Is there anything that can be done to stop the eventual addition of (P)edophile to the LGBTQ community?
Faggotification of society
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State enforced heterosexuality.
Gays are only around 3% of the population. Trans are around 0.6%. It’s pretty consistent across white countries.
For some reason the ratios are much larger in Hispanic and black areas, with gays being 7% of the population
Checked and lookup stats on the US military, something insane like 40% are faggots.
Wait i thought spicc are supposed to be traditional?
Is it higher ratios of nigs and spics or whites who live with nigs and spiccs?
Gassing degenerates.
why would we want to?
Something regarding the test or estr levels.
Funny to notice those like in OPs post are usually going for the hypermasculine antics, like they were trying to overcompasate for something...
Based Pastor Anderson poster
A lot of Hispanics are catholic, and a lot of Catholics are fagolics
Extermination of every last faggot, nigger, shitskin, Marxist, and kike.
Extermination of 99% of "mainstream" cuckservatives for permitting the faggotization of society.
>Is there anything that can be done to stop
overthrow your corrupt governments, thats the only solution. But none of you will, so the future will be degenerate and you deserve it.
we have historical faccilities for these events.
Gays don't have to deal with women. There will only be more faggots in the future as women are given more opportunity to act out on their inherently selfish desires. I'll use a woman to make my baby, but I'd never treat one as my equal like I would a guy. Enjoy marriage, hope you don't lose your house to the bitch either ;)
Kill LARPaganism in its infancy.
>Greg Johnson writes of what he considers to be the hopeful message of Yeats's Second Coming:
>Just as the birth of Jesus inaugurated Christian civilization, the rough beast will inaugurate a new pagan civilization. Its core values will be different than Christian values, which, of course, horrifies Christians, who hope to revive their religion. But the new pagan values, unlike Christian ones, will actually be believed, bringing the reign of nihilism to its end and creating a new, vital civilization. For pagans, this is a message of hope.
Who is Greg Johnson?
>Intolerance of homosexuality does not just divide the white population, it divides the White Nationalist movement. Ernst Röhm was not the last homosexual to be attracted to White Nationalism. I have met a number of homosexuals in the contemporary White Nationalist movement, and I have my suspicions about a few others. All of these people, however, are intelligent and accomplished. They are real assets to the movement.
>intolerance of homosexuality is Jewish.
These are the people that push LARPaganism: literal homosexuals that await, with excitement and anticipation, the Beast of Revelation, and the death of Christian civilization.
The fact that the LGBT community already rejects pedophilia.
>Jow Forums is accusing a different community of trying to compensate for something.
There are more straight pedophiles.than gay pedophiles.
Why would you want to? Pedos teaming up with LGBTQIAPPXYZ+++ people will make the general public stop supporting them and get them to realize how fucked they've been since the beginning.
Faggot ass faggot
Probably just soldiers fucking around, daring each other to tell the surveyers they are all gay
They're liars, user. Like little brown jews they'll say anything to get what they want and their only religion is deception.
But why to do anything?
The more weirdos team up in LGBTLOREMIPSUM, the sooner people will stop supporting them. And the more multisexual they are, the sooner internal civil war starts and rips it to pieces.
Genuinely want them to adopt it, let them take on and adopt and promote as much degeneracy as possible, it will reach a breaking point in our life times.
Cum homo, smart man...
It’s something in the water.