The White Man admits he was wrong I REAPEAT THE WHITE MAN ADMITS HE WAS WRONG!

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I don't undertand what the jist of common core is.

Any large foreheads want to explain this to mean in layman's terms.

Fucking anti-American globalist.

That sucks and all, but google is hitting schools hard now. The school my kids are in exclusively use google chrome books and google software for fucking everything.

[citation needed]
Why do you want people to be shit at math, user?

His Africa help is skrewed up too.

He's going to spend his billions helping the world, and he'll end up fucking it up worse than it was.

Just spend the cash on hookers and blow Bill. You'll be doing everyone a favour. Go make it rain at da club... and cut off Melinda's allowance too.


common core was about penalizing asians and whites by making niggers feel good.

>My bad. Sorry for making an entire generation of kids fucking retarded.
Jesus fucking christ.

bill gates is not White or a man, he's a globalist snontling and a crook

a curriculum that was supposed to be teachable to niggers, it failed and dragged everyone else down

just wanted them to keep buying windows and office

best example is what they do in math. essentially just trying to teach mental math to creatures unable to do it in the first place.

>good intentions going horribly wrong
Typical liberal.

Should be a fucking crime, I mean imagine all those poor fucking kids that had to deal with this shit? Well now they're all fucked because of it


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English and math watered down to the point that sometimes nigs can get it right. Obviously to reach this point the material being taught is no longer recognizable as math or English, and everyone in the education system gets dumber as a result

It was meant to produce more workers in the STEM field. Problem is, forcing kids to prepare for a STEM field job doesn't mean they actually want to do so.

You know how when you add two big numbers you cut it into pieces to make it easier? You weren't taught this. You just do it automatically because it's easier.
Now they're teaching it.

So like 47+52=(45+50)+(2+2)=99
The "common core" is numbers ending in 5 or 10.
I don't know why boomers have fucking heart attacks over this shit.

So it's the embodiment of communism?

Gates should be publicly executed for common core.

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Good for him. Not a lot of people can do that anymore.

What!? A crazy boomer without any skills on a subject proposing terrible feel-good solutions and making things worse? I'm completely shocked!!!!!!

Any headline with ALL CAPS emphasis is FAKE NEWS, and only a FAGGOT hasn't figured that out by NOW!

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Is this really it, which isn't horrible or was it overly obtuse?

Because it replaces teaching kids concepts and letting them develope their own way of working through it in their brain, with skipping concepts and giving them mental "tricks" that are only useful for a certain % of people. Its literally designed to make people like NPCs. You are teaching them to do math by having them follow a script, instead of thinking.

I literally have done this mentally since kindergarten. People thought I was great at mental math simply because I could reposition the problem. People who can't think in logical terms have problems with it though so it goes back to forcing everyone to learn one way hurts a group.

That's literally it.
Jow Forums hates it because 70 IQ parents bitch about it on Facebook about "changing math". It's different so it has to be bad!

Common core is about finding, guess this, the common core. Instead of just memorizing outcomes, they find the inner part which is applicable everywhere, and then deal with the variable outer part on its own.

What a fucking retard

my kids schools do too and they have the kids use school district issued google accounts. I asked at a meeting just how much data and what kind of profile this agreement was allowing google to aggregate and monetize on my child and received blank stares.

>You are teaching them to do math by having them follow a script, instead of thinking.
Man you clearly don't remember being a kid. Do you remember memorizing multiplication tables?
Rote memorization was how math was taught before algebra. Just fucking memorize it all.
Common core was a good thing because it made each basic math problem a puzzle instead of just something you try to memorize.

hey the guy who helped destroy society is sorry guys, it's all okay now, he's real sorry he did this thing everyone told him not too. It's okay, everything's good now

Why are leafs so fucking retarded?

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he could buy dubai porta potty whores, who aren't cheap, by dozens and daily and still his passive income would be enough. The best he could do would be throw all his money in ocean to give a dollar a bit of worth lmao

yeah nothing about one of the jews who came up with it in NH specifically stating it was to bring down whites and asians and also he was arrested for child porno

He isn’t White.

