So why isn't she being investigated and why isn't she being tried for false accusations?

So why isn't she being investigated and why isn't she being tried for false accusations?

Instead she runs off the grid with over a million USD.

Are you fucking fine with this shit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

They need to put her in jail NOW

No. I'm not

Someone should rape her for real this time


No I'm not fine with it. I'd like to see her hanged from a noose made with her own loose neck skin, but I can't have everything I want.

Has anyone seen skin like that before? I don’t think I have. It looks odd but I can’t put my finger on why.

she wasnt proven to be lieing though
in fact after the hearing everything kavanagh said pretty much confirmed what she said, its clear he's a fuking alcoholic degenerate,
the question isn't if she lied, because it's pretty obvious she didn't it's if it matters if he was a degenerate when he was younger and if that disqualifies him from holding a supreme court seat

I'm not fine with anything, honestly. DOTR

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You're full of shit. He didn't confirm anything. All of the witnesses retracted their stories, or said it just didn't happen. Even the porn lawyer was pushing a woman's testimony, which turned out to be false. She called him out, and he said it was a different woman with the same name.


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Just because Kavanaugh was appointed doesn't mean shit that she was lying, it just means the electors dgaf about electing a person down with sexually assaulting someone.

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>He didn't confirm anything.
He confirmed he was an alcoholic, which removes his ability to deny anything that occured at a party, this is backed up by primary sources from people who knew him and even a fucking roommate, even if the democrats bribed all those people, given the number of people who have spoken out atleast one would've had the balls to report it.

>All of the witnesses retracted their stories, or said it just didn't happen.
so they were strongarmed into pussying out or got bribed by republicans? by that logic you're no better than the democrats

>Even the porn lawyer was pushing a woman's testimony, which turned out to be false.
(citation missing)
also i like how you used the word 'turned out' as if it was something innate, fucking mutt logic

>She called him out, and he said it was a different woman with the same name.
so he sexually assaulted a different woman, but since she's not the same one its all good in the hood?

>He confirmed he was an alcoholic

Wrong. He was a confirmed college kid that drank beer like everyone else.

>so they were strongarmed into pussying out

Sure, or they didn't want to testify in front of Congress, under Oath, making them liable to go to federal prison. Take your pick, I don't really give a fuck. They retracted. Period.

>also i like how you used the word 'turned out' as if it was something innate, fucking mutt logic

It was false testimony you retard. Porn lawyer told media a different story than what the woman told him. Do some research into the witnesses you fucking moron. I'll give you a head start.

>o he sexually assaulted a different woman, but since she's not the same one its all good in the hood?

No you nigger brain. Porn lawyer was called out by the original witness, because he told media a different version of the testimony the witness gave him. He then said it was a different woman with the same name, to cover his lie.

You are retarded. Try looking shit up.

>Wrong. He was a confirmed college kid that drank beer like everyone else.
see i know you're an autistic mutt, and you won't understand this, but if he drank beer moderately he would've just said 'I drank beer like a normal college kid' he didn't say that though did he. he knew he chugged more beer than a depressed irishman and he knew if he didn't at least acknowledge it he'd be called out as a liar, so he very vaguely described drinking beer and went on to say 'sometimes we'd drink to much', so when inevitably people who knew him would come out with stories of him being the college drunk he wouldnt be convicted of lieing under oath

>Sure, or they didn't want to testify in front of Congress, under Oath, making them liable to go to federal prison. Take your pick, I don't really give a fuck. They retracted. Period.
doesn't really matter, you're the one who brought up the witnesses, the democrats are corrupt kikes and probably bribed or strongarmed a bunch of people who knew him into testifying, and they were either strongarmed by republicans to not do it or like you said pussyied out of testifying before congress

>It was false testimony you retard. Porn lawyer told media a different story than what the woman told him. Do some research into the witnesses you fucking moron. I'll give you a head start.
this is a witness story, the democrats tried to get witnesses to back up their story and fucked up, but it doesn't disprove ford's testimony
>A woman who gave Michael Avenatti a sworn declaration claiming she saw Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh spiking punch at a party has turned on Avenatti.
see you're falling into the trump hole, thinking that because one of the democrat's fake witness who was recruited by a guy who eats BBC for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, that ford herself is lying, when ford's testimony is completely independent of the porn nigger's fuckery

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Stupid sand niggers should refrain from commenting on US politics. Go fuck a goat and get trapped in a tomb.

lock that fucking bitch up with Hillary

shes an actor, fake name, fake persona. This was a psyop.

