How come even the most retarded primitive niggers are better at border patrol than us contemporaneous high tech society?
How come even the most retarded primitive niggers are better at border patrol than us contemporaneous high tech society?
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If only all world government had the same standard
Because no one wants to live there. No economy. No welfare. No hot white women.
Because they don't give a fuck.
Actually having to put effort in to survive makes you value what you have and know that something will take it from you if you arent vigilant
They don't care about hurting someone's feelings for protecting their borders.
We allow it you dink.
If it were my choice, i'd colonize the SHIT out of that island.
Because human life has no value there.
Because over 100 years ago, some nutcase came to the island and measured guys dicks and acted all weird. Ever since then, they never trusted the white man.
Because theyre protected by the Indian military
We couldn't learn from these guys because all people we sent on fact-finding missions were killed.
No open borders with that crowd.
Animals don’t have a functional prefrontal cortex and are not afflicted by altruism
Why couldn't someone send a bunch of drones to the island to monitor these things?
They’re Asian not black.
that's wrong.
They interacted with a white guy about 100 years ago and he kidnapped a few of these island mongs for science, ended up killing them because they're anti-vaxxers and their immune system is as useful as Anne Frank's drum kit.
They migrated from africa centuries ago.
The sentinelese are right wing as fuck.
explain dogs
They shoot.
They migrated from Africa just like our ancestors did, but were part of an even earlier migration. It was far more than ‘centuries’ ago; at this point they are genetically further from Africans than whites or Asians are.
>literally are so grog they don't even use metals
>I can identify with their governance
>this is a good thing
This is why you will loose in the end
They dont have to deal with lawyers, liberals or Jews.
Let's bring them some democracy
explain humans that are assholes, including whites.
They know the difference between tourism and forceful penetration.
I heard that island was just loaded with oil!
This. These people are literal animals.
>Because no Jew wants to live there
What about abbos?
Same with them, although I think they’re separate from this population.
Who are the homosexuals in the photo you posted?
inbred like Democrats
>lmao did that guy just point his dick at the camera.
Because every one of them have the ok to shoot foreign people on sight.
These people have not been immunised, so coming in contact with modern people could potentially wipe them out.
This isn't fair exchange. Pajeets need to offer their anus to noble savages. Please be respectful and fair to them, pajeets.
>"You guys might think I'm crazy in all this but I think it's worthwhile to declare Jesus to these people," it said. "God, I don't want to die."
His last message to his family.
If compassion was ever the primary motivation for humans we would integrate them. Instead we let them live like animals. Our societies do not allow the mentally deficient and children to make decisions for themselves, so respecting their wishes is no excuse.
The truth is that we leave them there because no one wants them. If there were any value to that island we would land like Hernando fucking Cortez. We should napalm the island and build a Walmart. If any survive they can be door greeters and cart collectors.
See here There is no way to integrate them without potentially killing them all. Also, what makes you think they want your integration forced upon them?
Because they had to stop one guy. That's pretty easy.
I have faith in modern medicine. As to your question, like I said, our society makes decisions for the well being of children and the mentally deficient(people who live like animals fall into this category).
like an ingrown festering rotten toe nail, white women constantly there to ruin even the most basic and simple efforts of white men.
they are evil witches, demons, ghouls, satans. armageddon is female. abaddon, apollo, hades. this is white woman manifest.
remove by force, no remorse
That's a good meme.
>I have faith in modern medicine
I don't think these people have health insurance.
They most likely value the lives of people close to them, i.e; not yours.
That's how most people work really; but disingenuous westerners like to pretend everybody's life matters to them.
Mostly when angling for a Human Resources job.
The Faggots.
What is a government but a collective of individuals. If everyone in the country uses their guns against foreign invaders, would nationalism be possible?
Ofcourse. very few countries are self-sufficient. Germany is an example, they have the HIGH exports. And some countries are entirely UN-self-sufficient and rely on leeching, Israel is an example.
Ofcourse you would expect the countries that benefit from leeching to rebel against nationalism.
Because they live on a resourceless 36^2 km island in the middle of the ocean.
Don't worry. They have the right melanin levels to qualify for Medicaid.
Ahaha I’m stealing that Anne Frank’s drum kit lol
There's gotta be some way that Netflicks or whoever can monetize these new celebs.
What about "Million Dollor Desperate Island Dash"
I wonder what sentinelese loli cummy feels like.
why is that dude dressed up like a girl ?
Why do you think it is compassionate to impose your culture on people who do not live in your country?
Evangelising priests of many religions think they have a right to spread the "compassion" of religious conversion with disastrous results for the unlucky recipients.
How is your forced conversion of the Sentinelese to "the benefits of the west" any different?
Easy there, anti-theist. I said nothing defending the missionary. While I think he was naive and foolish, he was infinitely more valuable to my country than 150 island animals. But no, your nihilism has convinced me. All cultures are equal and beautiful and the way of life of these savages is far superior to that of Western Civilization. Thank you.