Now admit sending aid to Africa was a failure and we can start the healing process Bill.

This. He is a wigger.

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The jist is they have set standards that have to be met but niggers are stupid and drag the schools down by not being able to meet the watered down standards while at the same time the smarter kids are getting a shittier education while niggers are still being niggers and not trying to learn. So everyone is fucked instead of just the lazy and stupid.

can't wait for this crypto kike to drop dead

I told my kids to only use it and leave it at school.... and never type anything personal on it, at all.

They have their own computers at home, with different emails.

Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
That's how I do it in my head. That's how anyone with two brain cells to rub together does it in their head. Break it apart into smaller pieces to deal with and then put it all back together at the end.

I bet you count things one at a time instead of in groups

I dont get it, cant tiny black people do math?

Because it's fucking slow you can do 243-80 = 163-7 = 156.

My kid never touches a computer when he's with me. We all know how fucked YouTube is and that's just the obvious part.
Kids these days are so screwed.

Near as I can tell they are trying to teach actual thought processes. To micromanage the way people do math in their head.

Previously they taught you math and drilled the kids so they figured out the way that worked for them.

In the end they just fucked up alot of kids making them dumber. Probably making them hate school.

It's also a gigantic waste of fucking time and like the other anons said it was just used in a vain attempts for trying niggers into math

They sell it cheap or give it away. Probably get a tax right off and get to indoctrinate kids into their brand as they grow.

Used to be apple doing it when i was a kid.

See? You're doing common core right now! Break it apart into manageable pieces and work from there.
Remember this is for fucking 8 year olds. It's just there to show them that they CAN break big numbers into smaller parts

This is spot on. It was designed to make up for the fact that stupid non-Whites can't think abstractly and to give them a map to follow for things that you should do automatically in your head without really thinking about it. Of course the niggers are too dumb even for common core so all it did was frustrate everyone else by adding superfluous bullshit to everything.

it's that combined with penalizing you for wrong-think.
if you solved the problem any other way than the retarded way depicted, then you would get the problem wrong.

>This question is stumping adults, would you tell us your answer to said question?
There were some people on a train. 19 people get off the train at the first stop. 17 people get on the train. Now there are 63 people on the train. How many people were on the train to begin with?

bill gates isn't white, fake jew kike amalekite.
nation wrecking is how he keeps anyone
from matching his success, it's all jealousy.
fake jews jealous of real jews so destroy
the real jews before they wake up and
destroy back.

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Also, let's all stop pretending that "knowing how to do math" isn't completely fucking useless for 99% of the population. We have calculators and sheit for a reason and if for whatever reason we don't have calculators we will probably have bigger problems than solving fucking math equations in our head. Such as fleeing from radio active zombie rape gangs

>if you solved the problem any other way than the retarded way depicted, then you would get the problem wrong.
You act like this wasn't the way things were in the 80s when we were kids.

>so all it did was frustrate everyone else by adding superfluous bullshit to everything.
This is what most gubmint education is/was even before common core

I've got a magazine with 8 bullets in it and a back up with only 6. There are 17 radioactive rape zombies coming at me. How many do I need to beat to death with my baseball bat.

And 8 year old kids can do it the same way I did, or at least they used to. I used to get into trouble during maths when I was a kid because I kept doing mental maths in my head instantly. I didn't write out how I got there and it wasn't believable that the answer just happened in my head instantly. Nowadays I'd imagine you'd get into trouble if you didn't do it via the common core method of breaking it up into like 5 pieces and writing down each step.

i was taught to think through problems and try to solve them in multiple different ways. this was called "the idiot test."
if you got two different answers from two different methods, then at least one of your answers was incorrect.
common core doesn't teach math, it teaches computation.

Trick question. Prepare your anus

>teaching them to do math by having them follow a script, instead of thinking.
No, common core tries to teach the thinking part. I think most people with above average IQ automatically did a lot of the things that common core teaches, at least when it comes to arithmetic. The problem is actually the opposite: too many people are NPCs in the first place to learn methods that smarter people do automatically.

