny the holocaust (most normies will immediately assume you're a tinfoil-hatter if you do - this is a matter of optics!). The holocaust can be made irrelevant through historical context - "yeah, the six million were a tragedy, but look at how many STALIN killed!"

4. Whenever a hooknose brings up Jewish persecution in Europe, of any kind, tell a story about your own persecuted ancestors. Make it up if you have to, but let them know about your Protestant forefathers who died at the hands of the Catholic Inquisition or whatever.

5. Steps 3 and 4 will effectively remove the "persecuted minority" card from the yid's playbook. "Jewish" can then be painted as the new "straight white male." A campaign of righteous moral outrage against the oppressive 1% can begin.

6. Ovens.

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please, don't tell me larkin is jewish

god I would lick her arsehole all day

Everyone acts like their PC, social-face is so important. 90% of the people you run into you will never see again.


Enjoy a niggers sloppy seconds, thirds, fourths...

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Say what is important to say yeah. The most terrible things in life is regret that you didn't say what you really know about things. And that courage is what can change the world for the better.

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yeah! sounds good! Schlurpppppp :)

>name them
Corporatists. Done.
>whenever somebody mentions the holocaust, a set whataboutism
But that's literally dumb.
>Whenever a hooknose brings up Jewish persecution in Europe, of any kind, tell a story about your own persecuted ancestors. Make it up if you have to
That's just pathetic. Just make shit up if you have to lmao.

Look PP you clearly spend way too much time on social media, especially far right (alt right) social media. Too many memes and not enough facts. Semitism is one thing but Jews are individuals. They are not all the same. If you truly care about evil on the world then take a closer look at semitism itself. Not all Jews are super semitic and that's kinds of important to know. Many white people are way more semitic than lots of Jews. Fundamentalist Christian's for example. Anyway this thread is retarded and OP sounds like a desperate NPC

Gas yourself, Mr. Noseberg.

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they've already made tons of gentiles 1%ers too to hide themselves. what you need to look at is the .001%. they're literally all jews.


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lmao is that emily with pat little dude? that bitch is fucking crazy

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is that about that one youtuber who only does videos with retarded kids?

I like this.

This is exactly why they deflect by blaming white/european people for having priveledge. They blame others preemptively, so that you focus on that instead, instead of factually looking at ok. Who is most in control of everything in the US. When you realize it's a tiny minority of jews 1.7% of the US population. (not 1.4 as you say iirc). That are massively overrepresented in ownership and control of everything. And when found out constantly pretends you hate minorities. To deflect from you objectively realizing jews are in massive control. Over a majority of white americans. I think jews shoot themselves in the foot by even bringing up the notion of priveledge and power. It would have been better and easier for them to try to conceal had they not brought it up. Because they get everyone ACTIVELY LOOKING AT who controls things and exactly which type of people they really are. Something people might have not otherwise done in such detail. And then you find out that jews are the ones pulling all these fucking strings. And are actually bullying intimidating and pushing around the white majority, in their own nation. And this does not paint a pretty picture for jews..

It's true. And jews are totally to blame for people realizing this. They shot themselves in the foot with this priveledge bullshit.

hey op do you have any pics of her asshole?

Gritty knows

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whats truly amazing is when they out themselves

Right wingers will never stop sucking Jews and Israel's cock, just stop it.

In the other hand lefties are giving Israel and by extension Jews (their dearest nation getting attacked) a really hard time.

Right wingers are not even mad at Trump Jewphile behavior, his kids are Jews, grand-kids are Jews, he never miss sucking Israel's cock.

The absolute state. Just move on and stop the LARP.

