



Attached: 4D1533BA-F5E7-4053-BC89-1B1FA1D9F610.jpg (1278x301, 123K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Ha, no

alien orgasms found on ISS

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Fake and gay. Its astronaut poop bacteria. Read idiot.


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This is to cover up live footage people found of flies and other bugs flying around the "ISS"
No one is on board the ISS

another worthless memeflaggot streetshitter thread


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>can't type normal
kys quick

terrible thread

no what needs investigating is the corruption in France. How about that one, yuropoor?

Hmmmm.... is that the same ISS that was sabotaged earlier this year? Are aliens infecting astronaughts in the hope they bring the bugs down here?

"Scientists discovered a thriving ecosystem of “infectious organisms” aboard the station which are similar to bugs found in hospitals on Earth."

"The toilet onboard the orbiting space station was listed as one of the main sites of infection alongside the base’s exercise area."



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We are Venom!

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The Ayys are coming to rid us of all thots.

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Are they the rock crabs/spiders from Apollo 11? That’s be wild if a shitty found footage movie was right

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>constantly use the word bugs
>expected some kind of cockroach or pubic lice mutated by solar radiation
>fucking bacteria

just bacteria

>infested with mysterious bugs
I believe the PC term is "Russians", OP

>Jow Forums discussing anything space related

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The ISS is disgusting. Any fluids that escape tend to bump into things and then sort of coat whatever it runs into. Liquids end up in every nook and cranny. When they take apart equipment there is also liquid behind the surfaces that can't be easily wiped down. Plus much of the ISS is warm so you have a constant warm and humid environment where bacteria and fungus thrive.

Additionally, it is hard for astronauts to get and stay clean. It's also difficult to use the bathroom. Plus lots of scientists are disgusting slobs. I bet that place is full of sweat, piss, shit and saliva.

If any space aliens are reading this, please exterminate every Jew and shitskin on the planet.

how can humans even compete

"Bugs" is a very contextual term to use here. In-profession, it is slang for single-cell organisms and whatnot. Out of context, literal insects.

In otherwords the article is referring to bacteria and whatnot that has evolved to the zero-g environment and questionably built up drug-resistance.

Betting 10-1 they are bedbugs brought on board by a poo in the loo. Either that or fruit flies

Oh shut the fuck up, these fucking journalists are desperate for clicks. It's just some fucking Earth bugs that accidentally found their way into some of the equipment that was launched up there. There are no "space bugs" or whatever bullshit your stupid little imagination wants to flagellate itself over. Fuck you for linking this you fucking journalist, I hope you fucking hang from a noose tied around a lamppost

POC =/= bugs

More lies, station isn't even real.. Oh but believe some lie about bugs nice.

inb4 this is a false flag for the blame to be placed on so that a bioweapon can kill billions of ppl

>Just bacteria
Yea random living organisms appearing out of nowhere on a space station. No big deal or anything. I see you space niggers gtfo.

>out of nowhere
pretty sure out of someone's asshole

Well, they used to be earth bugs.
Now they have been exposed to space radiation, soon they will descend back to the earth in their horrific new form.

no nigger cannot come from an asshole in space because no asshole has made it past the firmament. earth is flat and this is just another bullshit nasa story to gin up money so them and their freemason friends can go on taxpayer trips to south america and fuck kids with the royal order of jesters

Neck yourself


Archive you fucking faggot.

The hive fleet is coming.

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Delet this right fucking now or else!

space wall when?

They thought they could contain her....

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I checked it out. It's literally nothing. Resume Trump posting.

They don't want you to know, they've already infiltrated most world governments. If you have any amount of desire for self preservation you should get out of this thread immediately. The conse

>Country has no space program
>Only attempt was a giant super gun that shot projectiles into space
>Leaf inventor tried building said gun for Iraq
>Jews whacked him
A Leaf space odyssey

There is no ISS senpai

And jizz and pussy juice

Hint, humans are filthy bags of saltwater, bacteria and a few mammal cells to drive the whole mess. This is just from sweat and shit.

It's probably just the turkish astronaut.

Gee whiz goys I sure do wonder who’s behind this post !?

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It should've ended long ago.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help:
TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be/PZ3hESj__M8)
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be/H124iZiyGUs)

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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Yeah honestly I don't understand how they can live there for months. Ok weightlesness must be cool but is it worth it? And they even have women over there! Imagine when they have their periods! I bet that's the origin of those bugs yuck

lawl - ian and matthew are the same photo

thats real look at the thread that happened on /x like 3 hours ago it was surreal.

That’s a really nice shade of white. Like a cream ayy.



I cant fucking find it. gibs link kind user

theres fucking people living there who barely shower. it's probably something boring

>not floating through a fog of menstrual blood and cherishing the aroma
Why even live?

I, for one, welcome our new alien overlords.