Who is the most physically attractive American politician and why is it Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? She's beautiful

Who is the most physically attractive American politician and why is it Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? She's beautiful.

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sage and kys

Imagine those brows furrowed in ecstasy as you pound her sweet little ass.

Mutts have fucking shit taste

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>Looks are everything

Kys you obsessive subhumans

Ugly forced meme

>tfw no qt mutt horseface gf
why live bros

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Right looks like this bitch art teacher we had along time ago.

tusi by a landslide
AOC looks like a crazy bitch,with crazy bitch eyes

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I mean I do find her attractive but that doesn't matter when she's a mouthbreathing commie

I'm lol'ing

That military. Tulsi something. Fuck thats some woman!

>all fields

tulsi mommyyyy

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>I vote for people based on how good looking they are

Leftists are the dumbest people on the planet

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I want to lick her pockmarked face.

panamanian porchmonkey nigger

shes the rand paul of the left...shell never get anywhere near the whitehouse presidency

she's ugly af tho


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Her tits ain't that great

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she's a dike, right? i assume cortez is too. neither of them give off any feminine sexuality

>fat mongoloid toes

>Who is the most physically attractive American politician and why is it Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? She's beautiful.

She's a subhuman, brown-skinned, commie spic whore.

Fuck off back to Israel, Shlomo.

Too bad I don't live anywhere near New York so I never had the chance to vote for her even if I wanted to.

Yeah nah
>communist are not beautiful
And she's a big one
>pic related

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