Diabetics are fat, lazy, cash drain on the UK

Diabetics cost the UK £1bn/year and it's been proven time and time again all they have to do is exercise and not eat shit and we wouldn't have to pay so much for them.

People get so uppity about smoking and cancer, and obesity and cancer - why is no one talking about these lazy, fat cunts and their inability to eat a salad.

Why has no one campaign to get rid of the public funding for the drugs that diabetics take?
Do other countries fund these fat fucks?

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This tend to be the norm in every country with national health care systems, here, chronic renal disease caused by DM2 and high blood pressure cost us millions and the fat fucks could not care less. I've seen diabetic people taking his meds with a can of coke. "lol who cares, dialysis is free".

inst diabetes a disease that people in Mexico treat easily with HGH? Also I think that Mexican pharmacy's are allowed to sell everything EXCEPT HGH to foreigners

U wot m8? We used the same stuff you use, our docs practice almost the same medicine yours do.

better health training in schools

oh, strange. I have some extended family/inlaws/whatever in Mexico and that's what they do when one of em gets sick.

That sounds like quackery to me, your inlaws are retarded.

they are filthy rich if that counts for anything.

All they have to do is go vegan and not eat fried food.

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>Diabetics are a cash drain on the UK
>PM is diabetic
>Money is being drained away to the EU because of her
Really makes you think

It should be noted that there are 2 kinds of diabetes. One that is completely a result of being fucked by genetics and your immune system attacking your pancreas destroying it and the other being a result of insulin resistance due to overeating.

Please do not conflate those who got fucked by the luck of the draw, to those who ate themselves into a diabetic state.

Hgh may or may not work but only in DM1 (autoimmune, the one you are born with), It's still experimental stuff and dangerously in the quackery realm.

>you're costing me money so you should be harmed in some way

Brits are literally a foreskins width away from being actual jews.

You are doing it wrong buddy.

There's basic healthcare fund mostly siofor, blood test machines, insuline injections.

seems to work okay for them.

then whats doing it correctly

Lets say you're walking along and you see someone drowning. You for a fact know that you can help them, but in the course of it, your clothes and shoes are soaked with water.

You save the man and feel good about yourself.

Except the next day he needs saving again. You go and save him, inconveniencing you again, but still a life saved.

Imagine you are 6 years into this shit show and no amount of explaining to this person will ever have them understand that they cannot swim and should stay away from water.

At what point do you let him drown?

Fun fact most adults are borderline diabetic and don't even know it. Health care is a scam to get tax money while keeping you alive not making you healthy they are two different concepts. Why do you think Western medicine focuses on the problem after it occurs and puts zero effort in to prevention? That's where the money is.

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>borderline diabetic

that's a fancy way of saying "poor diet"

Are they fat? Are they treating type 2 diabetes? Are you sure they are "doing fine" DM2 is asymptomatic until shit hits the fan and your kidneys give up.

very lean, only take it for a few months if a health complication arises. Diabetes and thyroid disorders etc.. then they go back to eating like pigs and globetrotting the worlds retail outlets.

They used to prescribe malt shakes to skinny girls. Now you want to kill them? Don’t blame the people blame the people in charge idiot.

It's a shit analogy. this costs the brits money because they set up a socialist system to deal with people after the ill. If you want it to be more accurate you'd have a man with a gun drag you out of bed in order to save the guy who is drowning.

My point is. If someone has over time, made choices that lead to this eventuality. It is not my or your job to protect that person from themselves.

You cannot lock fat people up in cages and force them to lose weight, so the best you can do is kick them off and let them die as they are effectively committing a soft-suicide.

Wtf are you two retarded?

Correction are Retarded?

Nah buddy, that's called decent genetics and deceiving quacks, but their pancreas and other organs will eventually give up and they will have to resort to real medicine like everyone else.

I doubt it, but okay

I don't deny that there is a problem with the medical industry and the food industry that feeds Americans garbage.

For socialize healthcare to work at all, you must have an all econompassing health system that restricts peoples personal freedoms for the good of all the users.

You cannot have the modern agricultural and food industry as it is and a socialized healthcare system. It is impossible. In fact fixing the food industry would do more good than trying to pass socialized healthcare in my opinion.

This why their should be no tax-funded public health services.

Fat people should just be outright denied any medical care. They don't give a fuck about themselves, so why should anyone else?

>The medical care costs of obesity in the United States are high. In 2008 dollars, these costs were estimated to be $147 billion.

Have you tried not being fat?

Obesity related healthcare costs is 21% of medical spending.

Thats a big chunk of change especially if you use that money on preventative care for people who want to be healthy.

Does it cure homosexuality too?

Even Type 2 has a huge genetic component. And diet really doesn't explain the current explosion. There is some pollutant or cause we don't understand yet. Probably something considered harmless by the (((FDA))).

I can’t get anyone to pick up the case that a doctor ruined my moms kidneys. I have years worth of glucose readings and not one lawyer will even touch the case. He even told her in front of me and the nurses that he hated her. She has a type of brain damage that allows her to communicate almost perfectly until she doesn’t. He hated that she was “lying” to him. No justice can be served because they force people to sight agreements that you can’t sue no matter what they do to you.

