Redpill me on gangstalking

How insane are these people on a scale from liberals to Charles Manson?

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people who think gangstalking is real are almost as crazy as Manson, not quite, but crazier than most liberals

Somewhere between Q user and flat earthers... so they are about as crazy as pizza gate retards.

it's nested psychosis resulting from too many people with schizophrenia, some type of dopaminergic dysfunction from drug abuse, or some other serious mental illness having an internet connection

a bit more than liberals

What even is gangtalking

people who believe that large groups of people, government or other, are out to target particularly them.

yeah, what is gangsta lking?

Well, dipshits, if you had ever been gang stalked, you might believe it.

What is, The Finders.

was waiting for one of you to show up

Well, I'm sure a lot of people are actually on government watch lists.

go on...

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Gang stalking is the tip of the iceberg. CIA has entire TOWNS with people living and working in it all under COA payroll and all of them working as actors to trap or monitor a specific target either passing through that town or living in that town.

I had some crazy broad try to tell me about "targeted individuals". Is this the same shit?

they don't

>on a scale from liberals to Charles Manson?
user that's not a very wide scale

>"how insane are they on a scale from 8 to 10?"

How come only Americans are being gangstalked?


I believe it, it isnt out of question, say 3,000 live in a town, and you give them a stipend of 2,000 a month each plus they work on top of that to maintain the illusion, for the cost of a fighter jet, you can have a whole town under control, maybe it's so deep the town doesnt even know about each other and they all presume their neighbors arent aware, sleeper cells are very real.

aka, paranoid delusion

I'd imagine it isn't only in america, could be CIA operatives in other countries, they abduct people and recruit them or replace them entirely, done in such a way that no one would be aware, like bodysnatchers but spooks instead of aliens.

yes but these people think a cast of 100s of people are tasked with watching them in public. I think it makes them feel more important than a glitched npc.

they can influence the people around you to talk about things relevant to you either with technology, or non-corporeal entities possess the bodies of the people around you, and yes, they have been working with our governments for a long time, think a bit like agent smith in the matrix, he can always take over any person near you, but you don't notice it unless you know what you're looking at



Depends, maybe you just end up in the wrong place for whatever reason, and they need to know if you are a liability, so they tail you for a month or so to be certain.

According to /x/ it's a worldwide problem.

They literally do. Sandy Hook was one of them. There’s also Hillary’s home town in Arkansas where she used to do drug running ops with Cocaine with Bill in the 80s and 90s. I forget the name of the place but it has that Baphomet statue you’ve all seen recently.

There’s a whole bunch of other towns, mostly in bumfuck nowhere ville or in interstate regions to aid trafficking ops.

It's real, but people don't want to really come to terms with what the Digital Age has done in regards to completely destroying privacy, anonymity, and giving both corporations and governments the ability to track, monitor, and record literally every facet of your life. It's much better to turn a blind eye to guys like Julian Assange and Seth Rich rather than coming to terms with the fact that those guys are just the minuscule tip of the iceberg in regards to surveillance and monitoring. Look up the trail of dead bodies that has followed the Clintons throughout their political career, and that was before the internet age and before Alexa started recording your conversations.

I saw an interview awhile ago with a supposed gang stalker and he said they get paid $100 a day to follow the target around. They don't know why, they only do it for the money.

Paranoid schizophrenia

Somehow Anglos always fall for the dumbest shit, be it this, UFOs or trannyism. Ever noticed how 90% if not more of the people Metokur and kiwifarms make fun of are either American, British or Canadian?

I there something common with the victims of gang stalking?
My guess is people who can raise awareness maybe.
I'm not saying secrets because a lot of them didn't worked in something confidential

do you care to find it and post it?

>lol we gangstalk u
when will muggles learn

It is another term for paranoid schizophrenia.

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schizos doing schizo things

Then they're the most sane people who exist

have you been gangstalked?
tell us your story user

Daily reminder to be weary of hobos who are undercover cops or “listeners”.

Also daily reminder governments aren’t the only ones up to this.