Reminds me of the super realistic masks they use for stuff like bad grandpa and the mission impossible movies

copypasta...? getting deju vu here. hello, shill.

Hahahahahahaha. Ya right

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we wuz kangsz

Politically any attempt to go after her will be framed as white men silencing a victim of sexual assault.

>Are you fucking fine with this shit?
Are you under the impression you can do anything to change this situation?

>Reminds me of the super realistic masks they use for stuff like bad grandpa and the mission impossible movies
How is it super realistic if you can notice it?

Anyone with a scoped rifle who knows her location is able to change the situation, user.

Are you under the impression you will actually do anything like that ever?

I'm not fucking fine with a boofing, three way having, sniveling alcoholic frat boy rapist on the supreme court

Yeah, even if it looked real it would be weird for her to spend money on keeping her hair bleached but not having a facelift or something. It definitely looks like Hollywood’s version of an old person

>Are you fucking fine with this shit?

If they prosecute her the DemoncRats will use it to accuse Republicans of harassing rape victims and silencing them in order to discourage other rape victims from coming forward to protect white cis male patriarchy rape culture blah.

Everybody already knows she was a lying cunt that's why even the media stopped following up on her to let the story die down and no longer bring attention to this massive failure of an operation lest they do provoke an investigation.

The current approach ensures victims can come forward without a problem, and shows that justice prevails in the end by demonstrating that fakers will be exposed during trial.

This is about Politics and dealt with as such

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because your government isn't for you or
by you, it is against you or you'd see justice.

Certainly. My favorite thing to do is crawl through the woods with a rifle and kill animals. She is an animal.

She made like 1 mil off gofundme report her to the irs with all the other thots

Don't forget shlong slinging.

You won't shoot her and no one else will either. Stop roleplaying.

Can't wait for her husband to divorce her. They were in couples counseling because she was unfaithful to him. The almost-a-rape-victim story was invented to deflect blame from her own infidelity.

>le blackpill faggot

I kinda don’t care anymore. Somehow I missed that Kavanaugh supposedly played a role in covering up the death of Vince foster. Which is so funny that neither side would bring this up during his hearings! I still think she’s full of shit, but what goes around comes around I suppose.

user, are you telling me that you don't use your God given right, codified in the 2nd amendment, to collect sniper rifles and weapons of war? You'd best start. We are at a max two years away from getting the green light.

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I didn't say I don't own guns. I said you're roleplaying about a murder you're not going to commit and no one else is going to commit.

Jow Forumsommando here
The entire 2nd floor of our house is an armory. Class III goodies too.

People are forgetting that in Fords high school year book you admits to regularly getting so drunk that her and her friends would pass out.

They called it the " pass out" game.

> can’t even prove he was at the party

Because she's not a real person. She's just Amy Scumer in a meat costume.

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Why do you think she never went to the cops and they tried to circumvent justice and have the senate judge the “facts”?


what happened?

why do Jow Forums fucks love posting her fucking ugly face.

are you attracted to leatherfaced women?


>Are you fucking fine with this shit?
No, but apparently the electorate believes her.

We live in a world where you can essentially claim anything and some dumbass somewhere (thanks to the 'magic' of social media) is going to believe your sob story.

It's too costly politically, the Jewish media would run defense for her

>He confirmed he was an alcoholic,

You don't become the HIGHEST AND MOST RESPECTED Judge in the DC Circuit being an alcoholic. You don't graduate TOP of your class from Harvard being an alcoholic.

You are an ignorant, dimwitted dunce, but then again, you are a NIGGER. KYS NOW!

Rich people never go to prison in America

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>Waits 35 years to say anything.
>Is sure it was kavanaugh.
>Doesn't remember which house or how she got home.
>Waits until a month before confirmation.
Yeah it checks out.
Feel bad for real victims.
Bitch gets a million GoFundMe.
I can't raise 1,000 for medical needs on GoFundMe.
These bitches just submarined #metoo movement.

He doesn’t have to deny anything that happened at the party.

She has to prove it.

Bitch should be tracked down and lynched.

