> (November 21, 2018 / JNS) Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who has a history of being skeptical about U.S. taxpayer funds going towards the Jewish state, has placed a hold on the U.S.-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018, which provides Israel with $38 billion in military aid over the next decade. This is from Israel Palestine News. The link can be found here # It is an article from 11/21/2018.
I made a pastebin with his number and a script. Spread it anons.
Honor to rand paul if he truly goes through with this... if he does it Ill be a lifelong supporter
Eli Ward
Call him up and tell him
Adrian Rivera
im worried (((the lobby))) will just add my name to a list of "anti semites" or something. plus im not sure how much that will really help, you know? Not trying to discourage anyone who feels that it is a good idea, though.
James Williams
You’re already on a list for posting on Jow Forums. Honestly calling and reciting the script would be good optics for you because it would remove you from the camp of “antisemetic troll” to the camp of “America first” patriot.
>$38 billion in military aid over the next decade. Holy fuck that could buy alot of highway improvement. Oh, wait, no, we have Unions... How much does Israel buy from us each year? Are we gonna get anything close to that in return?
They're going to enrich our culture with immigration, they're going to push for transgender rights, and their people that are already here are going to suck baby dicks and fuck our children, isn't that awesome user? They're going to take little Billy, feed him prescriptions over a period of his prepubescent years, put him in a dress, and then sodomize him for pleasure. It's a win-win for us!
Isaac Mitchell
>not wanting to give jews billions of dollars is anti-semitism
An anti semite is not one who hates jews, but one who jews hate.
Kevin Harris
I love this side of Jow Forums
Xavier Gutierrez
Why does trump so uncomfortable, like he’s being forced to take this photo?
Charles Torres
Answer me
Blake Roberts
The nose should still be sticking out at the end of gif