#TaxMeToo /TM2G/

Original thread here.

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Other urls found in this thread:


give me channels to "watch"




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Anyone got YEVGENIYA's snapchat?

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just search twitter for cash.me URL almost all of them are using it


Here's an idea: these paypigs the findoms brag about, I'm guessing more than a few of them either got buyer's remorse or wouldn't mind a refund. I am sure there are sub-reddits and other forums where they discuss the legal and financial recourse they have.
Perhaps spread the word there too - these guys have smoking gun evidence in the form of payment logs after all. A little encouragement to file a report would be easy...

We need to make brap barns as the new debtors prisons for roasties who can't pay their taxes.

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report her

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Doing It For Free™

That mother
>drops to knees
>screams at sky

anone~ anone~
You have to pay taxes on all transactions!

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water filter merchant


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Report services like PayPal, Venmo, Patreon, etc.. for enabling this tax evading e-thottery. Payback for them purging right-wingers

Doesn't Paypal block sexual content with their new TOS?

You know I had to do it to em

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Even worse, by being criminals, they're delegitamizifying the sex trade as empowering career for wammin, and even harming female entrepreneurs in general.
>Assuming $1k/diem income (lowball)
>Unmarried, no dependent, no donations/deductions etc. (assumptions made to simplify calculations)
>Owes ~$106k federal per year of operation
>IRS offers up to 30% of recovered taxes
>A single phone call to the IRS about a 3y/o thot account can net you a cool $90,000
So, what color lambos are you goys getting?

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Is anyone looking at the instagram whores? What are some ways to find them?


i haven't reported anyone yet because it seems like too much work desu
you have to find instawhores and then get a bunch of information about them and then send a fucking letter to the IRS to get payed

Can we get Twitter taken down for enabling this like backpage was taken down? Payback for their meddling. They just took tumblr off the app stores for child sex shit

No, they block the term "sex worker". It works about as well as a no gun zone.

Someone report All1nity, that dumb hoe that was messing with Pewdz.. I think in his newest video he shows a video where she fucked up and posted her inbox of guys soliciting her to sell them dirty underwear and shit

Nobody is reporting anyone. It's just one autistic phoneposter screeching and making a big fuss. He keeps making these threads constantly.

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im so happy to be alive for this

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there are far more, cbb to copy them all
add their friends, theyr'e all sellers.

Pay your taxes thot.

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Reminder: God himself has blessed our crusade

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this is why we get the momentum going into a main stream meme, its a really neat idea.

i think theres enough butt hurt on facebook.

it's already beyond stopping and will hit msm

>Can you please dump some snapchat usernames we can report?

Guarantee all the leftist political comic makers who use patreon aren't paying taxes on that shit either.


Search for bios with paypal in it, if they get banned paypal takes ownership of all the money on the account and it inevitably will be taxed as well.

Just for the record this entire thing was caused by a shitposting tranny from Texas named Mia, I'm friends with both it and David Wu on facebook and basically what happened was David Wu saw Mia's shitpost and took it at face value, reposted it thinking that she actually got audited and it spun out of control from there.

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Can't wait for CNN's headlines
>Sexist incels force women to actually pay taxes, here's why thats a bad thing

Or it regrets making the post because now all its friends are being audited

>Tfw we can weaponize the TERFs against the SWERFs against the LGBTQ

Exactly this. Going to go down in history as the hoe that ruined the gravy train for all other hoes.

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>Tranies and Thots turning on each other over taxes.


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>Too much work
>Improve society for a few hours at the computer
>Get four years' wages in the process

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Nah i've known it for a while now and it was just pure shitposting, it regrets it because of how much attention he's gotten.

If they are using PayPal its against their TOS and they will respond faster than the IRS.

>>Get four years' wages in the process

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Could this be the same [email protected] that fucked up and posted her email into the name field last night?

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>Get four years' wages in the process
>Also free membership into the right wing tax squad
Is... is this a win win?

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The subversive's favorite tactic is re-writing history to suit their own purposes. The tranny is lying for the reason this user said and to avoid backlash

Our hero is here. Posting in ebic bread


>send a letter to the IRS
>the specific thottie has payed taxes
>get put in prison for false tax reporting
good plan user
unless you know how to do it online in which case im in lol

Here is the OP that started it all.