>whats truly amazing is when they out themselves
>don't point out jews are overrepresented in globalist thinkers and who pull those strings on a global scale in that direction. Pointing out correctly that it is jews is antisemitic.
Look if you don't want to talk about priveledge and power and who is in charge. Stop bringing it up you fucking retards. YOU BROUGHT IT UP! And then by you bringing it up you hurt yourself. Because that's the whole reason why so many people like never before started seeing through it, recognizing jewish names and realizing they are jewish and not white/europeans. Which is how they kept their nepotistic control concealed. By others not realizing this and assuming they were white/european powerstructure. And it was white/european people who were doing these things.

Wow no arguments. What a surprise. Keep believing in your semitic mythology you useful idiots.
>muh faith! Muh bible!
>b-but it's all the Jews! Y-yeah and the fact that I endorse semitism has nothing to do with the problems I express outrage about!

10/10 OP is correct.



>he thinks christianity is pro jewish.
A jew will literally tell you that christians persecuted jews for 2000 years, because they killed jesus. Those nations who kicked jews out for doing very bad things. Were christian nations that had converted. Jews killed christ and said let his blood be upon our hands and our people. That and other things is why christians saw jews as heretics, till very recently that jews did an extra textual psyop and the schofield bible crap and tried to end this by convincing christians that they have to love jews if they are christians. Blatantly false. The term kike originated by them hating christianity so much that they refused to write an x on ellis island immigration papers but instead wrote a circle, kikel is yiddish for circle.

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"J-left" and "J-right" are good terms to use.


Don’t deny the holocaust cause it tchnically happened to normies anyways.(some jews were definitely murdered by german soldiers). Things i like to do to point out how it is “fake” without saying it is fake bringing up curiosities. Like why did the red cross says nothing after all there investigations into Germanys camps, show youtube videos of people that had fun at aushwitz. This alone cripples their preconceived notions and opens them up to learning more weird stuff.

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I could point out how your original post was nothing but ad hominems and trendy buzzwords. Labelling the Kosher 1% "Corporatists" is purposefully misleading. Calling me an NPC was laughable, and you entirely missed the mark about me being a Christian. There are plenty of secular reasons to hate your slimy kind, Jew.

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1% ---> billionaires ---> internationalist billionaires ---> internationalists ---> Jews

In related news I have successfully redpilled my girlfriend on the juden. So beautiful to see her researching holohaux fallacies on her own.

The THOT to end all THOTs

Been doing this since I was 18 accidentally and since I was 20 on purpose.
My result so far is about 300 odd niggers hating jews + whatever they echoed further.

The best one with this was before Trump was even POTUS (or he might have just been elected) when he was talking about the Lugenpresse. Jews immediately jumped on how it was an anti-semitic comment because the media is owned by Jews, and the Nazis said the same thing in the 1930s therefore Trump is a Nazi. But they accidentally admitted that they owned all of the press by having no restraint and not keeping their mouth shut. I even remember in one article they complained about the term and then confirmed said term as being accurate by saying something like "Nazis in the 1800s coined the term" despite the fact Nazis weren't around then, but the term was, the one that translates as "lying press" while they were, you know, lying in the fucking press about it.
You let them talk and they end up memeing themselves. It's the same as when someone mentions the media, the banks, the movies, the music industry, pornography, radio, television etc, but don't mention Jews. What's the first thing Jews do? They say "this sounds like a dogwhistle to the Nazis" confirming a point that no one was ever bringing up.
I know people say "durrr if white so clever how they trick by stupid Jew?", but whites having built the modern world have actually shown how capable they are. Jews tricks of logic, pity, and kicking the can down the road while destroying any country they inhabit is proof that Jews aren't clever. Hell, we hear constantly about how they make up so many NPP winners, how the greatest thinkers of the 21st century were Jews, how Jews have suffered this hardship and that hardship, but their superior IQ has always seen them through. And yet. with these IQs that must be in the 200s, they can't keep a country that is scarcely bigger than New Jersey afloat,and are incapable of stopping it collapsing without $38bn in American tax payer money and without American services? No wonder people think nationalists are retarded when this is the evidence they have.

