Christtards, this is (you)

Christtards, this is (you)

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Jesus saves, but only if you are not retarded.

They're called savages for a reason

>he had nothing but love for the Sentinelese people
Yet wanted to change their way of life because they were unchristian, fucking retard.

Nope just wanted to tell them about Jesus, but they are blacks and do what comes naturally.

That's right goy. Drink the kool aid and believe in our semitic mythological allegories

>let me replace your god(s)
>i'm not trying to change them
fucking leaf

That's a compliment. You're the one who should worry as death nears.

You've rejected your heritage. You're worse than the savages.

Christians; especially Christian Americans; are fucking retarded lmao

>tried to convert some subhuman shitskins instead of whites

good riddance

we exist to serve. got a problem? bigot

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Your right, those inbred islanders don’t need Christianity they need a caravan of cultural enrichment! That’s the answer! A few immigrants maybe?


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When did Jow Forums become infested with fedora tipping manchildren?

These people are savages who will burn in the lake of fire unless they accept Christ. The apostles were commanded by God to preach the gospel to ALL nations.

Jew religion for niggers, sounds about right.

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You filthy LARPers are ridiculous.

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Nah. I'm alive, this faggot is dead. I'm a Mormon m8, the government had to come and put a gun to the president's head in 1974 and force us to allow niggers into the church at all.

Thanks for that by the way. Reminder that LDS is THE most Volkisch religion. White supremacy is literally written into the book. Low-key we're all still racist we just aren't allowed to say it anymore.

In short blow me. And I'm not going to pretend I care about some baptist or whatever getting the knife, his choice for relaxing around blacks.

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They’re just defending their boarders. What are you some kind of cucked globalist?

We all know the real reason he went there.

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You don't even belong here. Read the Mayflower Compact and gtfo

What a stupid post. You lifted your fingers for that.

And that's nothing wrong with that.

you'll be sorry once he's here.
you ready for 2020?

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The internet makes it seem like they're percentage is 98% when it's closer to 5%.

The Christians I know all believe that Heaven will be unending bliss, but oddly very few of them (I've met one or two exceptions) actually want to die in order to go there. The whole business of praying for a gravely ill person's recovery, for example, suggests they believe death to be the ultimate evil, rather than a welcome deliverance from a fallen world

>Island niggers defend their borders
>Island niggers bow to no one.
>Island niggers keep their families safe
>Island niggers reject a dead kike on a stick
The Sentinelese are /oursavages/

god doesn't protect you from physical danger
dumb nigger

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What a cucked god

Death is eventual but it's a terrible experience to die.

>muh lake of fire

You're one to talk about being a manchild when you are literally telling me that the boogeyman in the sky is going to punish me for having a brain. Get the fuck out, kek

Yes there is, they should raid the island and show them new technology up close. Namely how far weapons have come. Accellerate our evolution and purge these animals.

>implying equality

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You go to heaven if you never learnt about Jesus, God and Salvation.
All this fucking muttmissionary did was ruining those niggers' best shot at going to heaven.
Luckily they dont speak mutt and still dont know about christcuck religion and still get to go to heaven to suck God's dick

At least learn about what you criticize, brainlets.



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It’s fine to believe in god. Just don’t be so cucked about it. Sex before marriage is based you fucking virgin

Mormons are extremely naive to a fault, operate just like Jews. You are a small tribe who happily bring in outsiders to take any potential heat off of you. The amount of votes Evan McMullin got during the election was fucking embarrassing, not to mention Mitt Romney's continual reelection. You have some good people, I've known lots of them, but I absolutely would not entrust the future of the white race with you all.

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>implying equality

Pooga booga

>greeks and latins wrote words backwards

Calling them /oursavages/ explicitly does not imply equality only shared principles.

Triggered christcuck

Eh. That's not true. Cows are more of a cultural thing since in rural Indian most families rely on them for livelihood. Cow meat in India is mostly from stolen or smuggled cattle, that's why there are negative connotations to eating it

>Idiot blogger 'missionary' doesn't take the hint when he gets shot by arrows by a tribe known for being isolationist motherfuckers
>Neckbeard atheist personality makes film of violating his own orifices with a banana and pouring hot oil on his genitals
>n-not all atheists ; ~;

Preventing diseases is a bad idea?

