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Jow Forums Humor Thread
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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
I did it, I baited him out. Hi friend!
So much angst coming from people who have never been in a relationship, or even being close to being in one. I guess that explain why racists like you are so hateful. LOL!
Was about to post this in before it 404'd
This is OP. Very nice slide faggot. You can use this all day every day.
>Tips fedora
Da, comrade
Hi racist :-) How's your little lonely life going?
No it isn't, cunt. Just cause we use the same flag does not mean we are the same.
Just taking some preemptive measures.
>l-look at me i can phonepost and post from my mac at the same time!
>being atheist or not liking a jew trick that killed the roman empire is bad
nigger name rolling
>killed the roman empire is bad
This is the biggest history meme on the planet. It's like a redflag for fedorafags who've never cracked open Livy let alone wikipedia.
What will mibe be?
does anyone have that photoshopped comic were a woman is changing her skin colour and ask if her man would love her as latina?
Tyferus Robbinson
....but most christian families in the west are like the pic on the left. Especially mormons
also the pic on the right features the FAKE, globalist pope who sucks ass and real Christians dont like him
Eh, likely not most. Some, sure. If MOST poc were able to be more successful than the average Jow Forumstard then you'd be forced to admit that the pervasive systemic racism has been solved
>OY VEY the rabbi of the bible is great and totally didn't crash the roman empire with it's multicultural messages and love of open borders.
keep peddling BASED black guy.for your gods the jews
Catholics aren't Christan
come back to redddit please
i dont get it
Fuck it lets do this
It was Carcalla, a pagan, who opened borders and gave Barbarians foreigners Citizenship and a Pagan emperor who split the Empire for easier massive civil wars. But keep on projecting and backpeddling. Especially how multiculturalism and openborders are in no way connected to Christianity. That's Marxism.
fuck roll
Nice try Shlomo.
lol nigger
Moemons have been fucked since the early 2,000 and have now allowed niggers into their religion and to breed with niggers like the rest of Christianity
roll the nigger!
>doesn't consider China's massive growth in Christianity
>Christianity is a minority against Sunni today
>Christianity will die out entirely
Sources; His ass
hey nice
r0lling for
QuenTalQuel Washington
Hooool uuuuup
I have never been on reddit and never heard of it until people started calling out reddit fags here. Now go back to shill for more christian refugees from Africa
okay, this is epic
Pagans built the empire you fucking retard and they were all pretty cohesive until the jew gave you a bible.
the propaganda is everywhere
>more bullshit pulled from your ass
Naw. It was Pagans who began replacing the Citizenship based military with dirty G*rmans and other barbarians doing all their fighting for money. So when the economy collapsed..
Read Fate of Empires by Glubb if you haven't.
Yet christian elected trump in majority in comparison to atheist which favored clinton a lot. And trump made is election about stoping immigration.
Danger pup.
Lol the point of these threads is to make people laugh dumbshit. Also "successful" and "poc" don't go together at all lmao. Trust me I get to interact with "poc" every fucking day and they are poor as fuuuck. White people are factually more successful in every imaginable way. Culturally we don't act like animals and actually have the ability to plan and think ahead so we are successful financially as well.
Name a way niggers and spics are ahead of whites besides basketball running and hiphop or other related activities.
Their only argument is strawmans. As usual.
>Chinks are BASED and are just as white as we are
>I can't understand the chart so i'll just start greentexting
>It's ok for whites to die out as long as jewsus survives
my god you faggots are dumb, get the emotions are of your system and try to actually read what you are presented
There were plenty of civil war in rome before even christianity existed.
Post from your phone on WiFi then turn off WiFi, I mean if you want a third id sure, use a laptop or pc.
Jertartarius Jackson.
>no sources and random projections and shit pulled form you ass
Youre pathetic but I'll pray for a speedy recovery of your brain damage.
Gon ta be a king taday
Jermalquel smith
>real Christians
You meant satanists? You can's separate pope from the religion, since there is no point of it existing then.
>Yet christian elected trump in majority in comparison to atheist which favored clinton a lot.
Only because the local priest said them to do so. You put too much agency in an average cuckstian.
t. atheist with no theological knowledge
>Read this good goy book for me and don;t site those evil bible passages again
can you get a bigger nose?
If priest support people like trump or bolsanero.
I do not see the problem.
Because most of them are dead/dying on the floor?
racemixing on the one on the right
oh you mean the civ-nat who is not doing shit for the white race but instead giving billions to Israel? yup totally BASED am I right?
German YouTube "Trends" are quite a joke...
>passages out of context
>gets butthurt over minor joshing
>endless projection
>no argument
muh germanoid are innocent.
How much a cuck you should be to belief this.
name them faggot, what were they about?
They voted him in on promises they can't see the future you, retard.
>If priest support people like trump or bolsanero.
They don't "support" anything, they only relay what higher ranks tell them to preach.
I guess if Shillary wasn't so obviously anti-christian, you wouldn't be able to use "election" argument in the first place.
Power and control of the gouvernement, the one with ceasar, the one with augustus.
why is it that 95% of the few vargnigger pagancucks I see nowadays are just a bunch of burger-mutts or memeflaggers from Israel?
You must be one of those brainlets who thinks most pagans today are even right wing. You should come visit the åstatro assosciation in Norway sometime (biggest pagan org in Europe). It would probably be a major blackpill for you. Pic-related is our high-priest.
And yes, it was Christians that elected Trump. It is also Christians who heavily vote against LGBTQ, open borders and other degeneracy as well