Why does everyone hate incels so much? Why hate someone because they can't find love? We aren't a threat to them, are we?
Why does everyone hate incels so much? Why hate someone because they can't find love? We aren't a threat to them...
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They sit in there room all day and cause nobody harm. They are sorta like libertarians. I don't get the hate myself.
most of you tend to be white nationalists with the end goal of mass ethnic cleansing and mass genocide, most white people have a non-white friend/colleague/neighbour who they are sympathetic to so they naturally would hate you.
You are statistically more likely to become school shooters and child rapists.
>not all muslims are terrorists
The left are so hypocritical.
You spread your hateful attitude and poison our society.
I just keep to myself and spend my time alone. How does that hurt you?
because you advocate for mass ethnic cleansing and genocide of everyone who isn't white
When a poor man complains everyone will beat him down further
When a rich man says something retarded everyone will rush to defend
we are the perfect scapegoat
You're thinking about white nationalists. Incel means involuntary celibate, it has nothing to do with white nationalism.
Okay now you're deflecting. That's actually very common behavior among incels: you externalize your problems in order to shift the blame onto everyone else.
because when the left feigns compassion for an oppressed group they only do it to gain political power, there's nothing to gain from defending incels to them.
In the public mind, the word 'incel' has been conflated with Elliot Roger, Alex Minassian, et al, and so anybody who self-identifies as an 'incel' is shunned, criticized, berated for sharing the same radical beliefs as them, whether or not they actually do.
The term incel itself is bad because 1) its from r*ddit and 2) it focuses on the lack of sex, which makes it easy to characterize the movement as angry bitter violent virgins rather than actually address the deeper issue. These people are socially inept, ugly, entirely lack confidence, or have some other condition that hinders their ability to get sex, yes, but also hinders their ability to form other more meaningful relationships, network with peers, etc. People on Jow Forums can get very pedantic about the term's exact definition but their word 'robot' is generally truer to the actual issue than 'incel'.
most incels are white nationalists, but if you aren't then most people don't hate you unless you are the types that wish rape upon women or hate them.
If you are just a guy who cant get a gf/laid then nobody probably hates you for that, it's the other stuff associated with the label. The 40 year old virgin was a very well liked movie by everyone.
>Why does everyone hate incels so much?
Because being a male virgin is bad.
Being a female virgin is good.
In our displaced world, there are a lot of male virgins and almost none female virgins.
>Why hate someone because they can't find love? We aren't a threat to them, are we?
You're not, and they don't hate you. It's just an evolutionary instinct. Imagine you're a caveman that miraculously live to their 20+ even 40+ and you haven't had sex at least once but aren't injured or sick or anything. Obviously you were an investment by your species with no return/child/attempt at procreation so it's only natural the other caveman and women will feel bad about you or outright hate you for being a waste of flesh.
So incels pretty much are forced into wanting to have sex while at the same time are being dissuaded either because of their looks, or any other negative characteristic or quality. It's 50% their own fault and 50% society.
Because they give into the materialist lie that you need women to be fulfilled. Reject thots and become a modern monk
I have non white coworkers and aqutancises that I like but I know the collective majority are bad for the country
>Why does everyone hate incels so much?
We don't hate you guys. We just think you're losers and need to up your game and/or lose political beliefs that alienate you from society. That's all.
I need data on inceldom. Any good articles that explain how fucked we are?
>become a modern monk
Those are called basementdwellers these days.
>Because being a male virgin is bad.
Only to morons who will hate themselves in a decade.
Be a virgin, but don't brag about it, it's perfectly good, and safer for you and your Life Long partner.
If you find someone you get along with, who has similar goals in life as you, and her parents are sane, marry her sooner than later, and get to grinding on that sweet sweet booty all night long.
Thots and Roasties are sad women who raise unhappy children, and they chase men who made them Thots and Roasties.
youre dodging a legitimate refutation to your bullshit. If incels were near as bad as you make them out to be, this country would have levels of violence that rival mexico and the middle east.
In a healthy society betas are disposed of in war. However, in our society useless betas are piling up and causing disruptions.
70-80% of child rape and almost all school shootings are committed by incels. So, um, yeah. It is that bad actually.
A healthy society doesn't have to dispose of betas, but it should
create an environment where they're less common or likely. Ours specifically churns them out by attacking the very structures that turns boys into men
source faggot
Statistically, if you haven't had sex by 18 your odds of forming normal social bonds and achieving life milestones are basically zero.
>made up statistics the post
Because a huge majority (percentage is probably in the high nineties) of them are a self-victimized shitheads who aren't INVOLUNTARILY celibate.
Improve your hygiene and hit the gym, or lower your standards.
Most of them are Asians or hapas.