Corporations use similar tactics to do “guerilla advertising” which is when they have groups of people interacting and talking about a product the corporation is trying to sell. It can be anything as menial as people standing around asking questions about the product to a sales rep within earshot of a real customer or it could even be an entire group of people on the street using a product like a stereo acting like they are having fun with said product.

The world is full of actors and lies.

Every single Youtube video I've seen about gangstalking was obviously the ramblings of an insane person. There's only one video I saw, just one, where the person legit seemed like he was being stalked Truman Show style. I can never find it again.

I forget exactly what he did, but I remember him holed up in his livingroom zoomed in on a group of people down the street on the corner just milling about, and then pointing out this car that kept driving around the block. He left his house, but then dipped off and ran back inside and you saw the group of people looking around for him, and the car stop and talk to them before speeding off.

Wasn't this called schizophrenia in a more enlightened age?

The film Enemy of the State is closer to reality than fiction

redpill me more you crazy faggots

Probably was just legitimately under police surveillance.

Jow Forums
>The idea that the government may want to covertly harass and gaslight someone, who may know something that they shouldnt, into having a mental breakdown, and subsequently ruining their credibility for any information they try to spread from that point on is crazy.
Also Jow Forums
>The Jews are Satan worshipping aliens who have control over every major government entity and blackmail them into commiting atrocities, specifically against children, as a sacrifice to a cow headed demon named Moloch. Hillary Clinton has contracted Kuru from eating kiddie brains and John Podesta is probably 3 inches deep in a dead child right now. Millions of dollars are spent each year to funnel children from third world countries into the meat grinder in the basement of Comet Ping Pong.

Yes, i agree that the vast majority of people who claim to be gangstalked are just schizophrenic. However, dismissing all cases of gangstalking as just crazy people being crazy, opens the door for the government to more easily execute public gaslighting tactics without fear of being called on their shit. This is like the inverse of “poisoning the well” they have taken a well known symptom of schizophrenia, used it as a camouflage to drive people to have a mental breakdown and discredit anything they might say afterwards. After all, who is going to listen to the guy who claims the government paid his roomate to bang on his bedroom wall at random intervals when he says that James Alefantis is a member of the Rothschild family? Nobody, thats who.

Weird that this thread came up. I was going through some old pics earlier today and found this.

I used to work in a copy shop (like a kinkos but shittier) and this lady would come in all the time. Kept talking about how the CIA / KKK / FBI was after her since her father was a "spy back in DubyaDubya Two"

I saved a copy of a letter she was mailing out.

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Shit scares me. I'm worried one day I'll be walking up the street and get stabbed by someone thinking I'm a gangstalker.

Here's a good example of how most gangstalking Youtube videos are.

Good for a few keks.

>Muh schizophrenia
A lot of spooks in this thread trying to slide gang stalking

tell us about the bad mans who walk past your house

do they wear white shoes to taunt you? because that girl you had a crush on in highschool who winked at you once had white shoes? omg they know everything about you

Oh hi glow nig

Not really gangstalking but, my wife and I had an interesting experience at the supermarket the other day. We walked past a guy talking to some lady, and he was just casually throwing the word “schlitz” into the conversation like literally every other word. It went something like:
>so we were drinking schlitz at the schlitz just chopping some schlitz with the schlitz brothers. I asked them about the schlitz and they said they lost that schlitz...
It continued like that for like a full minute as we walked past them in the aisle. The weirdest part was the lady’s reaction. I couldnt really see the guys face but the lady was just looking at him like this was a completely normal conversation. It clearly wasnt a joke, she just listened to him like what he was saying had any substance to it. When my wife and I got out of earshot, we both looked at eachother and I asked “You heard that right? That was an absurd conversation.” She said she heard it too, and she thought we were walking through a hidden camera show, or something. We laughed and went on about our day, but the more i think back to it the more i wonder what the fuck was going on there. They almost seemed like paid actors, but there was no audience, unless the audience was us. Why would anyone bother to set that up though? Are NPCs a literal thing and this was just some glitch in the simulation? The entire situation just kind of gives me the creeps.

do they cough when you walk past them? that's how u know they're messing with u

u should get in their faces and confront them about their coy coughing game they learned at the agency! ur a very important person, u must be gangstalked. we have been tracking all of those videos youve been watching on youtube, and they are all TOO WOKE and TOO ACCURATE, you watch the best ones, which means you're a threat, you have too much truth and too much knowledge, YOU KNOW TOO MUCH, BUDDY!! so u will be gangstalked! muahahahaha!!!


