36 year old virgin (female)

Long story short, i thought i was asexual for a long time but then fell in love with a friend who was a real shithead when i told him about my feelings.

that was years ago and while i'm over him now, i'm not over the trust issues the situation exacerbated.

but i kind of just want to get past it. i'm going to lose weight (only have 10-15 pounds to lose so I should be there in 2 or 3 months), hopefully get a new job (I have a decent job but I hate it, and I can be unpleasant sometimes because of it), do some looks maxing, and get on okcupid and tinder.

How turned off are men going to be by this? What about women?

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I always find it funny when someone brings up or talks about "Asexuality" in humans. But that is not the advice you asked for OP.

Specifically you are asking for a general summery of what the public thinks of a 36 year old woman, who is out of shape and in a dead end job. The short answer, invest in cats.

The long answer. You are past your prime for child bearing so men who are looking to start a family will see you as third rate. It is a medical fact that the closer a woman is to menopause the higher the risk of pregnancy complications and malformations to the fetus. You are out of shape and old, so I can assume you are not attractive. Women to not in fact age like fine wine, but rather they spoil like milk. After 35 they sag, lose hair, bones and skin become weak as fuck. Lastly a woman's job title is irrelevant. Men do not care about what a woman does for a living, like women do about their men. Hypergamy is uniquely a female consideration. Men care about personality and looks. A long time ago men also cared about if their women had practical skills like cooking and cleaning, but apparently its sexist to expect someone who has nothing better to do with their free time, to make dinner and tidy up a bit.

Also, virgins are the worst to fuck. Instant turn off for men.

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>Also, virgins are the worst to fuck. Instant turn off for men.
Lol, speak for yourself, degenerate footfag.

I don't know if this good news or bad news for you, but your age will be a bigger problem than your virginity.
A 35 year old woman is going to have as hard a time getting a date as an 18 year old male, and might even need to use the same approach.

23 male not-virgin here, it legitimately doesn't matter to me, and it wouldn't even if i was dating someone 13 years my senior.

totally subjective

i like the fact that you are a virgin OP, so am i. lets help each other lose our virginity. i'm a 25yr old hispanic male. i weigh 200lbs, i'm a gym rat, i work, i have my own car (paid for), i have good credit(790 FICO), raised by a old school family, long jet black hair. i prefer a virgin. i just dont know how to describe how i feel about them. i have mother issues so your age doesnt bother me. =^)

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Grats on wanting to turn your life around! It's never too late for that.

There will always be dudes wanting to fugg. The challenge is finding a decent dude... unless you just want to get it over with. That makes it easier.

At 36, user is right, you probably won't be starting a family but there are plenty of dudes down with that. Lose the weight, get that great job, and start pursuing some hobbies so that you're interesting as a person. The more interesting and confident you are, the more attractive to others you become.

In short, it's never too late to get laid. Go enjoy yourself! Sex is a ton of fun.

>Also, virgins are the worst to fuck.
If they're male. Female virgins aren't an issue.
>How turned off
Depends on what you're looking for in a relationship, you can find non-shitty people who won't care as long as you're a non-shitty person. I'm 32, still managing to land dates/sex despite being an awkward trash heap and mostly unattractive.
Do you have the confidence to fuck around on okcupid/tinder? If you do, you won't have any problems.

I'm not out of shape. I'm just not chiseled. I mostly come to Jow Forums for Jow Forums when i'm in the gym. The rest is mostly true though.

I am worried about that. It seems like everyone is taken. I get hit on by 20-somethings on occasion, but they mostly disgust me (not 20 year olds in general, just the ones that hit on me) and I don't like the idea of dating younger.

thanks user!

i kind of just want a starter relationship right now. i don't know how shitty that is of me. one of the reasons i've never had a relationship was because it seemed so cruel to do that to someone, but i'm giving less of a fuck as i get older and lonelier.

My mother had me at 37 after being told she could never have kids

I'm ugly and slightly autistic but never give up!