Wow what happened to him? I watched his latest special and damn he jumped on that sjw wagon...

Wow what happened to him? I watched his latest special and damn he jumped on that sjw wagon. Honestly kinda sadden by it.

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yeah i dont know why anyone looks up to this piece of shit

hes got really involved in stupid political movements which are obviously useless, but hes trying to get the fame himself because he's getting old..

stop looking up to celebrities you fucking faggots.

It's not news, he's a cuckold. Despite being bullied by blacks in high school until he peed his pants, he insists on attacking race realism.

All punks were supposed to die in the 80s.
>Either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become part of the establishment

His old specials are legit tho, but yeah I feel for him he really missed the boat.

Fuck off you Hollywood fake ass old faggot.

From an oldfag who grew up with his preachy shit.

He is niggertier.

He is not an intelligent person, but pretends to be. So, he jumps onto the idiotic "being a liberal makes you smart" bandwagon. It is a very good strategy, people who lack intelligence would do ANYTHING to be able to claim to be smart.

There’s this punk scene in my hometown and it’s nothing but sjw pussy faggots

>he jumped on that sjw wagon
He's always been a leftie. Also: homosexual.

24 is old fag?

Hrs been centrist, and real. More left leaning yes, but not full retard.

He's always been this way, you just changed. Go look at his older work and you'll see very similar statements.

> single bitter old angry white men that has not done anything to improve the white race.
Didn’t get marry and produce white kids. These old white men need to be gassed. They usually become yellow fevered mass shooters or sjw faggots.

Punk music is faggot antifa shit. The Sex Pistol's manager was a pederast who wanted to dress skinny young men up in choker collars, skinny jeans and leather.

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He was always a left wing cunt. Nothing new.

he is a fucking sell out, on the fucking kike payroll

That’s because, surprise surprise, he’s Jewish

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He is a double digit IQ, repressed homosexual boomer who has not been relevant for 30 years.

This hits the nail on the head.

He's always been a massive faggot

has this guy ever said anything smart?

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>Rollins is of Jewish ancestry through his father. His great-grandfather Henry Luban

He's a filthy kike you stupid fucking faggots
>Rollins is of Jewish ancestry through his father. His great-grandfather Henry Luban (born Henach Luban) fled from the East Latvian town of Rēzekne, then part of the Russian Empire, into the United States.

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hes always been a huge attention whore faggot loudmouth wannabe like most punk rock fags. Turns out sjws are also Insecure faggots.

Ultimate Rollins impression.

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He’s always been an idiotic cunt who has had more confidence in his idiocy than most. This is why he comes across as well-informed if you’re not thinking critically about what he’s saying. At least his music is largely unknown today, and the only remaining vestige of his artistic contribution is that one Tool song he spoke on.

This faggot is literally one of the least likeable people I have ever seen. He doesn't even bother trying to hide his massive ego, and his basic bitch talking points and "advice" are nauseating to listen to.

His investment portfolio is not cutting it, so he has had to sell out in order to retain some marketable relevance.

youre looking at joe rogan in a few years. joe is the fence now but joe will go full leftie soon once the united states becomes full socialist

Typical edgy progression... cool alternative edgelord is just un-ripened fruit hanging off the branch of the gay population.

this guy is a complete fucking retard who was always a poser

also, can't you tell by his huge frankenstein head and bird face?
Its a fucking kike....

“You think you can kick my ass toughguy... I’ll suck your dick if you can. But if I can kick your ass, well buddy, I will suck your dick.” -Henry Rollins

This. In prison slang, the word "punk" referred to a young, submissive partner of a homosexual.

He was good on Stargate SG-1.

what a faggot.

I remember a negro telling him that he doesn't know her pain & he agreed & apologized for his white supremacy.

Really heartwarming

This means Rollins is a manlet too.

He was always like that. The badass persona is an act. Musicians, especially the ones who pretend to be badass or punk or inflict self harm, have low self esteem. People with low self esteem become liberals and SJW cucks 100% of the time

He's a kike.

Rogan is standing on a box tho

That guy is so cringey with his thick soled shoes. Anyway Rollins is still a manlet.

Manlet Rollins got his gay lover killed by niggers when he pussied out and ran away leaving his fuck buddy to die.