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>Pizzagate retards
Hello rabbi!

Manson wasn't crazy, manson saw the matrix.

He managed to make women rise up against their satanic jew handlers and murder them.

An inspiration.


You should, in a fevered sweaty manic frenzy, watch every Will Smith interview you can possibly find, watch 5 at a time in 5 different windows, the truth shall be revealed to you!!! He's secretly communicating with you/laughing at you/making fun of you with his subtle remarks and body language.

fair point. But why is there never one of these thousands and thousands of actors and accomplices who brakes his silence and blows the lid on the whole thing? Jews are proven time and again to be in ultimate positions of power

Redpill you on something we cant prove? It came from somewhere, it's a psyop of some kind, maybe it's to discredit it's own existence
>"I am being followed by a lot of people lately"
>you are just paranoid, it isnt possible at all
I'd say hints towards it is movie invasion of the body snatchers.

>makes secret copies of paranoids persons letters
Nice going user

>There's only one video I saw, just one, where the person legit seemed like he was being stalked Truman Show style.

I remember one... a guy who lived near comet pizza and complained about them (strange kid noises at night), but mayor shut him down in like 2012 or something.

Then there were vids of washington post journalists harassing the poor fellow.

It's the best avenue of attack for satanic pedo ring protectors, because it sounds fantastical to most people.

They try to attack your sanity and doing vaguely harrassing things like that sound incredible to most normies.

This nigga is the fucking feds. 2 posts and a black meme flag gtfoh

what does this have to do with fucking metokur? are you fucking obsessed like some sort of triggered faggot?

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Wtf is on that pic

you faggots can stalk me all you want i genuinely dont give a fuck

it happens to some people. but for most people it's paranoid delusion. that's part of the appeal of using it though, is it makes people look paranoid and deluded. of course, the paranoid deluded people also know this, and use it to mask their paranoid delusions. but normal people still consider them paranoid and delusional.

but it does happen sometimes.

You know, it's entirely possible, Canadian glow in the dark niggers have job postings on their website for field agent that follow a target without being spotted, Stasi used Zersetzung to mentally fuck with their targets. You have to be a dumb bluepilled NPC to dismiss gang stalking as schizo.

kek which one of the schizo dumbfucks in his video are you?

Earth is a lab experiment by interdimensionals, they are trying to get at the ultimate life experience/ultimate reality and also at understanding the essence of the spirit as well... what happened is that many use the experiment for a different purpose, live it in a different way, as a member of any different bloodline, as a participant or as a watcher. Interdimensionals can move freely through time and space. If you show potential, you get monitored and poked and prodded in every direction by entities, this helps them, because they get to influence you so you are no threat to them later on, and it indirectly helps you because through their poking and prodding you learn to deal with greater realities, and it helps your development ultimately. But everyone goes at their own pace, the goal is to create a reality where when we manifest something we can deal with it too, instead of just complaining about it and sink into learned helplessness, so we need to learn about the subconscious on a personal level. It's a trial by fire anyway and gang stalkers (entities possessing people) persecute you until you either fall back in line, deep into slumber or break the conditioning, so then you can move into the extended awareness phase. Remember, you still have free will. These demons/entities can tell you things you said over a text message to a random 6 months ago. They have access to the databases where our info is stored, can freely access our info but they can not enter our minds to read them fully (even if they tell you they can and use parlour tricks to give off that impression), and they can't override your free will, nobody can, they just offer logical or emotional parameters to influence you, again, this is useful so you can see just how much the brainwashing was influencing you before and how having an incomplete picture will always trap you. You always have to break through the bullshit, mostly your own, as your subconscious will tell you via manifestation