This is just evolution at work: if you haven't found a woman past a certain age it means you're not fit for reproduction and should be killed, they don't want you to get lucky and inseminate a Stacy while she is sleeping/passed out drunk. Your inferior genes must be erased at all cost.
All that free time makes you a threat to more than just normies, you're a threat to their (((global order)))
Being an "incel" is a symptom, not a cause.
Citation needed. But in your defense, of the few incels I have met they were all egotistical faggots who always blamed other people for being incels or virgins. I don't know why
That's because you label a school shooter incel by default...
research psychopathy
in tandem with the red pill, knowledge of psychopathy will have the whole world making perfect sense to you
Incels become mass shooters
Why kill me if I'm useful? I can babysit my sister's kids, help my mom and dad with chores, etc.
>he uses exclusively non-clinical terminology
Clearly you've done your research.
lmao you incels don't even know basic facts. Most child rape is committed by situational offenders, aka guys who can't get laid so they rape kids instead.
There are many academic sources on this, give it a go on google scholar your own selves. Understand why you're so universally despised.
if you want school shooter statistics you can do the math yourselves by counting how many of them in the last few years were white.
Just about everyone here has or had non white acquaintances who they have sympathy for.
We just don't think a multiethnic and multicultural country is capable of functioning.
If women were nicer and not gold diggers and did not expect every man to be a 6 foot Adonis then this would not be an issue. There are so many 'average' looking men out there who are 5.5-5.9 feet on an 'average' wage. Yet all women want is some 10/10 to come gallopping in on a white steed to save them from mediocrity and financial worry.
Men are usually haoppy with their lot. Women are not and if you are not working full time to become an alpha rolling in $ you get dumped pretty damned fast. I watched this happen to my brother. The bitch hooked up with some cunt from up north and dumped him. She took the kid with her and now he can barely survive because he is trapped in a low wage job and can hardly afford to pay his rent.
But how can a child rapist be celibate?
Because people enjoy laughing at weakness, make them feel better in comparison.
It's nasty, but such is human nature.
>tfw every single poster itt is an incel but me
I think that if you undergo castration you will be tolerated, but still shun upon I'm sure, no tolerance for incels.
>le funny joke
He's not after he committed the deed, is he, but it's what drove him to it and that's why you're all fucked up.
Ah, a link to a published article that ostensibly contains the statistic that you purported.
How do I know you didn't just pick a random publication and that's it?
Most of our arguments make sense, and they fear things that break their view of reality
>all women are X and that's why my life sucks
Just flip the gender-specifics and you're indistinguishable from a modern feminist.
>Why does everyone hate humans so much?
>Why hate someone because they are superior in every way?
>We aren't a threat to them, are we?
So he's a victim of circumstances. Got it.
>expect every man to be a 6 foot Adonis
If all men were 6 foot Adonises, women would pine after the guy who is 6.1.
Hypergamy is never satisfied and cannot be reasoned with, which is why we had patriarchy.
>why hate the greatest of the master race?
>why hate someone who could easily kill them all at any moment?
>it's not like we enslaved them before and plan on genocide them, are we?
Easy targets. People are salivating at the mouth for a target who is socially acceptable to bully. Fat people are bullied for the same reason, but it’s generally not as mean-spirited. With people who can’t get laid, there’s no reason for being nice. It’s not like anybody has been kicked out of school/fired for making fun of virgin males.
You got a point.
Contrary to popular belief, most pedophiles are non-offending and would beat the living crap out of anyone who would force themselves upon a child.
Most molestors are also rapists of adult women and opportunists.
You cannot use data from those who have been arrested to paint every other pedophile with the same brush. Not all pedophiles are foaming at the mouth to fuck kids.
In b4
>Fuck off Ahmed
Or some other blithering retort.
Shit, I had a screen cap about following instincts/nature, which is "dangerous" because it's means the death of all races that are not the master race, which conviniently is ours, but I lost the image.
How many women have you been around other than sluts?
That describes pretty much everybody on Jow Forums
>not slut
How many women have you been around, virgin?
>70-80% of murders in US is commited by niggers. So, um, yeah. It is that bad actually.
The Eternal Anglo
Because incels cope by saying they can’t bang anyone because girls only care about looks and they were born ugly, instead of accepting the reality that girls care primarily about confidence/ social skills and they don’t want to admit responsibility for their shit personalities
I like to think of myself as psychologically insightful and I have a few theories, but I don't get it and I've yet to see someone explain it in a meaningful way. And that includes all the 'smart' and tryhard jew/feminist journalists
>be sexually frustrated
>call your own mother a whore
Nice trad values.
Several, including my mother, but that doesn't really change the fact that you sound exactly like a feminist.
