IF you look at stuff in America until like 1920, it just seems like there was a different kind of American culture, one that had a uniqueness. There is just nothing left of that at all. Now American culture is entirely just self hatred. And Im not even saying America needs to be super prideful or anything, this isnt about flag waving. But when I see old paintings from the 1890s or such, I just think "what happened"? Does America have renowned artists or writers anymore that evoke the locations of America and really capture their uniqueness? Or talk about them in terms other than shame?
What happened to American culture and society
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Same thing happened all over the west really
Im having a hard time articulating it, but I guess that when I look at older American society, I dont see the immediate feeling of shame you see today. Even 1940s Hollywood had a much different feel. Its like the dominant feeling back then was sort of a bland nationalism where people took it for granted. Now the dominant feeling is guilt
We let half-breed mutts take charge and they decided to go full kike with everything because they all hate white people
>I just think "what happened"?
America's greatest weakness is that it is not based on a shared heritage. Everyone can be American so being American means nothing. It was always going to end like this.
That is true but I feel like different regions of the USA had different heritages; New England was in large parts English or Irish, parts of middle America were German or Dutch, near Louisiana it was French. And by the Revolution there was kind of an Anglo-Protestant culture that was unique But its like a lot of that has been wiped away and we're left with nothing.
sadly, we will never know what happened
What could it possibly be?
if only we could go back to better days
Time. Lots and lots of time
cultural marxism happened. its called demoralization.
America has always been a yugoslavia of competing interests. It has at times allowed great freedom to individual communities to live and prosper on their own.
the expansion of federal power has gradually destroyed this in the pursuit of a global empire to enrich a very few. Jews are only partially to blame.
The best thing that could happen would be devolution of Federal power back to states
Do you really need to ask?
>What happened
The fucking jews
Gee I wonder
the massive influx of jews that invaded the country in the 30s
Ideological subversion.
>Everyone can be American so being American means nothing.
What made america great? The many different Folk Cultures, you learnt from each other, developed at a fast pace. After ww2, folk culture was attacked and changed out by Pop culture. Folk culture is no longer cool enough for you since you constantly need new and idiotic things to buy.
People pretend this stopped happening after the collapse of the soviet union but it has only gotten worse and worse.
communism can only work if it is global they realized, so there you have it, globalism.
There’s a book called the feminization of American Culture by Ann Douglass. Her thesis was rooted in the early industrial period. Two things happened in the early 1800s: the states did away with their state supported churches and the mass production of textiles and other products uprooted the traditional home economics. People stoped attending the stern, disciplined protestant churches of the Puritans when they no longer had to and women no longer had to produce clothing and household items thanks to factories. So women became a new consumer class with less responsibility and people gravitated to mushy, feel good religion. Basically New England got soft and fat and Southerners became fixated on preserving their nigger cattle economy. As the North won the civil war, the dominate culture became based on the prosperity capitalism and freedom of religion allowed.
Most people are NPCs who are deeply flawed inside and perpetuate a type of all-pervading personality of self-hate. Them and the useful idiots are the main destroyers of all noble virtues.
National character was useful back then because businesses were mostly local; the government was the highest unit of power.
Today, the highest unit of power is the international corporation, which cares fuckall about anything except reaching the largest mass of undifferentiated consumers.
National identity (or any kind of identity that threatens to supersede consumer identity) is a threat to the system and will be targeted by the corporate-owned media as undesirable.
When being American was limited to being white it meant something.
pic and vid related:
they dont do art anymore as they used to...
When did jews start pumping movies out of hollywood?
America led the world into globalism, and in doing so has set the pattern for what is acceptable. There's no soul to anything anymore, because soul can't be traded and bought. We've happened upon an age of understanding and now we're dealing with it's fallout. Culture isn't really a geographical ideal anymore, it's sidelined by what can gain most profit. So what happened to American culture? American ingenuity happened, and it killed creativity and instead choose profit in understanding. Focus groups, collective studies, and peer reviewed data have negated anything cultural versus what can make the most money. So if anything, you can say American culture is stronger than ever before, profit is the higher power and nothing else is considered effective.
I hate this country so much now and the degenerative shit it became
Eh not really cuz the status quo used to be that anyone who was of Anglo descent was American race
No, America died in the 1960's, the final coup of Jewish power against the WASP elite. Since then, the American middle and working classes have been powerless and stabbed in the back at every turn. Cheap consumer goods replaced the spirit we once had.
fuck those times.
im a white homosexual with a black boyfriend. if i lived back then i wouldve been lynched
back then women had no rights
people of color were lynched and murdered
jews were discriminated against
homosexuals and trans were considered mental ill and were put into mental instiutions.
so fuck those times. the days of the "old white man club" is over
america was built on genocide and slavery
I agree.