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REMINDER: Making false reports to the IRS is a felony. You will be asked to provide proof that you have LEGALLY obtained evidence against the person you're reporting.

These forms are typically for business use only, and you will be asked to testify in court.

How do you little niggers think it's going to go over when you show up in court and say "Well, I saw her online and Jow Forums told me I should report her to the IRS"

I wonder (((who))) could be behind trying to make us all commit a shit ton of felonies.

Remember, don't forget to call 911 on every camgirl too. It's just about as legal. But you'll get your desired result much faster; cops showing up at your house.

queen is about to get totally railed by her fanbase lmfao

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oh cool somebody beat me to it.

don't fuck with football.
don't fuck with the IRS.

you mother fucking newfags, jesus. fucking. christ.

>that reddit spacing
>doing all caps for emphasis
>"these are false reports"
the thot followed us boys

oh look it's the same retard from the other thread, I was waiting for you

"guys I totally did this exact same thing when I was a teenager and they PUT ME IN PRISON!"


please know that there's at least one person out there in the world that wishes you were dead

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>report thots to the IRS
>thots think it's black Twitter doing it
>thots report blacks for selling drugs
>teach black Twitter how to profit 30% for turning thots in
>bring a 3rd party into this death match and have them do our work for us

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make that two

uh, what?

the potential is there

Hi Brittany

Still on damage control?

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>Thots vs nogs.

Im okay with this.

Yeah we know it's you

Are they upset at the small amount of tax theyll be forced to pay or they mad cause they finna boutta be exposed to their family and friends?

Imagine if we weaponize the niggers against the thots, it would be glorious

women as a group use up more benefits than they pay in taxes. It’s time they started paying. I can’t find my infographic on this tho if someone has it pls post


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They don't like the concept of their body being taxed when they sell it as a commodity

bumping this - "To the faggot white knights who read this, this is actually helping women. It is teaching them that they shouldn't be whores pimping out their bodies for money. Women SHOULD be worth more than that, they Should be upheld and loved, but not simply for having a vagina. Women who are kind, chaste and respectful of themselves etc should be loved and protected, not given money for your own pathetic desires. Funny how you little cucks call us incels, yet you are the ones PAYING women to flash their pussy. You are the beta incel, you are the one destroying women. Go fuck yourselves, honorary kikes."

How do they sacrafice their body more than say a coal worker?

once in a while there is some old spirit on nu pol

I think all the HPV pickled your frontal lobe, user

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the absolute state of roasties. the irs is now searching for the hacker known as Jow Forums, to arrest him, for going on thot patrol

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>Hey goys, why don't you stop attacking us Jews who flood your country with shitskins, and rape your economy, and attack some irrelevant skanks for (((TAX EVASION))) instead?

Are people really falling for this? My god.. TAX EVASION? How much jewier does this cointel op have to get before you people start noticing?

yo is this a US only thing I could use some gas money

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Which form am I supposed to use

Is this her?

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I didn't say it made sense. It's an argument in line with the argument they make for legal abortions, i.e. it's muh body muh choice


Hello fellow Jow Forums user I see you've returned. I thought you said only incels and td newfags are falling for this. In that case why not let them get arrested? If you're concerned about the police I guarantee arresting some basement dwelling nerd is a nice distraction from their usual work.

Same. I could use a new laptop

You zoomers are fucking delusional. Worse than the leftists with their 'everyone I don't like is a russian bot' crap.

you newfags are playing with fire. The IRS will have you show up in court. They will subpoena your entire internet history once you say that you got the idea from here. One wrong report is all it takes. Don't fuck with taxes.

None of you remember why we don't mess with football.

I guess we need another round of people going to federal prison around here to strike fear back into your hearts.

Thot vs Niggers
I love this timeline



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no, but the IRS will arrest you for wasting their super high paid workers time.

It's good to see the shills back and worried again


Took you long enough to think of a response that denies what we all know is true


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They can be taxed. It's a fact.

>Bullshitting roasties
Don't believe their lies, you can even report anonymously if you wish
>Report suspicious activity
As long as you don't fabricate false evidence or provide false testimony, report away

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>its a fact
>and that's a good thing
>here's why