It's not only spooks but the gangstalkers themselves. People seem to forgot about how far reaching secret societies and the like are
These people pledge themselves with the devil. They know how to lie, deceit and cover up. They have no integrity


Met a gangstalking victim once. Rich American, believed everything she saw on Infowars, couldn't keep her hands off me, absolutely gorgeous but the crazy made me NOPE the fuck away.

Last I heard she'd been working for the Trump campaign.

Who the fuck would want to monitor a fat sweaty autist with no friends girlfriend or relationship outside his mother

Like i said, most of them are just schizophrenic. Of the ones that aren’t, im not going to pretend like i know much because i dont really research the topic. Reasons off the top of my head?
>payment in a series of installments that discontinue if silence is ever broken
>threats of violence or similar treatment if silence is broken
>hired government actors wearing hollywood style silicone masks to fool the target into thinking they are someone else
>hired government actors just taking advantage of the fact that most people dont know what every simgle one of their neighbors look like

Just some guesses, im not claiming to be an authority figure on this subject at all. What i will say though, is that dismissing anything as “anyone who says this is crazy” plays right into the hands of 3 letter government agencies. Im fairly certain the CIA started the conspiracy about chem trails to condition people into thinking that “anyone who says the government sprays chemicals on us from airplanes is clearly nuts”. Then you have this...
This is a disinformation tactic called “poisoning the well”. You take away the effectiveness of such a tactic simply by keeping an open mind, and making claims based on careful consideration instead of knee jerk reactions. If someone 100% really was being gangstalked by the government, and they came to you asking for help, would you turn them over to their tormentors? Or would you help an innocent man keep his sanity? Making generalizations like the one in the OP can cost someone their life, optimistic skepticism is the way you should approach every situation.

a guy withdrawn into himself could be a very strong dreamer who will enact reality changes with the power of his mind, but 99% of the time he will choose to jerk off to anime instead

Fucking lol. I didnt even consider that while reading it.

while it may have something to do with a paranoid delusion.
while it is svlim theres always a chance of your paranioa being confirmed.

what i think it is ,
a projection onto the crowds and environments you find yourself in.
in that this "delusion" is very self centered i.e. persecutory
- other than parents or guardian angels or spirit guides, i really havent heard of too many postive expierences of gang stalking. like victims dont really feel at ease if they are being gangstalked.
-intentionality on part of the perpetrators when they are part of the crowd is a big part of borderline personality disorder. that people will do small slights to you and you'll take huge offense to it.
like a roomate you thinks hates you becuase they ate all the cereal to the cute girls behind you giggling to each other becuase it has to be something about you.

now consider the anxious person all wrapped up in their anxiety, just trying to keep it together,
gotta take alot of effort.
one thing to maintain that effort is doubt that you arent doing a good job. negative thoughts about the present.

so when you think you are getting gangstalked you are externalizing your anxities on everyone else. becuase you are a big fucking narcissist and you fucking suck which are at odds with each other.
the ego , afraid, deathly afraid of breaking will modify the you suck part to theres some important meaning to why i suck, and since my teachers and parents always believed i had great potential , it must be something great, hopefully , i am fucking harry you suck in a general since instead of sucking at keeping it together.

tl:dr- it happens becuase its the sub conscious awareness of a psychological catatrophie and how you are acting to others. but you're too wrapped up in yourself to realize it, so you blame the crowd. when in reality we are acting and saying things that are kinda....different, and crowds immediatly see that you arent one of them.