This. Society is also more atomized and it's clear for many that our leaders do not care about the people. And when half of the people you see on street are foreigners(many of whom are dysfunctionaö) it's hard to seriosly think and say "This is Sweden and it's something to be proud of".
Like everything else with time, it all degrades.
I'm not seeing the problems with any of those things. It kept everything in order. America was an empire, and empires are always built on conquest.
Isn't is sad to see this happen, but at the same time it's almost amazing because there is no responsibility anymore, there is no reason to be a greater man, that ideal is dead and now it's just a singular experience, without policy nor cultural expectations. Who really cares? And if they did, does it really matter?
You wouldn’t have been lynched because you wouldn’t have existed. A strong and moral society prevents perversion. Faggotry can only flourish in the midst of sickness and decadence.
nice picture and all but most people back then lived in fucking slums and worked 12 hours dayz
I see this picture all the time and it's so fucking heartbreaking.
I go to sleep and sometimes wish I just wake up in that world.
No, income inequality is actually worse now than it has ever been.
Yeah, it's a world we'll never have user. The best we can hope for is that it will be the world of the next generations.
>No, income inequality is actually worse now than it has ever been.
Doesn't matter. Poverty is a problem. Everyone doing well while some do even better, is not ap problem.
You sound like a Leftist dumbass with the "It's a problem if some people work their asses off and get what they earned" jealousy.
>Doesn't matter.
Yes it does, the middle class is shrinking and becoming less powerful while a small plutocratic elite is gaining more and more money everyday. In any case, the economic problems are also creating despair which is why the suicide rate is so high.
>"It's a problem if some people work their asses off and get what they earned"
>he fell for the 'just work hard' meme
Most billionaires didn't work hard at all for their money and only gained it through generational financial speculation. Very few were true innovators or entrepreneurs. Most are simply usurious Jews.
Check and this
Hitler was 100% right and we all betrayed our own brethren like in Rhodesia
Regular white people need to literally develop a collective consciousness in the next 5 years or else it will never happen
Blacks should never have been given citizenship in the first place.
seething white opioid addict unable to take responsible for his pathetic race's own failure
>America threw this away in favour of looking after brown people
>became based on the prosperity capitalism and freedom of religion allowed.
Talk about a fallacy. No, what happened is the new technologies in textile manufacture and industrialism allowed people to invent a new religion they called capitalism. Technology always precedes the stupid shit quack economists come up with, not the other way around.
>back then women had no rights
And this is a bad thing?
>people of color were lynched and murdered
We're still murdering people of color you fucking idiot. Ever hear of Syria and Yemen?
>jews were discriminated against
Maybe they should have given up usury and shystering.
Bullshit. We had a great run as long as we were 80+% white.
The problem was non-Western immigrants (not necessarily just non-white).
>You sound like a Leftist dumbass with the
You sound like a LOLbergtarian dumbass with the "Jeff Bezos is 10,000,000 times more productive than any of his employees bullshit.
>seething white opioid addict unable to take responsible for his pathetic race's own failure
Seething usurious Jew worried that boycott divestment and sanctions may actually work.
America had it's own culture and flavor until the late 1800s when Jews came here. True story: The Founding Fathers warned about keeping the Jews out of America knowing they would ruin it.
I'm an educated upper middle class man who's never done drugs. I just actually have empathy for the working class. The Sacklers should hang for what they have done through Purdue pharma.
It's comforting being a victim, isn't it? It's easier than shouldering the responsibility of our own lives.
The Death of a Nation
Capitalism happened. What you consider culture requires tight knit communities, which capitalism virtually made obsolete.
>Even 1940s Hollywood had a much different feel. Its like the dominant feeling back then was sort of a bland nationalism where people took it for granted. Now the dominant feeling is guilt
This right here seems to be the problem even now when we promote Nationalism we are forgetting about what made it so great even back in the 1940's and 50's. We had Television, movies film and were really making headway on Innovation. Makes you wonder if we can become great again.
Bullshit. Prior to 1965 America was basically Europe 2.0 without a monarchy. Sure, there was some hostility towards certain groups like the Irish, Italians, Germans, but there was still a cohesive society that ultimately got along - we were all Europeans. What you see now is a globalists wet dream. Absolute chaos; various diaspora's only lobbying for their their interests instead of the interest of America. They want no freedom or liberty now, only punishment for not kowtowing to their culture, world view and decadent lifestyles.
do you think i like having my entire family disown me because im "a n!gger fucking queer"? i love my family but they are brainwashed by Christianity and white supremacy to hate me. i remember my dad kicking me out the house, when i told my father i was homosexual, he got all pissed. He later found out i was dating a black man and he was furious. I called him this thanksgiving and he told me "don't talk me until you stop being a n4gger fucking fag"
i broke down crying
you think i like living like this?