It’s become a necessity these days because doctors can’t make it through medical school without an advantage over the lighter skinned people. They have it all figured out. Hey goy signs this paper that states you or your family can not sue even if I murder them.


My mom became diabetic about 3 years ago, undoubtedly because of the inordinate amount of sweets she ate.
She stopped being retarded and now she just has to take half a metformin a day.
The ones who keep eating shit and have to go on insulin with ever higher and higher dosages should be made to pay dearly for it.


I'm surprised you guys don't have a fat tax since you have socialized healthcare

You're literally retarded. There is study after study that links peoples weight and insulin resistance to obesity.

Stop being a fatass and take some personal responsibility. You're literally as bad as those retarded feminist healthy at every size idiots.

Are you retarded? In Europe we have universal healthcare and we don't restrict anyone's freedom to buy any amount of shit food they want.
Try educating your children maybe.

Stupid. Very stupid. Metformin was the drug that faggot doctor I was telling you about was using. He kept telling us not to minister her glucose because that’s not how it works. I think I found the Rx rep.


>Type 2 has a huge genetic component
Go fuck yourself, fatty. You eat shit that constantly spikes your blood sugar and eventually your poor, overworked pancreas just can't keep up with your goddamned fork.

You aren’t smart.

>used to be fat fuck
>lose 50lbs over 4 months just by eating less
it's not hard to lose weight but most people just don't understand that you can still enjoy great tasting food, but you have to eat less of it.

You don't monitor on metformin prior to meals, that is for insulin.
He would have her on metformin for 3-6 months to see if her a1c would go down

Her glucose levels were at 500 for years. He told us it was normal. It’s not. And you are an rx representative and will get the rope.

You can cure it by not eating carbohydrates.

Its either that or kick people off socialized healthcare because of self-inflicted health problems.

Why wouldn't you get a second opinion?

Damn, that's definitely the doc fault. You don't just stay with metformine alone with such poor response. I'm sorry for your mom user, some of us docs are just retarded

You can't cure diabetes.

Had to force my crackhead dad to change insurance. My dad is the quintessential boomer retard. Hooked on Cochin and everything. The perfect goy.


An EMT student isn't that fucking stupid. I have serious doubts about your story. Any doctor fucking up the basics like that would be killing patients left and right. That tends to get attention.

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Man that sucks. Thats a real shit situation to be in.

You can put T2DM in complete remission. Not technically cured, but it's fucking gone unless you start eating like shit again.

They do. And have. And are the worst rated group health plan in Southern California. Still in business though.

>All they have to do is go vegan and not eat fried food.
That won’t cure diabetes. The only remotely reliable cure for diabetes I know of is bariatric surgery.

>Why has no one campaign to get rid of the public funding for the drugs that diabetics take?
Because you wouldn't be saying this if your dad or grandma were diabetic.

>cash drain
But healthcare is free

I don’t think you understand how bad Southern California group health plans are. This shit is almost Mexico tier.

>Southern California
Ah. Your flag fooled me. I didn't know you were living in the third world.

Pancreas beta cells return to normal function if insulin is reduced long enough.

Your dumb whore Queen caused this, she put sugar in everything, she started the trend, she even used to cover salads in sugar, dumb ginger cunt was a toothless bitch.

And by almost I mean Mexico is actually better.

Stop eating for 1 week and your diabets is completely cured

Type II is more hereditary than Type I, actually.

Thanks i’m Cured

Bariatric surgery isn't a cure for anything. Eating only foods with a low glycemic index and glycemic load is the way you get rid of all of the nastiness of T2DM.

Are you type 2 or 1? Fasting only works for type 2.

It's not hereditary. It's because of shitty eating habits passed on from the parents if the person doesn't learn to eat like shit on their own.

Just in some lucky cases and only if detected it early enough, once glucose levels are +250 mg/dl you are in most cases fucked.

You enter coma at that level.

Pretty much what happened to my dad and he just cut out eating anything white (ie sugar, bread) and his diabetes really doesn't affect him anymore.


Sounds like you cured type 2 diabetes. You better tell somebody they might be interested.

Not true. Doctor boy.

If by that you mean you learn bad habits from parents than yes it is. But it ain't as genetic like getting bald.

It actually just destroys your kidneys which is what happened.

Not really.

Nah. I've had patients in the 600s that didn't even have seizures.

You are blaming whites who have a problem instead of doing that. Why don't you actually blame the non-whites who have been ruining your system since you accepted all of them in.

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Gas them and their progeny, problem solved forever.

1. Dont' soda
2. Eat meat
3. Eat vegetables
4. Move body
5. Restart step 1.

>More fatties than ever

As the parent of a Type 1, thank you.

I want to punch people that don't know the difference.

Can I have your autograph, Mr. Alex Jones?

>2. Eat meat
But meat is associated with diabetes

It must be contagious. Yeah, that's it.

>Type 1 diabetes is caused by eating shit

Stay in your lane doctors of Jow Forums

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They studied chinks. They completely ignored all of the rice those fucking bugs eat. White rice has been found to be the primary cause of T2DM on the rise in Japan. White rice has a glycemic index of 70+, which is high.

Well I guess I better drink my piss now.


Type 1 is autoimmune. It's not their fault.

So many medical professionals here. Such a true concern.

What am I looking at?