I've had anxiety attacks before. I know the difference between something like paranoia and something as well structured as gangstalking
The ones that are stalking act in patterns. Where as, having an anxiety attack or being paranoid just happens out of nowhere and there is no justification for it
gangstalkers are deliberate, ruthless and methodical. They want the victim to know that they're being stalked for whatever agenda
That's the damn difference between paranoia and being stalked

Gangstalking is real, I was gangstalked for almost four years

Reading about this shit creeps me out. I know it's probably not real. But this shit makes it seem like literally everything you read or watch is meant to make you feel a certain way.

so you have been gangstalked?

why and what made it stop?

might I add the main difference between being paranoid and having a reasonable suspicion is the state you were in before you became paranoid
If you were completely normal until groups of people kept saying bad things would happen to you or repeating certain phrases that only
you would fully understand. And doing certain gestures while following you in public. That is gstalking. Unless the victim suddenly becomes paranoid and anxious for no reason
If they see patterns and know that they're being singled out, then what they're experiencing might not be delusions of grandeur

user, i am on your side. I agree that gangstalking could be real, unfortunately it is also a symptom of schizophrenia, which is why it is so effective. Just by mimicing the symptoms of a mental illness, they can claim no action was taken and the average person will believe them. Especially over someone making seemingly outrageous claims. If you find yourself to be the victim of gangstalking, I suggest surveillance cameras. If you were able to catch someone in the act of doing some shady shit like this, you could blow open a huge case for victims of gangstalking everywhere. If they are aware of the cameras, and they stop harassing you to avoid being caught, i count that as a win.

lmao, such a concept is unheard of in the civilized world

Let's just say I've experienced it. There has been two periods in my life where it has happened

I wanted evidence of this lady's issues in case she ever shot the place up or accused us of something

I've been on the internet everyday and explored every level of it since the late nineties, the further I started going down the rabbit hole the more weird shit started happening, it reached it's peak back in 2009 when I was a regular on /new/ and GLP. what stopped it was I moved out the city and into the suburbs.

Nope, it's focused mkultra program visa-vi deep-state FBI related organizations.
By this point, it's probably, mostly, "private contractors" hired to do the work, but that doesn't change who runs the show.

can you give an example of such phrases or gestures?

They are fucking batshit, pants on head, raving mental.

>this shit makes it seem like literally everything you read or watch is meant to make you feel a certain way.
This is unironically true. Look up Operation Mockingbird. Its why I come here. While there are a fair amount of shills here, i know at least a few of these posts have no agenda behind them. Just people speaking their mind without reprocussion.

Okay, but what if its real

I do agree that the victims actually end up with schizophreni, PTSD and other conditions due to being stalked
>If they are aware of the cameras, and they stop harassing you to avoid being caught, i count that as a win
that depends if its a corporation or a government agency. If it's the former then justice will be done. If it's the latter, they will still continue to stalk more stealthily


if you have had anxiety attavks
which are symtoms of increased heart rate
racing thoughts
and activation of the auntonmic nervous system. causing you to tense up like you are going to freeze
or causing you to get jittery like you want to leave
hypervigilant like you are assesing threats to fight.

gangstalking is a delusion behind a series of anxiety attacks the turn into a habit, becuase our brains are primed on a bunch of subconscious cues.

if you are expierecing gangstalking ,
it might be real
most likely
there is some trauma in your past that you probably normalized.
but are coming to a point where you need to actually do something about it.
theres probably a label someone put on you or you put on yourself that you arent completley okay with and you either need to fight or accept it.

This girl my friends 40 year old uncle dated who is 24, has a black son, and literally has aids: claims to be being gangstalked. It’s like certain kinds of people can be convinced us this.
I think it’s not real because I tell off as many people as possible as hard as I can, at all times, now and forever, amen. Yet I haven’t been stalked at all, nobody will target me, and I even have went out of my way to harass accounts accused of stalking people, and they won’t even respond. Nobody ever wants to play with me

So the general gist is that its trying to make you basically insane, through stuff you see in your daily life? even your interactions with others? even ads you see?

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Depends. Are you a criminal? If so then you are being ganstalked and probably being accused of terrorism. Especially if you’re white.

Scientologists gangstalk out in the open.
If those faggots are doing it imagine what serious entities are.

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