Latvian gov. org. promotes Latvia with an ugly mulatto tourist

Latvian government promotes Latvia with a video called 'Celebrating Freedom' which features ugly le56 mulatto tourist as the main character.

In reality most tourists who travel to Latvia are Asians and other Europeans.

Video has 363k views.


'If you like Latvia, Latvia likes you' facebook page is run by Latvian Institute (org that promotes Latvia abroad).
Latvian Institute is 95% run by women. Director of LI is Aiva Rozenberg. Last name is suspicious, but she looks East Asian/Finngolian + Eastern European.

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haha, get rekt and enjoy your united nations migrant pact.

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Well your country is even more fucked, you have female feminist president, legalized gay marriage, etc...

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She's fiscally conservative socially liberal. Doesn't really bother me as long she doesn't embrace left wing economics.

Everyone is fucked desu

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Disliked the video

Apes jumping around.. France 2018...

Macron is making France a complete joke.

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What the fuck Baltics. I had faith in you.

When pope visited Lithuania this year we greeted him with a negro girl dressed in traditional Lithuanian clothes.

Baltics have fallen.
Poland, we are sorry, it is only up to you now. Avenge us.

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>caring about anyone but itself

One of pope's message to Lithuanians:
"Nationalism is bad, you must accept difference"

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I would expect nothing less from a guy who has Osiris on the cross he is wearing on his neck instead of Christ

Why do people keep thinking eastern europe is "based" and redpilled its full of hipsters.

How bad is it in the Baltics, diversity wise? I can't imagine your capitals being Paris tier.

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Many anons especially Finns and Balts are not exactly honest.

I'm just going to say that if you want to come for a visit, do it sooner than you have planned. That's all.

Democracy really fucked up everything didn't it?

jėzau kristaus. visaškai šudas pasidarė, negalvočiau kad taip greitai sukristu.

No where is safe, it seems.

When you finally decide to come back to Lithuania from the UK, you can bring your own mixed child with you.

It's true... Sadly majority of Baltics seem to like the idea of civic nationalism - where you can force migrants to 'integrate' and then consider them 'Latvian'.

Young people are the worst - they are influenced by globalism the most - youtube recommended, ellen show, fallon show, all that leftist liberal crap from JewSA.

For example there is this one nigger footballer who moved from Brazil to Latvia, he learned Latvian and video of him speaking in it went kind of viral - 5 days - 150k views. He was even invited on TV show for a interview. And this happened 3 days before independence day...

She adopted Russian male haircut style

I fucking hate asians, fucking sub-humans are over half earths population and they keep infesting everywhere.

Shills browns. Definetely a jew.

It is a real shame,that colonialists didn't genocide niggers,when they had their best chance to do it at the time. If they knew,what would've come afterwards,nowadays everyone would only read about this filth in history books by now. May the day come again,when perfect opportunity arise.

Also kikes who read this get in the oven real quick for world peace. Quicker you off yourself,the better for all of us! Thanks in advance! ;)

Attached: International Rope Day For Niggers.jpg (280x400, 43K)

Pihta või mööda, nad ei lase kunagi mööda, mis?
Vean kihla, et su peig ei suudle sind, muahh

Ta leiab uue tüdruksõbra ja ta ei hakka sind igatsema


are german studentfags like me allowed in latvian ethnostate

IDK, I'm not really sure...

Are there any experts here?

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>used "xd"
Go back to germanistan and serve your arab bvll

If she's not one of (((them))) then she's atleast honorary. Uz salaspils atjaunoto darba nomentni.

Another thing I wanted to point out is that Latvian government practices positive discrimination - where they hire women instead of men for educational, economic and culture sectors...

>Analysis of the articles of the 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
12.2.2014. 19:09

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Checked and based. I hate seeing these insects everywhere too. Same goes for niggers.

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DESU why are German students moving to Latvia to study? Is it because of migrants? Or just 'for fun' ?

Latvia is 60% Latvian
Your le 56 face cousins

That sure is an ugly nigger

Lithuania should conquer Latvia


Go away with your flag, homo

Wrong flag, faggot.

hey. that drawing is innacurate. she has man jaw, not a no-jaw

That's normal for people to do. It is easier to idealize places you've never been to and places different - seemingly better than yours.

Le based eastern europe, le based Putin and Russia etc. Sure we're doing better than West in some fields, but the reality is that whatever happens in the US, happens in Western europe and then finally arrives in Eastern europe.

Yeah yeah, we have the same recruiting videos made by police and army.. They try to recruit people for the 'upcoming war with Russia' and for NATO and EU purposes - to defend democracy, that is to protect gay rights, migrant invaders and Jewish bankers.

Why do Latvians either have German or Russian sounding names?

to be honest, Lithuanians are probably the bigger cucks

Who cares? Anyway you disappear as an ethnic group soon.

What about you?
Are you finally happy your grandfathers fought the EVIL NAHTZEES and now your women are liberated? And shitskins taking over Moscow and other big cities?

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It is ''diverse'' in different sense than you are accostumed to. The only big city is less than 50% native, the rest are composed of russians, poles, ukrainians, jews (very few), belorussians, gypsies (very few). They share common post-soviet thinking and heritage, talk russian and vote the same so i call them all russians for convenience.