Thus implying equality.

Learn to read.

But their population is so low
They clearly need immigration to survive

Nice teeth, would cum on

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Sure... how about you never leave your house. You’ll never get sick and we don’t have to see you people in real life

Why are Christcucks so cucked? While virgin christcuck manchildren fantasies about their virgin brides, they are busy fucking tyrone


No nigger
>they are us, our brothers
Is implying equality
Eat a bag of dicks cunt

You're the cancerous ideology in my nation, so you're the one who needs to gtfo

Coz they practise literal shaivaism. Hinduism is more of a culture and is broad/open to interpretation(which is completely individual). A dumb abrahamic wouldn't understand

>the virgin missionary
>the chad crusader

Don't you have a gas station to buy and dirty up from a white guy who kept it clean?

>Joseph Smith, literal LARPer
>muh golden plates

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lol except the Atheist is still alive, and had a pretty good time doing whatever he wanted, and the Christian got fucking rekt with arrows because he was retarded.


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>interact with subhuman beasts of the field
maybe he should have read his own book a little better

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Worshipping rock statues like it's 500 BC

I honor the god of bread by wiping poo on myself

But he's going to burn in Hell after he dies.

Better than following a middle eastern kike religion used to subjugate you. IE pagan religions and derivatives of it were the original religions of the world. Christianity is a sandnigger religion spread by the sword

Hahaha incels don’t get to choose anything

Do you know what a brother is, retard?

>The whole world knows you like bananas up your ass, but at least you're still le indellegdual :D
This is why you still ate at the children's table on thanksgiving, user.

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Says the third worlders who still live in tribes and abject poverty even after whites tried helping you with technology.

>this coming from a country were there is two feet of human shit on the ground, people drink cow urine and roll in cow shit, and their holy river is full of toxic waste and dead corpses


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Yeah because the goblins & niggers accepting christ magically made them non savage here in America...

I piss on your cross christkike, YOU & your fucktarded jew loving faggot forgiving ilk ruined America. Suck a kosher cock, kike

Oh wow name calling! Especially when you have no idea what you're talking about

Europe needs to go full pagan again.
It's /ourreligion/. Sandnigger kike on a stick religion is semitic shit that has no place in Europe.
Fuck those roman cucks adopting it first too

except he won't lmao

Atheists get to die knowing that nothing held them back from enjoying their lives. Christians die trying to please their imaginary friends like the fellow who went to the island, lmao

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>burn in the lake of fire unless they accept Christ. The apostles were commanded by God to preach the gospel to ALL nations.
>Jews are the chooen people and don't have to believe in Jesus
Religions really can't keep to any logical standards

Keep living the lie told to you by ((( them ))) user

The bible is bullshit. He deserved it.

Reminder that pol is a Christian board

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Bro... I call them how I see them. Don’t be so PC you fucking virgin

Forgot pic

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It turned the whites into soulless shooters that they are now able to use as examples for why they must take our guns.

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Then die again, tribes

>Better than following a middle eastern kike religion used to subjugate you. IE pagan religions and derivatives of it were the original religions of the world
based pajeet

Except he will. And he has nothing to threaten me with.

I would rather live in the lie than anything similar to India to be honest with you, pal.

>Jews are the chooen people and don't have to believe in Jesus
Anyone who says this isn't a Christian because that's completely opposite of what Jesus said.

Depends on what denomination you're talking too, brainlet

what a fucking retard

At least that tribe knows how to protect its borders.

Says the impoverished dirty pagan who can't face that his people will never let go of their love for poo and other degradation.

You're the one who would only improve the world by being absent.

If he's correct about his beliefs, he may have just concluded the end of the world.
You should thank him.

>You've rejected your heritage
lmao, it’s a Mutt talking about heritage

>forgets Star of David
kek, christkike confirmed

Yeah that's what did it, it wasn't christkikes rejecting science like butthurt children & giving up on universities, focusing solely on muh creationism all the while jews flooded the country with shitskins & pushed Jewish doctrine in media, schools & universities... Yeah that's it. The entire source of athiesm+ was Christian apathy & focusing on everything but the source of the actual fucking problem you moron