Devs Nov 20 >Jihadist attack kills two SAA soldiers in Aleppo >YPG members open fire on arab protesters in Ash-Shaddadi, Haskah prov >From Nov18-20 Turkish Armed Forces attacked own proxies in Afrin region due to 'looting&crimes'. Others claim the groups became too independent >SAA command announces full liberation of Al-Safa region >Iraqi Air Force launches several airstrikes over Syria, 40+ IS terrorists killed >US envoy:All foreign troops except Russia must leave Syria >Russian Navy begins large-scale war games near Syrian coast >SAA seizes Israeli-made explosives left behind in Al-Quneitra >SAA denies reports of Israeli airstrikes over west Damascus >Afghanistan:Suicide attack kills 50+, 72injured during a religious celebration in Kabul >Afghan government created 6,000-strong force to stop taliban advance in Ghazni province >Houthis halt missile and drones attacks on Saudi Arabia and UAE, call for peace talks
baSHART al-ASShurt is a subhuman and will get BTFO by based ISIS
Grayson Anderson
>guys this is the most isolated country on earth, literally no one knows whats going on in it >anyway heres a list of terrible things that happen in it (totally true, check out this crying gook lady )
Ruptly United Nations special envoy Martin Griffiths concluded talks with the Houthi leadership in Sanaa on Saturday, before leaving for Riyadh to hold talks with the Saudi-backed Yemeni authorities about ending the civil war in Yemen.
Blake Morgan
Ruptly Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko put the blame for the Holodomor famine in Ukraine in the 1930s on Russia, as he spoke during the commemoration ceremony marking the 85th anniversary of the tragic events in Kiev on Saturday.
It depends If people of a city care about the city, it's good(like Isfahan or Tabriz) In multi ethnic cities(like Tehran or Ahwaz) it's not so good because people don't care about the city. For example Shiraz was a fine city but after immigrations in recent years it's not as good as before. new citizens don't care about they city like original citizens. Isfahan is cleanest city in Iran because they care about the city(they have unique culture-accent-behavior) but in a city like Tehran these is no culture/authenticity. it's just a place to live.
he's easily recognizable, he tries to say/add bitch in every post/name. just the fake fake jewish jew, an obese kike that larps as another kike (himself larping as another kike)
Nolan Nelson
the druzi is death, asma is dying and suheil will get shoahd by asshart
Tyler Turner
al-irani is a good regular tho
Austin Gray
AP Archive (24 Nov 2018) French police fired tear gas and water cannons to disperse demonstrators in Paris on Saturday, as thousands gathered in the capital and beyond and staged road blockades to vent anger against rising fuel taxes.
Jason Watson
context please
John Evans
>just the fake fake jewish jew, an obese kike that larps as another kike (himself larping as another kike) the absolute state of sgcucks
Hunter Thompson
ignoring her request of interaction is part of the apartheid my dude
Brandon Baker
>it's good it doesn't mean anything coming from a human garbage, but what about the 2nd question?
Jason Hughes
it interacts with maghregirl all the time even voluntarily. it is cancer
Asher Jones
Children of Korean war defectors or POWs now integrated in NK society.
Y-... You have a crush on it! the fuck is wrong with you?
Sebastian Hill
>CIA report: Israel will fall in 20 years The CIA report predicts “an inexorable movement away from a two-state to a one-state solution, as the most viable model based on democratic principles of full equality that sheds the looming specter of colonial Apartheid while allowing for the return of the 1947/1948 and 1967 refugees. The latter being the precondition for sustainable peace in the region.”
The study, which has been made available only to a certain number of individuals, further forecasts the return of all Palestinian refugees to the occupied territories, and the exodus of two million Israeli – who would move to the US in the next fifteen years.
“There is over 500,000 Israelis with American passports and more than 300,000 living in the area of just California,” International lawyer Franklin Lamb said in an interview with Press TV on Friday, adding that those who do not have American or western passport, have already applied for them.
“So I think the handwriting at least among the public in Israel is on the wall…[which] suggests history will reject the colonial enterprise sooner or later,” Lamb stressed.
He said CIA, in its report, alludes to the unexpectedly quick fall of the apartheid government in South Africa and recalls the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, suggesting the end to the dream of an ‘Israeli land’ would happen ‘way sooner’ than later.
The study further predicts the return of over one and a half million Israelis to Russia and other parts of Europe, and denotes a decline in Israeli births whereas a rise in the Palestinian population.
Lamb said given the Israeli conduct toward the Palestinians and the Gaza strip in particular, the American public — which has been voicing its protest against Tel Aviv’s measures in the last 25 years — may ‘not take it anymore’.
How dare you speak, you swarthy rape baby. How dare you open your cleft lipped, cum encrusted, cock smelling mouth?
You are human trash, xerxes khamenei. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your indeterminable ethnic origin offers no hope to the world that the middle east can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the bazaar you came out of, you literal mongrel.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of memes and shitposting on /sg/ every night will make you liked. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of russian hegemony.
You make /ptg/ look like a beacon of quality content.
Consider this: This general endured and survived Mark, Onur, Al Urduni and plenty of other shitposters. and yet at rare occasions they were somewhat informative, or at least tried to. so even they weren't completely boycotted.
Now consider how much of an annoying useless nigger fake maghrebois has to be in order for this mutt infested general to come to this.
All he has to do is improve his posts. but he won't, so stop encouraging it.
this. but you should punish the ones still interacting with her tbqh or it wont ever work. Therefor kill all the other cancers along with her. urduni, anglo, tranny, etc
Easton Turner
kinda pathetic that u actually take it seriously, its a shitty sub on a shitty board about to get deleted, did we ruin sg? yeah, thats the point, we fuck up every thread and shit on it and theres nothing u can about it
funny how you're obsessed with der AI(yy-)DStr*nNEET(iktok)s(c)he-BETApedayous"MAN" while it never (or almost) interacted with you. Wouldn't you be that afghan kh*mmie r*pefugee that beta orbits her to the point of having a mental crisis when someone else talks to her? yep, he's stealing your e waifu, nigger, and there's nothing you can do about it. DEAL with IT.
Jaxson Allen
First post her pics to prove she's cute. I ain't gonna convert if she looks like a camel.
"In itself, there really should not be any choice between Islam and Christianity, any more than between Arabs and Jews. [...] Either you are a Chandala [subhuman] or you are not..."
[F. Nietzsche – 'The Anti-Christ' (1888), Chapter 60: Pg. 61-62]
Daily reminder if you aren't muslim you're a subhuman. Jow Forums BTFO
>seems the cancer is extra seething tonight they feel threatened now that they're being ostracized taking away the juice of their presence seems to be painful