Did you keep 1 in the chamber or are we only working with 14? How good a shot are you and have you tried double headshots? How fast do they move? Honestly if I was doing it Is probably need to beat 8-10 to death.

To expand on this, it tries to codify all the mental shortcuts people invent for themselves, but forgoes teaching the rote basics that let you get the base understanding that lets you form your own shortcuts.

This is like radioactive rape zombie quantum physics

Why are you posting about shit from 2017?

he wants to waste his 70 billions on africa. he will always be wrong.

Chromebooks are cheap for schools because the OS is open source and the hardware manufacturers sell their computers with ChromeOS with lower margins because schools buy in bulk and in cycles.

Microsoft's proprietary bs on OS cost is why schools are everything Google now.

>. I didn't write out how I got there and it wasn't believable that the answer just happened in my head instantly.
It wasn't about being believable. It was teaching young kids the habits they'd need as they're older.
You write everything out as a kid then when you learn algebra and then calculus you already have the habit of writing out your steps.

You're still thinking about the topic as though you're a kid and not as though you're the teacher/parent

This. I wasn't taught common core but my entire life I was taught how to solve things but not why I am solving this and I will tell you this minor distinction has fucked up my life and made it hard for me to grasp certain concepts. I have the Chinese mentality, I can build something based on instructions but can't tell you why it works

You still need a basic understanding so you can sanity check the numbers the calculator gives you, because people make mistakes using the calculator all the fucking time.

>This is what most gubmint education is/was even before common core
Right, and every new initiative to pander to niggers makes it worse.

This, given that fact I have no idea how anyone thought this would work.

if nothing else, we have a really good example of how, regardless of the resources thrown at africa, it can't be saved from its people.

>Public Schools are a waste of money
Imagine my shock

These teaching fads are fucked up, when I was in grade school the whole language method was the current fad and was designed to emulate the way the Japaneese teach school kids, every kid subjected to it is a fucking failure that can't spell for shit.

Ding ding ding

>It was teaching young kids the habits they'd need as they're older.
The problem is that most people are thoroughly unintelligent, including the teachers. Sharp kids will have used those methods regardless, and the dull ones are too dumb to get it within the constraints of school time. You'll manage to teach common core methods to those that fall on the "not too dull" part of the spectrum, but I can see how inefficient it'd be.

We don't need a fancy system. Every classroom needs a hockey enforcer type person whose job is to slap you when you dpn't listen and are unruly. This is literally all you have to do to better grades.

Daily reminder that you should be able to put your property taxes (which usually are what pay for public school in the US) into your child's education yourself. Imagine: Instead of paying $5 or 10k a yr. on your shit local public school, you can pay that on a professional tutor to see your kid 1 on 1.

Daily reminder it is literal theft that a childless person has to pay this tax

>common core less effective and makes students retarded

That was the plan all along though so why bother apologizing?

quick, someone makes a smug pepe out of this!

>Sharp kids will have used those methods regardless,
Normally I agree. But "smart kids" set themselves up for failure as an adult because they breeze through elementary/highschool without learning any discipline.
So once they encounter something actually hard they're fucking lost

Don't act like you don't know exactly what I'm talking about

And how do you know that each group contains the correct amount leaf?

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Basically this:

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You see them all at the same time and see them as one unit.
It's like how you read without reading each letter.

She's as dumb as a bag of hammers but I'd take hummer form her no problem

You can't teach someone how to think. That can only be developed by overcoming challenges. Common core is just like giving students cheat sheets and then wondering why they never fully understand core concepts. The point of an education isn't to make high grades but is instead meant to enlighten and elevate a generation further than the previous.

Commom core is not teaching, it's training. It doesn't create wise minds, but inhibits them.

So... can we have normal games again then?

>import 70 IQ 3rd worlders
>be confused as to why your education system is declining

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Is it being removed though? It will probably be the curriculum for decades before it’s remlved

This is true, but a classical education that covers all basis should teach kids to seek out adversity.

65? Am i overthinking this or is the question retarded?



>destroying the concept of subtraction because it's easier without it
How do you propose to teach the concept of negatives?

heheh remember me guise

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Common core has issues with that question because it doesn't respect process order.