Éire/pol/ - montserrat edition

Nationalist Parties in Ireland:

>The National Party.


>IrExit Freedom Party



>The Liberal.


>The Burkean.


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Other urls found in this thread:


u wot


About time

Stupid edition is stupid

Montserrat is alright, it's where I'm going if shit hits the fan

Are there niggers there?

> this place is shit
> so I'm leaving
You are the definition of a migrant nigger

He's not going for gibs though

I'm only messing we'd fight till the last man here

It's about 90% black, which is why OP will fit right in

Are you diaspora or just a leaf?

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Do you see the problem here?

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our mutts

>user who still lives in Ireland is a nigger for thinking about leaving

Time to purify them some more methinks

>You are the definition of a migrant nigger
>Is an Irish emigrant to leafland himself

Bit hypocritical lol

Both of your reasoning is stupid. OP threatens to back out if "shit hits the fan". If shit hits the fan, I'll be on the first plane home, not running like the OP coward.

Learn2comprehend, you'll both get somewhere in life that way.

No lad that was me and I was memeing about the Caribbean place Why did you move to Canada? Why not try to make Ireland better?

We need you now user. Stop helping the Cuckadian economy and help your own

yes and get the (((union))) off the flag and the harp back

Expertise, particular niche expertise, is gained abroad. Sitting in the middle of the boglands gets the Irish nation nowhere.

First we need to get the union flag off my posts though
Bring that expertise back and teach those in the boglands then fag

> still mumbling
okay Union Jack user

grand torino is compromised if he gets involved with lauren simonson and her (((friends)) any further

they do not care for ireland remember history

i would get involved with likeminded spaniards though and the few groups of people who helped us in the past

Don't forget legal weed lol

Don't remind me user, it's like a brand on a slave

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It depends what his game plan is. Hopefully he's just using them for exposure

Yes I'm sure Canada is like a dystopian nightmare now that they've legalised haha

we can work for both

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It's not as harmful as alcohol but still a tool to subdue the masses

So have you registered to vote?

Are any of you running in the locals?

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> return expats home
> organise underground army all over the world
These two do not go hand in hand

> harden the Guards

its a old book

but see this and shit yourself

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That's a nice flag

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fresh national party vid from the ard fheis lads


Conas atá sibh leaids?

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Based af

you gotta lover this madness

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thats the kind of priests we had years ago
he also had to deal with cucked clergy trying to stop him from getting involved in politics

Anyone see this protest? Not that I'm pro rape or anything, but the point of this escapes me.

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I love it none the less. He's really channeling his sexual frustration in a good way.

dumb leaf

what does barrett mean when mentioning bolsheviks and 1916 in the dave cullen vid

The point of it was so that slutty women could show their underwear in public whilst appearing to be virtuous

Not too bad commie how are you?

he had a irish wolfhound and all
bishop moved him around alot and the movement got bigger

virtue signalling feminist bs

Tipping away my lad

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Friendly reminder that commies will be the first to hang

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>71 percent support anchor babies
Is this accurate or is it only measuring (((Dublin)))?

Fair play to you

It's only measuring the people they want to measure. Polls don't mean shit. I could do a poll tomorrow and make it so that 1% is in favour

Do you really think people like that would bother to go outside of Dublin to do polls like that? I wouldn’t be surprised if the numbers were completely fabricated especially considering the fact ireland voted to abolish anchor babies with an overwhelming majority.

I'm not a commie at all but sure hang me if ye like.

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>hang me if ye like
Thank you for letting me satisfy my bloodlust. Your death will not be in vain

How can one man be so based? If he had access to the internet he would have been a god.

Prolly Dublin. Why do people think the government is required to be compassionate? Even Swedistan doesn't have a jus soli system.

No bother boy. Just make it a long drop so my head pops off like a bottlecap.

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I wouldn't want it any other way brother

Out of curiosity, what worldview or ideology does everyone on here personally hold? It would be nice to know how disjointed or United Éire/pol/ is. I’ll start national socialism.


he also literally led one of the scottish ira divisions in 1919

father fahy
may he rest in peace amen

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Touts out


I smoke and I'm still redpilled, it's normie fault they are so impressionable

How much time do you reckon you spend smoking? &what else could you be doing with that time? Also, what else do you reckon you could be doing with that money?

