Brit/pol/ : Mod RESPECT edition
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Who here is old enough to have watched The Raccoons as a kid?
>oi! you got a loicense for that empire?
>meme flag
>Mod Respect
>url in the image
I had to look it up but yes, i remember the characters roughly.
this map is deceptive
we owned way more land than this map implies
Who else is preparing to go to France?
What is this Desperados amateur hour rubbish? Where are the real drinks?
Half of Africa
What did they mean by this?
what does remy taste like?
>tfw you realise UKIP are now cringey in the opposite way to they were before: once liberal Tories in a purple suit, now basically Norf: The Party, associating themselves with retarded thugs like Are Tommeh
Spirits make me violent and i don't know when to stop
>Britannia rules the waves
So you can colour most of the map in pink.
Empire was a mistake
It's the territorial peak.
and when the spitfire came into action what then?
we owned the skies too!
see here's where i probably go wrong, i neg girls way too much, i just find their reactions so fucking amusing though, the 'chase' is so fun
Horrible cartoon though. Wierd vibe about it.
>retarded thugs like Are Tommeh
>'as made millions out ov his muppet supporters
which is it, please?
I know and the map is deceptive
Someone delated Sicily frm that pic
Like brandy desu, quite a long sour aftertaste. I prefer Carlos 3 Spanish usually.
How will alcohol prices react to Brexit lads?
Just to make things clear for MI6. I want Brexit because I want to move to the UK as an engineer and I want to see the UK like in my childhood, without poles, pakis and KANGS.
But still, Farage is an absolute faggot for screaching on about waycism as someone who is constantly demonised in the media.
Farage and Tommeh are rather similar in a way. They are demogogues that only care about one issue, do nothing to combat multiculturalism and would rather Israel exists in 100 years than this nation.
Jesus Christ
once you've got the information you need from pua types run for the hills because it's a corrosive ideology they adhere to
>Brexit is good
What does novichok taste like?
those RSD guys know what they're doing
you gotta find one with a similar personality to you and just copy what they do
I go with julien and todd because they're both cunts with 0 charisma (like me)
fuck ton of videos on youtube too
Norf fc the party will be more sucsessful than ukip by far
I say this despite disagreeing greatly with tommy wogginstein
Yes it's actually making Britain looking bigger,because some of those maps are streaching northern part.For example Greenland looks bigger than entire Africa on some of them and Sweden as long as India.
What are you talking about?
>woah he flipped the meme on it's head
make me some beans for breakfast tommorow heinz
>Being in the EU is good
conquering nomadic berber tribes is hardly an achievement.
Britain owned India and parts of Africa too though
which vastly skews the map dishonestly in the favour Britain
Drinking it right now.Horrifical liqued, drinkable though.
I envy the fact you can have alcohol in the house without having to drink it.
pua shit and banging med thots
also to that guy who was asking
"just promise you won't embarrass me in front of my friends" is a 10/10 line idk why it works so well it's hilarious
This, I’ve always wanted a decanter with whisky in it but the whisky doesn’t stay in it
good one
Seriously, it’s a good chance to burn some shit and maybe harm/kill a few shitskins and cops. We can’t miss it
jew mutts, wogs and fucking brazilians should be cleansed too
Besides curvy maps with wrong latitutes,there are also some cancerious streaching maps where northern part looks so much longer than it is.In fact.In fact,more north you go more the streaching is bigger.One would think that Russia and Canada are half of world's land on some of them.
I remember that cartoon. Syril Sneer, that was the blokes name wasn't it. that one with a hook nose. greedy cunt.
i don't usually give a fuck but this is triggering my cringe receptors big time
Garden furniture.
The way Farage has gone about it has shown his true colours. If he said Tommy was bad news because of his aggressiveness and antisocial methods, I would have more respect for that, but no, I can't have anything I want.
The elite made from (((bankers))),and heavily German royal family did.
They still own Koh-i-Noor diamond,they stole from India
>this confuses and enrages the monteNEGRO
oh trust me i'm cringing inside when I say it
i'm cringing inside 90% of the time when I talk to girls
let the cringe flow through you
Today’s been real comfy.
You don't think the masses benefited from the power of their elites?
That would imply you have a leaky decanter.
Get a tantalus desu.
Isn't some chemical company making Novichok brand detergent now?
yeh reading some of the stuff they supposedly say to girls is making me cringe really hard, i can't imagine being that insincere
faggy as it might sound i want an actual gf who loves me
so i can only follow their advice up to a point
No the first map is alright.
The second one with Europe is streaching north,for example Italy (301.338 km2)is bigger than Britain(242.495 km2),but due to streaching it looks the opposite.
Germany is bigger than Finland but if the map was further north it would look as if Finland is over twice the size of Germany.
fuck that
not for me
i'd rather eat my own hair than sell myself out like that for THOTS
lads i'm going to the kebab shop let me know what you want
Fuck off, this is the best chippy in the UK and we're like 98% white. Benefiting the local community, I am.
I don’t really get it
>Second Referendum
>The British will wins (no Russian hackers)
>Westminster failed
>The media brainwashing wins
>Welcome a EU bitch.
To be secure in the knowledge my hard earned cash goes straight into the pockets of paedophilic subhumans please
Donner meat on chips with chilli and garlic mayo. Coke zero. Maybe a few hot wings.
Do you brits wish you were fighting the IRA again rather than Muslims and SJWs.
britfeel radio live
can I get the 15 year old lass munchybox please gaz
Brexit is a mistake. We must prepare to hand our national sovereignty over to Brussels.
It's odds man
>Btw if you talk to 1000 women one will fuck you
>follow these steps
>one eventually fucks
>see my system works
their is some genuinely useful information there for pure fannys but most must move on
chicken kebab wrap with salad and those really salty whole jalapenos they have
If this is true I apologise
>British will
>Government to deliver
>another one
>yeah, nice ticket
Yes master.
Neither I wish I was fighting the Zulus
what does your country's name mean? Mountain Nigger?
Muslims are one of the groups that make Britain great.It's th diversity that makes the Britain ''Great Britain''.Without Muslims,Indians and Blacks,Britain would be just a racist,underdevelaped,backward and vile
best fuckin believe it mohammed
also this is a brit thread so..
ah i feel relieved now.
How did they ever lose to us brits when they had ngubu up front
empty your bowels in /ptg/ please pajeet
I shant be apologising
fucking this
fuck boomer "My greatest achievement is killing the far right!!!" nige and fuck Tommy Robinsonsteinberg
As-salaam alykoum lads...
I’m 23, about to finish my undergrad, start my graduate degree, and do it all debt-free. I’m healthy and I want to live right. Any of you have a halal marriage with a good lass or know someone who does? I’m thinking it’s a good next move, especially in being in better graces with the man upstairs. I’m ready to meet with an imam and get on with meeting someone fairly soon; I want to stay away from slags and find out more about the Creator’s love
Thanks for your input m8s, it means a lot, I don’t know many other good places to turn
We, Russians, including government understand everything, EU is hard. But the referendum. Just admit that you're joke of democracy and let my gvmnt talks to you ultimatums.
this is how you come across when you copy eddie
w-well have a look at this then, Ahmed
youtube is based and repilled
Why is negro same as ''nigger'',mr.Poo?
Indian shit(haha)posting has to be the best posting of any (non UK) posting on this board.
because they literally have the same meaning
I find it so funny man
I literally do not mean a word of what I say and these girls are there like
"omg thankyou *blinkblinkblink* you're so funny teehee
are all mountain niggers as dense as you Rajan