Well, you sure showed me! You must know the future, wizard! I didn't say I was going to murder her, I said anyone with a rifle, WHO KNOWS HER WHEREABOUTS could get the job done. Do you know where she is? Neither do I. If I did know, then all bets would be off.

However, you are incorrect about my willingness, because when Michael Avenatti came to south Texas for the illegal immigrants, I set up a hide outside his hotel, but never got a shot opportunity. And that's a good thing, because he went on to basically get Kavanaugh confirmed with his idiocy. He is still a high value target though.

My man.


Godspeed, patriot. Make us proud.

I think it was obvious for impartial persons that SOMETHING happened to her.
Basically she wasn't lying about being raped
For some reason or another, she got to be CONVINCED that the bad guy was Kavanaugh
I think it's sad that because of the political circus, a rapist got to walk away (imagine her going to the police or FBI with the ACTUAL REAL name of the rapist; do you think ANYONE will take her case?

she was used by the democrats, I really feel bad for her

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Hit me again Mike.

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What the fuck do you care, canadigger?
You'll never be awesome or a teacher. But we can learn a lot about how to suck from studying you.

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No the entire problem was nobody could confirm a thing she said, and multiple testified against her story. The fact they can't prove it true or false is why she isn't being punished.

This. Is like when people say trump is stupid and incompetent even though he made a billion in a highly competitive and lucrative market that chews people up on the daily

she didn't do anything wrong. what can she be investigated for?

You must be unfamiliar with how things work in America, the legal maxim is: "innocent until proven conservative". Mrs Ford is clearly not a conservative so she cannot be tried

When they realized they did have shit on the sexually assault, it was funny to watch them pivot to "He's a degenerate alcoholic" Top of his class, at Yale right?, as a degenerate alcoholic. The smell of desperation was, and still is, overwhelming.

*Did not

Lieing under oath.
Your dad shoulda pulled out.

Because there's no evidence of false allegations, just like there's no evidence supporting her story. Political theater.

Has anybody heard this cunt talk during a normal conversation? Does she always use a little girl voice and speak up talk?

>You don't become the HIGHEST AND MOST RESPECTED Judge in the DC Circuit being an alcoholic. You don't graduate TOP of your class from Harvard being an alcoholic.
yet somehow your head of state sounds like he's been lobotomized
also don't call me a nigger when your flag is hidden, you're probably that fucking somali who's been around here lately
they don't say that for no reason senpai, trump might've been smart at some point, in fact it's probable given his amassed fortune (although his reluctance to give up his taxes implies that it wasnt entirely legitimate), but if you just listen to him talk it's clear that there's a fuse broken in that guy's brain.
still think im wrong? look at all the fucking idiots he's hiring, one of which they recruited via amazon, no not one of amazon's services, I MEAN AMAZON SEARCH

>my daddy was keeping a diary and so did i
what kind of basedcuck keeps a fucking diary for 40 years?

>she wasnt proven to be lieing though

Literally all of her witnesses say it never happened.

She has zero proof it ever happened or even that the party existed.

Absolute delusion

Reminder that all of her witnesses said it never happened

I thought that was kinda weird too. He should have kept quiet on that one. But chicks keep diaries so there's that. My life is so boring my journal would be a lot of empty pages.

Because rule of law means nothing and we're living in an anarcho-tyranny

>So why isn't she being investigated and why isn't she being tried for false accusations?
Cause if women are held responsible for lying then women won't come forward to falsely accuse men in future.

On the bright side frog anons are burning Paris down. About time someone found their balls. I wish more people around the world would start pushing back.
I'm looking at you too Germany and England.

Apparently a justice of the Supreme Court does :^)

If this wasn't a larp... You realise your posts's aren't 'truly' anonymous, right?
It's tracked by your captchya

Party on, Garth!

I’m not fine with a niggerfaggot like you on my board

too much turmoil at the top right now. dems are running a very good disruption campaign

You’re glowing so much my screen lit up a little more

trump raped me
victims must be believed
you cannot let drumpf get away with this
GoFundMe now

Kavanaugh should. It would be like Double one would believe it......Total freebie!

GoFundMe is a joke.
The only way people see your campaign is if you share it via Facebook and email to friends and family.
What's the point if you're just going to end up asking friends and relatives?

please be a proxy fag, jesus christ egypt has it bad enough being full of niggers and sand niggers, but now it has full-on libtards, too?