Crime is low overall, but mostly done by slavs, especially in russian ghettos. On a daily basis people get along, because you have to. Tension arises in certain dates and around particular events (9th of may, for example), but mostly on the internet. People tend to hide their true beliefs, because there aren't many people in this country and everybody tend to know each though ''six degrees of separation'' (even less here). There are basically a few people in between separating far-right fascists from radical leftist commie fags.

We had mass immigration to almost a replacement level during Soviet era, when natives were deported and those who stayed subdued. Then replaced by massive russian and slavic populations. Basically what communists did back then is what they're doing now, but this time with non-whites. Now latvians compose only 62% of total population, some managed to racemix with russians and lose their identity so it could even be a lower percentage.

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Russian billionaires are mostly Jewish and friends of Putin.

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The Baltics have been governed by kraut elites
They're no more competent than slavs

Yeah, that is terrible. People have been brainwashed by western media and movies during the 90's and 00's. They've only seen non-whites on TV screen and think that they're ''just like us'', because they have no knowledge - stats and experience with them in real life. What makes it worse is that the first few non-white immigrants tend to be ok people so that makes ALL non-whites seem favorable to normies. This is the ''hey, i know Tyrone - he's educated, pays taxes, speaks the language and is very funny guy - what's not to like? '' syndrome.

What i find irritating is that all that it takes for locals to fawn over strangers is for them to learn the language. That's it. Might as well import Cambodia now. Our language has been underappreciated so much that this is the current state of things.

>where you can force migrants to 'integrate' and then consider them 'Latvian'.

(((they))) together with our cucked government have been pushing this narrative lately. Almost in sync with SJW explosion in The West. It now ''if you live here and speak latvian, then you are latvian''.

>pic related

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>Aiva Rozenberg
What are you talking about? She looks like a typical blockheaded Balt/Slav.

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>''if you live here and speak latvian, then you are latvian''
>12% of population are non-citizens

You signed it too, dumbfuck

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Dumbfuck, you realize Russians are genetically related to your people?

is it worth it to live in Daugavpils for the uni?

Finns are not aR1an unlike Russians, Balts and even Estonians

It's because it is cheaper to study here and they weren't good enough students for Germany, so they move here because of price and lower educational demands.

I actually like germans being here more than russians and pakis/indians. The only thing i sorry about is amount of their brainwashing into ''muh tolerance and diversity''.

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So, my comment is problematic but what I was commenting is not? Get the fuck out of here.

commenting on*

Like in Scandinavia. Sad to see desu.

In what way?

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% of population are non-citizens

Those are old remains of vatnik invasion - old pensioners, retards, lazy people and/or those who want to travel easily though EU and Russia.

Personally, i believe that this percentage is way too low.

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>I actually like germans being here more than russians and pakis/indians.

When i hear german on the streets i often get the feels and nostalgia of the third reich...

>vatnik invasion

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If you want to live in region of Latvia next to Russia and be surrounded by russians in a basically russian town and have lower educational opportunities and standards than available in capital city, go ahead.

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Yeah yeah, life is shit.
But that doesn't change the fact that you disappear.

There's a Latvian beauty salon downtown called Mara, and it's in a cozy building. I'm not a broad but I've always been tempted to poke my head in because Baltic people are cool. Shame that this is happening to such a cool place.

>Yeah, that is terrible. People have been brainwashed by western media and movies during the 90's and 00's. They've only seen non-whites on TV screen and think that they're ''just like us'', because they have no knowledge - stats and experience with them in real life.

Exactly. Many Americans think we are like some kind of conservative safe space in the whole world. In reality it's very different.

We have had the same programming since the collapse of the USSR, but it's been done more slowly than to rest of the Europe.

We have had the same TV channels, the same movies, same subliminal messages, etc.

It depends on how high average IQ society has as well, the lower the IQ the more receptive they are to all this messaging and programming since early age. Smarter people start noticing patterns.

Ir cia tik pradzia

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That might be the worse photo I've ever seen.

Estonia literally has clubs dedicated for Estonian women fucking niggers

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But we have something similar, they only hide behind 'exotic dance studio' and it's less niggerized. But it's not as bad as in Estonia.

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that doesn't sound all that great

How can we compete?

That's just nigger nights at a regular place. They could have called it 'urban party', but it would probably attract too many Latvian wigger boys.

Eww gross! Mixed breeds are usually attractive. This one looks like a donkey.

America is far worse. There the niggers go the same clubs white people do on weekends.

Why the fuck are the Balts importing baboons?

in reality those nogs are so lame. Other than being interesting they have nothing to offer. smart women don't go after these guys, and that speaks alot about our education system. run the jew out of media/education things will be back to normal in no time. And by jews i mean ((them)) not the literal copy of nazi germany which is israel.
>inb4 jidf shilling
they put sandniggers in ghettos, glorify their state and do most of the things nazi's do. And promote their agenda across the world,similar to nazism(which in its own turn is similar to communism which is again invented by jews/germans)

At least they make it clear niggers are tourists and not part of the nation.

WTF is this shit?!
It's White genocide.
All sane White people should be studying microbiology.

Why would negroes have any appreciation of our history?! They had nothing to do with it. The fantasy land BS grows thicker by the day.

That's the same everywhere. I just assume that they want to prevent trouble, so they give those niggers (seemingly all African) their own night. No fights, good atmosphere... Maximum profit.

studying medicine bcz there isnt a lot of places in germanistan. not an arab btw

sry im retarded and drunk