Hes always been a commie faggot; you just werent paying attention

Came to post this

look closer, they always was a beta orbiter incel faction. Now they put the pussy on a pedestal and worship hoping to score some sjw roastie cunt.

no he has been full retard longer than you ave been alive faggot

it was edgy shit 25 years ago.

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Ridiculously insecure faggot who larps as a tough guy and coasts through life on the black flag wave


Colour me surprised!

>10 edgy conformist punks/10
an awesome roast



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This explains it

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I have low self esteem and I'm on here and red pilled on the Jewish problem etc.

i would literally piss my pants if i saw these creatures coming at me to fight.
it doesn't matter that i probably have the same muscle mass the five of them combined.
just look at the middle one all set up for fisticuffs

>jumped on the SJW bandwagon
>jumped on

That son of Abraham was always on it you tit.

Total and complete douche. Always has been if you paid attention.

The Virgin Henry Rollins,
The Chad Doyle

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I don't if he's always been a socialist sjw shill but he's always been a sociopath. he thinks he's much smarter than he is, he's really just an attention whore, not to mention an obviously homosexual manlet jew

Woah. Dude is like super edgy

Always been a faggot.

>and damn he jumped on that sjw wagon
that happened in the 90's

Joe looks like an old Italian-American guy hanging out at the bocce court in this pic.

he is a filthy boomer
what do you expect?

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Quit making posts about yourself Hank.

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Perfect - his whole life compressed into 2 minutes.

Actually involved in p-gate related issues, deployed as an asset.

You have to understand, these people aren't ever going to be unplugged from it. They are so hopelessly entrenched that they will fight to protect the system.

Unequivocal proof that chaos leads to order.

You better stop with that toxic masculinity or I'll beat you up, you fucking nazi!

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He was always an SJW, OP. Black Flag was the one of the most cringe things in existence.
Henry Rollins has always been a massive faggot.

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Pro tip: He was never cool to begin with.

imagine profiting from this

He has always been a crypto-Jew and a faggot.

cOME OUT OF THE closet henrietta.
Black flag....another manufactured dc area 'punk' band that was comprised of the kids of US military.
Punk was a psyop and rollins has always been a douchebag.

There's a YouTube clip where Rollins talks mad shit about Morrissey back in the 1980s. Kek most certainly has a since of humor. A fudge-packing queer has turned out to be a crypto white nationalist and British patriot, while "tough guy" Rollins is a spineless, boot-licking pussy.

Dumb people think being edgy and badass means opposing government, which means opposing the president. They don't fully realize that they are just parroting mainstream media propaganda made to suppress themselves.

He played a Nazi in that biker thing that was on netflix.

He was so over the top and cartoonish.

I left the missus watching it and went upstairs to read.

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Niggers also shot his friend in a robbery while he was there

Dude. Every third white kid in 1990s DC had a parent in the military or a three-letter agency.
By this rationale my Jow Forums shitposting is an NSA intelligence op.

>He was so over the top and cartoonish.

This. And Morrissey had to cancel concerts this past summer due to being labeled a racist. Oh, brother! What a time to be alive!!!

>>He was so over the top and cartoonish.
Meant to add just like his entire career.

There is no difference in performance between Henry Rollins: TV watcher and Henry Rollins: Neo Nazi

He's been doing the same beady-eyed impressions of people he hates since the age of 14.

Never heard that story but then again I never cared about him, what’s the story?

I've been a closet Morrissey fan for decades, but have yet to make it through a single Black Flag song.
Nice to have your tastes vindicated.

Black flag fucking suck. The only listenable album they did was a crossover album.

Yeah he's always been a total faggot

Sorry, wrong one:


Actually, since society in charge is the charge for society, yea, you guys are all to blame.

As he tells it, he and his friend and housemate were coming home one night when some negros pushed in the door after them, brandishing a gun. He ran, his friend didn't, and got murdered.

Even though violent criminal niggers (and if you grew up in DC when he did, you knew allllllll about violent criminal niggers) killed his friend he still loves backs and hates "racists", by which he means any white guy who might wear a tie.

Even through Rollins' suspicious lack of wife/girlfriend makes people think he's queer, I don't. He's either too much of a sperg for women to tolerate, or a well-concealed pedo.

I liked MY WAR and TV PARTY. Were they even a band? They just threw some shit together as 20 year olds and Rollins went on to his impotant rage gimmick
that's all

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hes always been a condescending liberal faggot. He and Greg Ginn ruined Black Flag