Why are almost all cucks cumskins?

You will never find an arab or a latino or a black guy or an indian guy who lives with their wife and her boyfriend and watches them fuck.

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Because the cuck fetish comes from guys watching a woman, or their woman, be fucked by an animal (subhumans)

So this is how whites cope lmao.

Lmao, more like watching your wife get fucked by a manlier man who’s not a basedboy.

>You will never find a nigger that lives with their family.
FTFY kike leaf proxy.

I’m not black. And that has nothing to do with what I said. Keep coping.

Some Hot Fast Salt.

>Gets called a kike
>"I'm not black"

I think someone's coping a little too hard.

Jews view white men as the most immediate threat to their new apocalyptic hellhole of a future so need to emasculate and demean them as much as possible.

Yeah I just realized that. It’s still stupid. I’m not a Jew and neither am I using a proxy. Can you even do that here?

It has been ingrained in their culture for hundreds of years. They have no honor concept similar to the Arab honor concept. Honor is directly related to the female in the Arab culture. Honor in the mayo man culture has nothing to do with the female. You can tell him "your wife is beautiful." and he would smile and thank you. Now, go to Jordan or Saudi Arabia and tell a random guy on the street the same thing and see what happens. It all basically stems from that.

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Holy shit. I’ve never seen a poster from Saudis Arabia before kek.

Disclaimer: a cumskin is an English or a Frenchman, and Slavs are not white

>You will never find an arab or a latino or a black guy or an indian guy who lives with their wife and her boyfriend and watches them fuck.
Not by choice.
But then, whitey didn't give them a choice back then ;)

GTFO of Canada Chang.

They are gay. They like watching their wife or woman fucked by a subhuman and then lick the cum out of her pussy. They are closet gays.

also unironically jews

is that image real? lol

jewish porn

I know a black guy from high school, who is raising his wife's daughter. He constantly post about her blue eyes and blonde hair on facebook. So it does happen.

The most pathetic are niggers

Lurk moar.

You are a streetshitter we get it.

If you don’t know about cuckery around the world that just goes to show how ignorant you are. A very common, very sick fetish

Because whites have had it ingrained into them that they are worthless and need to die. Blame liberal teaching and media.
Hell, there's an ad on the subway in my city about life insurance and every couple is mixed race and half are gay. The only white guy who isn't gay is an old man and alone without any family or spouse next to him.

>arabs talk about cuckery

Lel. By far the sickest degenerates out there. Even Islam was not tough enough to get the sex freaks out of you.

Women are the biggest mud sharks too

White guys are beta.

whites are the most intelligent in that their brains can be programmed to be more different than their natural instinctive behaviour than any other race. This can result in some excellent thinking and invention. But it can also be used against them : whites can be programmed in all manner of ways to destroy themselves. cucking is one of many

Has no one here noticed the caption on this? Those are his kids. If anyone's been cucked in that situation it's his wife.

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Nice cope cuck

>its almost like race mixing propaganda targets white males

It's very popular in India, and gooks never have sex

too much empathy

we will have too beat it out of them

Not his kids, not his wife's kids: read the fucking caption dumbass.

Attached: Dumbass.jpg (307x400, 29K)

Caption says they adopted leftover embryos. Presumably they used his sperm to fertilize them.

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what do you mean? arabs gang rape, do
they do it with their eyes closed?
niggers run trains, do they do it with their
eyes closed?
gooks love to gang rape, japan did a hell
of a job on the flips.
the fake jews gang raped in russia and
else where they're all dirty fucks who
do this with their eyes closed right?

those gang bangs filmed are just
hollywood cgi, op you have earned
a kys.

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Whites are the only race without an innate in-group preference

John Persons Comics were targeted at younge white men. Most cuckold porn is Jewish propoganda. They put more effort into bmwf porn scenes. Also mainstream porn scenes featuring hung white men with Asian women are not considered interacial. Say you were and Asian female porn star. You fucked only white guys. Then you do a scene with a black guy. That scene would be marketed as your first interacial scene. Which makes no sense. They do this to make sex with white men to be less of a novelty .

fuck off you're talking about the culture that regularly dueled for honor just two generations ago vs people who still sell their wives

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Odd, I only know one nigger and he's raising someone else's kids.
With as much whoring around that black women do, I'd say well over 3/4 of married black men are cucks.

Blacks - pretty much women in men’s body. Shoes, clothing, fashion, overly emotional, always crying in the back of my squad car entities to jail.

Arabs - killed too many of them for Israel to view them as men

Spics - perpetually drunk manlets

They grew up with single mothers.

Most whites are absolute dross. You can't deny the Jews are right about that.

God I'd love to beat that guy to death, and throw his niglets off a tall building.

The pure evil in the black souless eyes on the one on the left, you can already see that it wants to kill white women.

when liberal males mention black people you can be certain this is what they are into.

Read it again. Slowly.

> embryos left over from another couple's IVF

Feel free to consult a dictionary and google.

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When the white race dies. We have no one to blame but ourselves.