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Pic related. Hitler on plutocracy and jewish oligarchy. Natsoc was the full dismantlement of that locally in germany. When you really look at what they were doing and how the system was so good for the german worker. You realize very quickly why jews HATED IT. IT'S LIKE CANCER to nepotists and financial oligarchs. It hands over all the power to the worker and the people, gives them free education to achieve their ultimate potential, free healthcare to make sure they are well taken care of. Encourages peak physical condition, and peak mental condition. And a child that grows up from poor family and becomes by merit boss of spoiled rich kids. is EXACTLY what natsoc think is great. Because it's merit over nepotism.
It was such a tremendously good and noble, decent and moral system. That the jews could not wait to tear it down. All the things they had done for near centuries to establish themselves in germany and consolidate power and screw everyone else. Was getting torn down. And i have to say it again and again, but i have to say it. The war itself had very little to do with the system. Except that the jews wanted to stop this system, and wanted to stop anyone from being inspired by ANY TENANT OF IT.

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talented children of poor people MUST RECIEVE FREE EDUCATION.

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Breaking up oligarchical big business, that were not paying workers fair wages.

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Respect towards foreigners. But love for your own people.

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Prohibition of child labour, animal rights banning vivisection of animals. Cracking down on drunk driving etc. I mean there's so much ground to cover. The more you know about this system that they demonize as if you are going to hell for even knowing anything about it. It's the opposite that is the case.

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>married couples given interest free loans equal to 9 months salary to set up homes and start families
>for each child birth, a portion of the loan was cancelled and payed back to the children at a later date
>house payment only an 8th of monthly income
>women awarded medals for having children
>first nation to actively campaign against smoking
>invented blood tests that detect alcohol to crack down on drunk driving
>first nation to ban vivisection of animals and create animal rights laws
Do you get why jews hate it yet with just that part. They are out to destroy european peoples. And they hate christians like few others. Not even the muslims who tried to take over europe for 1400 years hates christians as much as jews do.
OFCOURSE you hate such things of natsoc, when you are trying to do the exact opposite. And try to stop white/europeans from having kids. Why not pretend abortion is birth control for the lazy and family planning. Why not create a whole series such as handmaids tale about telling white women it'´s SLAVERY to have children. White women having children. What are you CRAZY or something? Why not brainwash white women and then turning to white men and telling them.
>look clearly white women are the problem (now that we brainwashed them) why don't you throw them under the bus.
>hand wrenching.. muahahahah

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You want to know what true evil is like, true evil that wants to destroy you whilst trying to put on a fake little smile and pretend it is your friend, pretend it's so good it's 'chosen' right? So chosen it kills a messenger directly from god and is justly hated for it for 2000 years the christians correctly saw these jews for what they were. Who said.
>i come from god what you are doing is not right, i am nothing, who sent me is greater than i.
And what they do. They say to the romans who were all about their empire. But even they they could find no wrong against this man. Why should he be executed in a most brutal fashion.
They really wanted him to stop talking. He's blowing them the fuck out.
You don't have to imagine it in your mind what evil is, just looking at some of the things that is going on. And then who is spearheading these things.
>how dare you be sceptical of us, how dare you critique us for it. You are so mean!

reading about nazi germany makes me cry


Read because of Larkin Love

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christianity is not european

I have criticized quite a few people for mentioning the 1% or super wealthy or “the rich,” gently reminding them not to be anti Semitic as 50% of the 1% are Jewish.