You can't stop poverty, it will always exist no matter what because some people are simply lazy pieces of shit who don't want to contribute and would rather live hedonistic lifestyles as drug abusers and prostitutes.
Rise of the Jews, mass media, women voting
All of western civilization has been on a slow decline since the 1800s because of many reasons but it always comes down to who has the monopoly on the meaning of progress.
>he thinks communism will solve the problem of alienation
Then why are you a nigger fucking fag? Like, you realize you chose that right? Do your parents owe their loyalty to nigger fucking fags?
You have to go back
Capitalism and atomization is honestly one of the few things marx was right about.
I didn't choose to be gay. i was born gay
even if i DID choose to be gay
My parents hatred for me comes from the bible and western civilization. these things brainwashed them into hating their own fucking SON
capitalism needs to die
western civilization needs to die
white supremacy needs to fucking die
i want my dad to love me again like he did when i was young.
It wasn't America that led the world into globalism, it was the Rothschilds. Look a little deeper into the history and don't generalize. Any time you want to say (country name) did X remember that countries are not real entities. It is a group of people forcing their will onto the masses, often through subterfuge or propaganda and indoctrination.
Something that's often overlooked or outright lied about is that true rights are individual and come from a higher source than any government. If anyone infringes a right in the name of manmade law or government then they are in violation of divine law. Case in point; the American culture OP mentioned was in the process of genocide against the native tribes.
>I didn't choose to be gay. i was born gay
Bullshit. nobody is born with such a complex behavior. Even if you were born with a desire to behave that way, it doesn't excuse it. Virtuous self-denial is still possible, but you're too lazy and brainwashed society.
>My parents hatred for me comes from the bible and western civilization. these things brainwashed them into hating their own fucking SON
They don't hate you moron, they hate your behavior.
>capitalism needs to die
>western civilization needs to die
>white supremacy needs to fucking die
Gee, all the things that allow you to keep living they cushy faggot life until you die of AIDS. And you want them gone. Maybe that's a clue as to why faggotry is hated?
>i want my dad to love me again like he did when i was young.
Then be virtuous. Only children are owed love, nobody else.
>it's not me who was wrong, it was the world!
>everyone else needs to die!
Careful not to cut yourself on that edge, buddy. Maybe take a look at things from your parent's perspective, to them you've been brainwashed by modern degenerate media. See what can be done to patch things up. Above all, dont be a resentful twat, you won't get anywhere in life like that.
.................i just want them to respect me and tolerate my lifestyle. Thye cross the line when they call me a "n3gger fucking fag" or say shit like "you going to hell for being a fruitbowl". One of my uncles said "you lucky this aint bible times or you be put to death and i would throw the first rock"
shit like that is sick and disgusting.
how am i the bad guy? i lvoe all races, all genders. i respect everyone and im fucking nice. THE christians are the ones that want me dead. the only thing stopping them from killing me and my black boyfriend i the LIBERAL SOCIETY we live in
so fuck off wit the BULLSHTI
to quote REMY MA
"are you dumb"?
It's not your fault. But it is time to grow up. Society is not in the business of saving people from their problems. Step up and take responsibility for your life.
It died with the end of the frontier and the Civil War which turned us into one giant federal nation
Well he's around about it being a solution.
But he's right about the associated costs. Most of the complaints Marx had about capitalism are pretty on point, its just that his solutions are fucktarded
early 1900's...coincides with the point where it all started to go wrong...Wilson, Internationalism, Communist parties, votes for wymyn...
>Folk culture is no longer cool enough for you since you constantly need new and idiotic things to buy.
My brother back in Florida is like this. He’s not going to college, but has a good work ethic working multiple jobs. His motivation? “I want to buy a Cadillac”
>Hey take it from your older bro, save up to buy a house, get some acreage, live off the land
That sounds stupid to him.
You know what happened
>its just that his solutions are fucktarded
He never presented solutions. His main body of work is merely explaining and criticizing capitalism. He also isn't "complaining", he is detailing the fatal contradictions of capitalism. If you agreed with Marx "complaints" about capitalism you would agree that socialist revolution is inevitable, which leads me to believe that a) or b)
That's completely untrue. It only changed in the 60s.
Nice digits. A multicultural society can exist peacefilly. A multiethnic society is doomed. We have been an a downward spiral since the Civil Rights Act and Immigration Laws of the 1960s were passed