>get pregnant
>not your fault
>get raped
>not your fault
>lose an election
>not your fault
>women won’t give you the time of day
>omg you fucking incel loser just kill yourself already it’s YOUR FAULT if women don’t want you
Incels are the single biggest factor for the elites getting BTFOed in a deadly Fashion throughout history
The media wants to radicalize young men against normalfag NPCs to control the coming civil unrest, in order to introduce more gun control, surveillance, and censorship.
Notice how they changed the perception from being creeped out/disgusted to now fearing you. Now you can’t be ignored.
Look it up. There have been so many studies done on this. Most child molesters are not pedophiles, they're incels.
>be self-sufficient incel on nofap
>None of the jews are benefiting from me
I feel fucking invincible lads.
>can't find love
Because doubt.exe.
You just won't try.
Incel is an ideology now, a hateable one, it's not just guys who can't get laid.
>most pedophiles aren't pedophiles
>Have to swallow the blue pill to get laid
I'd rather die a virgin than compromise my beliefs thanks. I feel no need to sew my seed and bring another life into being only to suffer in this shithole we call society.
Unironically this. Took a political science course about threat assessments and shit, one of the biggest predictors of upcoming strife in the third world is a large population of young men who have no prospect of finding a wife (literally not enough women in their population) and had shitty/no prospect of employment. In our case we have enough women, but they are opting out of that obligation and leaving us with that problem.
My family had different values back in the 60's which have carried through. Anyone who was born in the 80's onwards is a selfish, shallow cunt.
Exactly, they want to make sure these men don’t kill them, but other plebs, the revenue from the coverage also speaks for itself
love doesn't exist, there is only making woman obedient
That's pretty black pilled and makes sense.
Confidence is an insufferable personality. I'd rather continue walking around with a disdainful look on my face for the rabble that I am constantly forced to endure interacting with.
>compromise my beliefs
So you're just celibate, voluntarily
What's with this "we" shit? Not everyone here is incel. Shit, I got laid this morning. I'm here to shitpost and saltmine.
They don't hate incels, they hate people with different opinions and use incel as an insult. You need to understand that women are very self-important. Their instinct is that the ultimate punishment for a man is denial of sex. Online this is obviously not an effective strategy so they subconsciously adapt it to denial of sex with anyone else.
And thats a good thing
there is no such thing as an incel barring physical disability like missing limbs (and even then). even the ugliest beta can pay a few hundred bucks for a blowjob
what there is a mass sociopathy epidemic. it results from many males from broken homes and dysfunctional families being unable to form meaningful human connections to anyone
but the sociopathy is not limited to such rejects. the fact that total asociality syndrome is not be treated as an extremely dangerous epidemilogical sydrome, but rather mocked and shunned as "incel" which intentionally provokes the unstable shows that society itself is sociopathic
end stage capitalism is inherently cruel and anti-humanist, "incels" are just a particularly severe manifestation but the united states from the top down is dystopian and everyone suffers even if you dont admit it
the current system will simply collapse under the weight of its own dysfunction. its already well under way
There's nothing in this that indicates child molestors are men who don't have sex
>if you want school shooter statistics you can do the math yourselves by counting how many of them in the last few years were white.
incel has become some kind of dogwhistle to smuggle in anti-white racism. Whites are more sensitive, you need only read short stories and novels and diaries from the 1700s-early 1900s from any white country to see how things were. Left alone, have a more subtle and delicate courtship process than Latinos, Africans, and even high IQ east Asians. In diverse environments, especially from a young age or in urban environments, the influence of less delicate races has a disastrous effect on white men and women.
No one is allowed to say this yet though our grandparents knew it. In a way, Blacks/browns know it too, and one could argue their intimidation and sense of exclusion from traditional white courtship processes and long-term relationship interactions is one reason why they want to attack and undermine the it using the phrase "incel" to describe the white man's failure to integrate successfully and into the black/brown lower races inclinations (probably biological in nature) of courtship and relationship standards.
>holy shit this group is fanatically violent and will kill at the drop of a hat! How do we solve this problem?
>I know, let’s make fun of them and call them names to their face
Maybe stop shooting so many people and saying it's because you can't get laid.
>earlier generations were so much better than modern people
>that's why the 20th century happened
Get your head out of your ass.
I'm actually rather proud of my virginity. I have avoided so many pitfalls and have only myself to sustain and I can freely enjoy my hobbies without interference.
If I want to fuck a woman I can pay a one time fee to do so with a prostitute and have no committments or emotional ties to worry about.
I just don't feel the need to.
>few hundred bucks for a blowjob
Seems about 4x the average price...
That’s how they co-opt the movement, not unlike Israel or the CIA funding violent extremists
The architects of the system arent dumb enough to not realize what’s happening. Everything is coordinated
I was incel in my youth. I could pay to lose my virginity if I so wished. But I just do not feel the need. I find sexual urges distracting from more interesting stuff.
I love this pasta.
Getting caught up in the game is a huge waste of time, so you're in a great position.