>tfw that tongue will never lick your gooch

I know it isn't, but it most certainly isn´t jewish either. Let's dispense with the illusions. Jesus was artificially impregnated into a womb of an earthly women. her imprint is irellevant. Mary was shocked.
>you say i am pregnant but i have not had sex.
angel/emmisary tells her
>you are pregnant marry and you did not have sex, what you carry in your womb is holy. protect this child.
Jews deny this and don't understand it. As they killed other prophets aswell.
It´s artificial insemination you retards. The child is not from this neighbourghood. And has nothing to do with being normally human. Is why he was born out of sin. When you are born of father and mother and father impregnates the child. You inherit part of that legacy. Jesus was of nobodys legacy. He was put here. A a game changer. Directly into the womb, does not have human father. And mary was barely his mother, more like a chosen incubator to carry it. And this gets even more obvious in the way he dissapears. They find his grave empty. He is taken up in the clouds and dissapear. Those who impregnated him here. Ressurect him, take him with them. To arrive at a later date.
In a very real sense this is much greater than any one people.

Pic related

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How do you bridge the gap between two species? A hybrid. The whole purpose of taking abraham out of ur and have them do that whole thing, was to prepare for this hybrid to be impregnated when the conditions were correct for them to be ready to recieve. For them to then follow this holy child and evangelize to the entire world so that the entire world understands the coming alteration where the kingdom of heaven is to be created on earth. This is what christianity is about. Instead the jews killed him and FUCKED IT UP. Because other powers were at play. And their return heralds the unification into new glorious bodies with an entirely different blueprint and the souls into those new bodies. our entire multiracial species. Into one uniform expression not clones but beings of a higher expression with near infinite physical lifespans. To clear up the old mess, and create the new man and the new earth.

>larkin love

shame she only does nigs

This is also why the order is then. I will take the kingdom and your birthright from from you and give it to others. This is the whole deal with esau (jews) and jacob (european christians) and why jacob (europeans) had to prove themselves worthy and struggle with an angel metaphorically. To prove their worthyness of this.
The powerful europeans became house of god and heirs to the promise, rather than the jews converting them by jews following jesus and evangelizing. The other way around was the case. And the jews were rightfully seen as heretics for interrupting this endeavour temporarily and following bad things instead. Instead of the dumbass fucking jews. The first shall be the last. The jews will get their ass kicked, and will be punished for doing this interference.

They are priming mankind to enter the cosmos. That's what it's about. And to enter it rightfully. Mankind must change into a better expression. Connecting earth as a node into their empire.

Mankind needs an UPGRADE. the judgement and the new and glorious bodies free from sin is all about that upgrade. Jesus is the herald of that upgrade. We're not permitted to go walk into space with our fractured existence intact, and our petty double dealings and all these things. There´s obviously something pretty massively preventing us from going too far aswell in that endeavour of going into space. Probably a lot of subspecies who are waiting for the big ones to arrive and sort these things out. 'checking us out'.
>oh yeah they're really in a fucking mess.. I can see why the big ones have to come here to sort that shit out.

>Whenever somebody mentions the holocaust, in any context whatsoever, bring up Stalin's purges and Mao's mass executions.
It works much better to bring up the Palestinians, IMHO. Shows the entire Jewish people are whiny hypocrites and mass murderers, which is much better than just showing they aren't the biggest victims ever.
The freemasons also already know it´s all an alien covenant that they will make mankind better and wipe the tears of incompetence violence and evil towards eachother from our eyes. It has been from the beginning. Take away the spirits and these things, which certain governments and people used to control people. It's obvious. They want us to join them in the cosmos. But man needs to be changed. What are we. An experiment gone wrong, whatever we are. They want to make us whole again. One node (earth) one people. Operating together. But this is not for man to do, we cannot fix our differences that destroy us. we are but humble beggars. And jesus said: Which i think is quite beautiful so i'm going to end it with this. Because it really says it all of what i have been talking about when you think about it. Mercy.

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Others looked away, but they see our suffering. And know how to sort it out. Others saw, but thougth.
>not my problem
Even if they were screwed with.
>pack of robbers (other people in cosmos, stripped them of everything and left them to rot). 'people who walked by' nobody cared.
That's why they are the big ones, and they all are scared of them. They are good and they always do what they say they will do and turn a bad situation into something good instead. Have a nice evening and enjoy your weekend.

damn... she can lick my nuts and my asshole