National Socialism but with unified Catholic religion to prevent cultural and moral conflict.

Once every few weeks/ months
As for your second and third questions Idk would you ask the same to people who fuck themselves up with drink?

I suppose that's not so bad then. A lot of people who smoke end up smoking a lot more than that.
>would you ask the same to people who fuck themselves up with drink?
Yep. I think alcohol is worse than grass

> with unified Catholic religion
Taigs like you are the reason why NI will never join the Republic and the UR will never run out of Volunteers.

have some oc courtesy of belfast

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If X is worse than Y, it doesn't mean Y is okay.

Lad get away to fuck. I'm a republican too but loyalists are based af. They're the only ones actually doing something about the foreigners up here

It is man, our suicide rates are through the roof, it would be a help not a hindrance

>based as fuck
They don't do fucking anything about foreigners here. They'd take 5000 blacks to get rid of 50 Irish. They claim to be right wing or conservative but bitch and moan when the DUP do something offensive just like everyone else.
The image of Loyalists as the last white right-wing part of the UK is an outright lie spammed on here during the last election to stop them getting bullied out of existence. They're some of the least educated people and some of the most fiercely pro-israel people on the planet, whether they mean it or not.

ye i wasnt a fan of that. He's bought into the "1916 leaders were reds" meme the left like to use.

In reality apart from connolly and his band of merry men it was almost exclusively a hardcore ultra nationalist group of people.

You're forgetting Ailtirí.

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Yep. Pearse should be a shining example of that.

holy shit whats the book user? The lad seemed to predict things somewhat correctly like

connolly wasnt even a red though
see this

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Included mainstream parties on purpose since people are more likely to take one look at big Gearoid and write him off as a big evil fascist.
People know the Blueshirts as "fascist" and yet there's very, very little to suggest they are anything of the sort besides aesthetics borrowed from Mussolini.

The myth of Ireland and communism is a strong one. It's never really taken hold here. The closest we ever came to any sort of actual "communism" was the Limerick Soviet which was less a Soviet and more a boycotting of soldiers by local businesses.
Reds have never been welcome here.

Are there alot of poles in ireland?

Around 120 thousand but even one is too much

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There's like 30k in Northern Ireland and 120k or so in the ROI.

Good vid. Good speech.
However.....I want the best for the party but Barret's baggage is too much for the normies. Either he needs to go or he is to be seriously, ultra-prepared (and I mean able to answer ANYTHING an interviewer throws at him about his past) on his points when the inevitable prime time, or late late show hit pieces come looking for him if NP are ever in any way successful.

What page is that quote from?

I’ve heard people trying to be religious, and national socialist at the same time, but I don’t think it would work, at least for Christianity, devoted Christians are concerned with getting into heaven so they don’t care much about this world, because they think it’s only just a temporary place on their way to the next world, this isn’t a very productive idea, and often people like this would betray their own race or nation if they thought it would get them to heaven this is why I’m very hesitant to trust devoted Christians, as national socialism is a true selfless cause, and everything is done for the betterment of the people, physically, mentally, and socially, Christians are arguably selfish because they try to live like Jesus so they can get something for themselves while a national socialist would fight, and possibly even die knowing that his efforts may never reach him personally.

If any of you aren't /his/fags and want to learn your Irish history, I operate a history blog through both Facebook and Instagram. I know that social media is ((())) as all hell but I put stuff about everything from Gearoid to Irish Americans to everything.
Not going to shill it here but if you follow the NP Instagram or other Nationalist Irish blogs you'll likely come across me eventually.
I don't always follow back for fear of being zucc'd, they tried to take my account down twice already.

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Lol the r/irelanders seem to think our "rich socialist history" is one of the most prominent aspects of "Irishness". They refuse to actually look at a history book to see how despised the reds have always been here.

That is completely retarded. Grass temporarily lifts your mood when you smoke it but if you use it as a treatment for depression it will make you worse. If you want a drug to help with depression then legalise medicinal psilocybin or LSD which has actually been proven to cure depression within a few doses.
I'm not talking about the DUP, I'm talking about the actual paramilitaries. They are constantly putting people out for being shitskins, gypsies, niggers, chinks etc. It's not a meme.