Huxley was right

People have become dangerously introverted. To be an introvert is natural, but due to faux-social interaction it has become sustainable to live as one and become stuck on a loop of social fear. People with no social skills, no experience, and no opportunities can live comfortably as spinsters until they die if they so choose. And they'll even be applauded for it in some cases.We need to curb our indulgence in media, whatever form it may take;TV shows, movies, anime, porn, videogames .It transforms the viewer into a listless sedentary, mindlessly engrossing himself in the fictional lives of two dimensional characters at the expense of his own.Modern forms of entertainment is even more insidious than that of old as it's characters are wholely unrelatable to any real life human beings in both personality or bodily proportion.It turns the victim into a shell, a husk resembling a human ;sucking them into the depths of escapism,their very soul merging with the abyss with reality becoming an unfortunate distraction.

The men of 21st century are the most domesticated slaves in history. We see how shitty, corrupt and abhorrent our governments/politicians/tycoons are and we do nothing but complain and ignore it while consuming their filth and larping as if we can do anything. We are probably the most apathetic and docile people in history today, when we get angry or frustrated, we go jerk off to mass produced porn/prostitution or numb our sadness with cheap fast food, fill our emptiness inside with new fancy clothing while desperately seeking worthless likes on social media to feed our selfish need for attention to not feel alone and soulless. We continue to consume rehashed entertainment that lacks anything original and intelligent, for a cheap laugh and filling our attention span.The most curious ones who see through curtain of modern world feel sadness and are only left with seeking truth in the past when people still had soul and vigour.

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Hmm three sets of numerals. Also I’m going to kms soon.

Now doubles and quads. See you later.

Again. It’s over.

Sure, but that doesn't mean the answer is civic nationalism.

Speak for yourself you fat projecting LOSER you're embarassing yourself, not everyone is a giant cuck like you buddy

>being this mentally ill

>thinking it matters
>thinking you got anything more than a single legitimate dub

It is a natural reaction to people becoming unbearable morons. Why tolerate shitheads when you can avoid them with minimal losses?

You dont have to be one to notice that the majority is becoming like this. They are becoming docile and are starting to worship indulging dead-ends while spitting on family and reproductions as if its something gross


You think I want to have a kid with some hit the wall roastie iPhone thot who can't even cook Kraft Dinner so that said child can be the only white kid in class, raised by social media listening to trap music while playing Fortnite and jerking off to trannies at the age of 8? That sounds like a fate worse than death. If we can ever unfuck our culture I would love to wife some woman and we could be wonderful parents and raise children, unfortunately the modern world is so bleak I can't stand to speak to anyone for more than a few moments. The NPC meme is real, everyone I know is like a walking Facebook page regurgitating what was trending the night before.

I certainly don't want to live on this fucking planet in it's current state and I certainly don't want to lock myself in raising a child I know is going to be completely fucked up no matter what I do. My homeland and my culture are fucking destroyed and people need to pay for it.

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It seems you have become demoralized.
My country has a population of barely 7 milion
Dont be fooled our women are thots just as yours are. But there those out there who would make great mothers, i have found one, you can to, especially in your 36 million population. By not having children you are just giving up, this is the worst thing you can do. YOU NEED TO HAVE CHILDREN because THEY ARE THE FUTURE, and are the only way to change it. Being scared that they will grow up in a world like this is a typical excuse, of course its scary, it was back in the past as well, for example Italy under Borgia was a fucking mess just like today, yet they turned around. The more kids you have the better, some of them would at least turn out how you want, and if they don't, at least you can know on your death bed that you put your genes forward and some of them continued your linage.

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Brave New World was literally prophetic
Also Brave New World revisited made some great points as well
The only thing I would say Huxley is not correct on was Fascism which he was not in support of and claimed was evil which simply is not true, even he was brainwashed in regaurds to that
Regardless though he has always been one of my favorite authors and greatest heros
Check out this amazing interview with him:

The population that Huxley described with the government Orwell described is where we are headed

I admire your ability to see through the charade. Now what's your solution?

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>what’s your solution

The final one

“Choosing the stronger(the truth), then [ ], not only has splendid consequences for the one who chooses – in that it makes the human into a god – but it also shows reverence toward god. On the other hand, choosing the lesser (pleasure) has been mankind’s destruction, though it was no offence to god, with this single reservation: just as processions passing by in public cannot achieve anything of themselves, though they can be a hindrance to others, in the same way these people are only parading through the cosmos, led astray by pleasures of the body.”

>The men of 21st century are the most domesticated slaves in history
More like domesticated animals.
NEETs aren't slaves, they have no jobs.

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your mama saying shes coming was prophetic

He knew and nobody listened.
Read it, the be all end all writing, there nothing worth reading after this apart maybe from his other book Anti Tech Revolution.

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rest is in the manifesto

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Aldous and Julian Huxley were NWO
Brave New World is a progrzam not a novel

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Basically cyborgs.

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Bumping because this thread is actually intellectually stimulating and not just a slide garbage

I don't know who made this channel but I would gladly pay him a beer

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